
The past

As the hunters had discovered a way to protect themselves from conversion, their blood became poisonous to vampires. But the Hunter had a unique immunity - after a single encounter, they were forever protected. However, they had to use restraints and a chair, as the pain they experienced was excruciating compared to the villagers who bore no trace of vampirism in them.

Those who had studied the old chronicles knew the main difference between villagers and human hunters: all of humanity was, in a sense, already touched by vampirism. This condition was like a chain, with humans not only standing at its end but also at its beginning. Any entity possessing vampirism, including humans, would be allergic to garlic if it was present in their blood, harming the vampiric nature within them.

As the Hunter went through the painful process of cleansing their blood of vampiric influences, they experienced fevers and symptoms of blood poisoning, almost bringing them to the brink of death. However, this purification allowed them to develop abnormal strength and resistance to vampiric infections.

The transformation triggered by garlic intoxication did not turn the Hunter into a classic vampire but rather enhanced their physical prowess beyond human levels. This abnormal state of vampiric potential increased their aggression and drove them to seek blood even when it was unnecessary.

Under the Prince's leadership for a decade, the Hunter had witnessed his rise to power and the transformation of the forest into a sanctuary for creatures like them. Initially dismissed as weak, the Prince proved his strength by defeating a pureblood hunter, garnering attention and respect from his peers.

As the Prince continued to grow in power and influence, he extended an offer to the Hunter, presenting a scroll that detailed his vision of protecting their kind and becoming a formidable force in the dark lands. With a newfound purpose and sense of belonging, the Hunter joined forces with the Prince, becoming one of his loyal followers.

In a secretive moment, the Prince revealed a chest to the Hunter, whispering about a hidden treasure that would unlock untapped potential and grant them even greater power in their quest for dominance. The Hunter, filled with anticipation and loyalty, vowed to follow the Prince into the depths of darkness and conquer any obstacles that stood in their way.

He opened the chest and revealed a cloak and a bottle of pureblood. Swiftly, he draped the cloak around his shoulders and uncorked the bottle. He raised the pureblood to his lips, draining it as something monstrous began to grow from his back.

Crimson wings unfurled behind him, stretching out as my Prince stood tall. A laugh escaped his lips as he caught sight of my shocked expression.

"Don't fret, these are merely temporary," he reassured me. "They will vanish in a matter of minutes. I stumbled upon this effect during my experiments." My shock transformed into awe as I contemplated how much about our own kind remained unknown to us.

"I have been conducting clandestine research on how we can further enhance ourselves. These wings are just the beginning of unlocking our true potential," he explained. With that, he departed the room, leaving me to absorb this incredible revelation.

Someday, we would depart from this shadowy forest and usher in a new era for our kind. While unsure of the specifics, I held firm belief that with my Prince leading the vampires of this realm, we could overcome any challenge that dared to impede our progress.

"That was before the Prince mysteriously disappeared. I continued his research to find how to unlock the full potential of the vampires, all while waiting for the Prince to return. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years, and years turned into decades. Centuries passed, and still, there was no sign of the Prince.

After hearing the strange man's story, Balthazar's mind was filled with doubt. He couldn't fully comprehend everything that had been said to him, but he knew that he was deeply entangled in something he couldn't escape.

"In this current generation, we have different varieties of vampires, but we must stay hidden due to the relentless vampire hunters. We operate in the shadows," the man explained. Throughout the conversation, Balthazar's expression remained neutral.

Balthazar hesitated for a moment before asking his question. "Why did you choose me out of all the people in the city?"

The man looked at him thoughtfully before responding, "You were in need. I don't turn people into vampires without a special condition, and there are limits to how many I can turn. Congratulations on successfully becoming a halfling."

Balthazar was taken aback by the revelation of his new status. The man explained the different ranks in the vampire hierarchy, including ghouls, halflings, vampires, and more.

As he showed Balthazar a bottle of black liquid for protection, the man warned him about the dangers not only from vampire hunters but also from werewolves. He emphasized the need for caution in all interactions.

Deep in the forest, they encountered a massive, ancient castle that would be Balthazar's new home for the foreseeable future. Ruben, the man who had revealed his name, assured him that they would inform his aunt of his stay.

Standing in front of the imposing gates adorned with skulls, Balthazar felt a mix of awe and apprehension. The journey into the world of vampires was only just beginning for him."

Balthazar felt a chill down his spine as he stared at the gate, giving off a creepy sensation to anyone who visited for the first time. The creaking sound echoed as the gate began to open, and a cold wind rushed out, causing Balthazar to shiver. Looking at Ruben, who remained unmoved, he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

As the gate swung open completely, Ruben and Balthazar ventured inside at a moderate pace. Balthazar couldn't help but think about how intimidating they must look to any onlookers at that moment. "I swear, if anyone saw us now, they'd definitely scream about how cool we look," Balthazar thought to himself as they proceeded into the castle.