
LESSON N.º 5: The Sons of Poseidon

I search the library with incoming desperation, the bedroom is so big that, in my opinion, they should put up posters everywhere. I'd line the walls with signs.

I meet Alesha, alone, it's strange ... Diana and her are inseparable, I get closer at a feline pace.

<< And Diana? >> she jumps before facing me. Her eyes don't have that sparkle that always makes her aura glow.

- She's with some second-year girls ...- Her words surprise me slightly. But before she can keep asking, she answers me. - As her grades are excellent, they have advanced her final exam, she has obtained a Lady Dagenda ...

Her words are broken, for the first time, I go over and give a hug. She clings to my dark green T-shirt as she stains it with tears and snot. I gently pat her head as she unburns herself.

<< You have no family, do you? >> She lifts her head driven by horror, fear and something else that I have to ask Sam to teach me. Her features are disfigured once more as she takes a couple of steps away.

Her running away reminds me that I have to find the library.

With a heavy sigh I see myself alone, again, amid the immensity of the building. Some girls pass by me, complaining about a Mythology job, they have to meet others in the Library. I follow them to the doors with almost magical engravings.

The wood absorbs me, it tells me the terrifying story of it, but at the same time, nostalgic. I open the doors and wander between the shelves, I swipe a finger, I am surprised to see that they are not full of dust like those of my old Institute ...

I wonder what my mother is doing. And grumpy Mrs. Lauren, sometimes I can hear her morning screams.

I stop my walk before a shelf, a book that, in its best days, had a bright cover the color of clouds, catches my attention. I hold it, it's thick and heavy. I go to one of the center tables, turn on the table lamp and open it in the middle.

"The Sons of Poseidon"

I read in a low voice, a whisper of annoyance reminding me that nobody likes noise in a Library.

I turn the page with curiosity, a creature similar to a fairy, without wings… Spellbound by its beauty, I read its description:


Spirits of the water that control that same element. Their greatest weakness is the source of the water they come from, where their soul resides. If the source takes minimal damage, they die. "

I keep reading, absorbed, ignoring the last rays of sunlight that slip through the window. The noise of the door closing.


In the Nordic language, his name means <<twisted>> or <<impure>>. It lurks in the depths of the sea, its size is similar to that of a giant, it lives in deep waters.

They have a tendency to violent behavior when their territory is invaded. Their lives are long, but they are not immortal, as any supernatural being can be defeated. His weak point is his right eye, where his most precious treasure resides, a priceless gem that holds his soul. "

Rip out his right eye and have control over the monster... if he doesn't catch me with his tentacles first.

"Jenny Greenteeth:

A childlike spirit with eyes as big as saucers, skin and teeth green like seaweed.

She controls water like the other Poseidon creatures, but her biggest hobby is drowning. She enjoys seeing her victims suffer her very death, then devours their souls to make herself stronger and leaves the remains for the fish. "


Its appearance is a cross between a dog and a otter. They always go in pairs, they have a horn on their foreheads that allows them to return things to their place, if you do not receive a Dohbar-chú as familiar, do not try to understand the ability of their horn.

Their call can find their partners within a radius of five kilometers. "

It seems the Sons of Poseidon were lucky if they got the Kraken. Clearly, it is the only useful one.

I stretch out in the chair and look at the desolate library. In the dark, a shadow approaches at a leisurely pace, a smile on her face as she takes my face in her hands.

I feel her lips like a welcome caress.

- Ailey, you should go to your room…- Her hoarse voice makes me wince. - It's late.

Before she can leave, I take her hand and feel her on my lap. I smile at her raised eyebrow, but I don't have time to complain about her.

I kiss her, forgetting the gentle touch from before.