
Storage Building 3

The guy who blocked the principal's path had come to his rescue. His name was Blake. He was also in the final years of high school. He stood tall against the Flesh-Eating Monster who he had just sent flying by hitting him in the head with his metal rod.

"Now that's how you take care of some filthy mad man," Blake said as he held that metal rod on his right shoulder.

The principal fell to the ground. He cried in pain while holding his shoulder. The professor came to the principal's aid and helped him to stop the bleeding.

While the principal was crying and struggling in pain, he called out, "Damn it! It hurts!" he looked at Blake with a deadly stare, "It's all became of you! Damn it!"

"Huh? Because of me? Didn't I just save your life?"

"Shut up!" the principal screamed.

"Hey! All I did, was to make you face responsibility. And, isn't it a great thing? Cause' if it were not you that guy could have attacked some other student. So, you basically saved one of your students. You should be proud!"

"Fuck off! I don't care about you students. You could all go to hell! Especially you Blake!"

"Sir calm down a little," the professor tried to hold down the principal in one place.

Blake let out a sigh, "Did you just see that everybody? The true form of your so-called principal. He is nothing more than a selfish man!" he announced to everyone.

Everyone started whispering about it. And, they looked towards the principal in a manner as if they were calling him pathetic. They didn't feel sympathy towards him anymore.

"That's what happens when you believe in these grown-ups. They would only care about themselves and will leave you behind in the most need."

"Enough of this, Blake!" the professor said.

"No, I am not stopping. Haku also wanted to tell you all this but he was foolish and overconfident. And, so he got taken out by that monster of yours. But, he at least tried. He wanted to show you not to fear these things. He wanted you guy to have faith in yourself and not fall because of something like this."

Everyone in the building was moved by his words. Even if they were so scared of dying a second earlier, all of a sudden a wave of courage got flowed inside all of the students. And, their respect for the fallen Haku increased. Those terrified faces finally showed a glimpse of courage and cheerfulness.

"That's right! So decide for yourself if you wanna sit here with the teachers and wait for some imaginary help to come or you will come with me? Because I am going to survive and escape this school no matter what!"

"I will come with you," a voice came from someone in the crowd. Then, another one called out the same thing. And, in no time every student was saying the same thing. That they will escape the school together with Blake!"

But their cheerful moment didn't last long as the monster which Blake had hit on the head with his metal rod, stood up.

Everyone in the Storage Building again silenced up and just looked towards the monster who had just stood up.

He had a big dent on his head from where blood was leaking out. A normal human would end up dead if he had received that kind of injury but that man stood fiercely against everyone.

"Unbelievable!" someone from the crowd whispered, "There is no way a human can survive in that state. What kind of monster is he?"

Looking at his dented face, people got an awkward feeling. All their resolve that they had made seemed to be lost, now.

"Do not worry!" Blake said. "He is not someone that you should be afraid of. He is just a mindless and weak creature who doesn't know how to die."

"But will he survive if I did that?" Blake shouted as he charged toward that man with his metal bat.

That man growled even louder, he also charged straight at Blake.

The two beings clashed with each other. But as that man had nothing other than his teeth to defend himself, he got hit by the metal bat head-on with Blake's full strength. He fell to the ground, now his face had a dent on the other side too but he still was able to move. He struggled to get up but Blake didn't let him. He charged at that fallen man with his metal bat and repeatedly hit him on the head with the bat. Every stroke by Blake transfigured the shape of that man's face and blood sprinkled everywhere around him. Blake kept on striking his head non-stop until it finally burst out.

Everyone in the building was shocked by that slaughter in front of their eyes. Some even had to puke.

Blake took deep breaths as he wiped the blood which had gotten onto his face.

That man's face was now flat on the ground and he didn't move a single inch after taking all that beating. He was finally dead.

"That's how you do things, everyone!" Blake stood tall beside the corpse of that man.

Everyone was terrified but they felt relieved as the terror they feared to was finally dead. Their fear was beatable! They rejoiced at that moment in hopes that they would be able to defeat those monsters.

They finally had some confidence in them all thanks to Blake, for showing them that the monsters are not immortal.

But their rejoicing didn't last long as they saw more than a dozen of those Flesh-Eating Monsters approach the Storage Building.

Their fear returned. 'Will I be able to beat them?' was the question that erupted in everyone's mind. They took a gulp in and tried to conquer their fear but it wasn't easy for them. They couldn't just do things like Blake that easily. They felt pathetic for not having enough determination even after what Blake did for them.

"It's okay!" Blake shouted. "If your body still fears those incoming monsters, it's alright. There is nothing wrong with it! You have to give it some time. Not everyone can conquer their fear that fast. So, I want you all to stand there and just watch. And, if anyone of you has conquered their fear, then come out from the crowd and assist me in defeating them"

Blake's words gave warmth to everyone's heart and came ahead those who were ready to fight.

6 guys came ahead from the crowd. Each having a metal rod in their hands. Shogo was one of them too.

All 6 of them lined up behind Blake and Blake stood in the center.

They awaited those more than a dozen of monsters. All 7 of them, including Blake, were ready to fight!