
Chapter 2

I want my steps to be firmer, but I can't. My feet sink into the soft sand, golden and wet under the gray clouds that accompany me.

I'm looking for a secluded place, there are more students on the beach, I don't want them to come near. I sit down carefully, I put the book on my lap, I look at its cover with the shining name that stands out among the drawings on the hard cover. I shrug and open it to the last chapter.

- So Nuffield, huh? - I look up and there is no one in front of me. Someone sits next to me, the golden sand sinks under his weight. I look at the larimar eyes that have been late to Mr. Hales's class. - That's advanced chemistry.

I get uneasy about his proximity, put my hands on the sand and gently rise to make room. I return to bury my gaze in my passionate reading, but his voice stops me again.

- My name is William, but you can call me Will ... - I look at his hand suspended in the air. I've seen this before, people use that gesture to greet or introduce themselves politely. - Nice to meet you.

His smile dazzles me, I don't know what to do so I turn over the page that I have already read and continue my reading, in silence. Yet he keeps talking.

- What's your name? -I look at him again, there is something in his eyes that says he will not give up. I sigh heavily and open my lips. I close them instantly. I don't have to answer. -Professor Hales told me that you can help me with chemistry, you are his best student and I will be his worst student so ...- Seeing that my mind is still lost between words incomprehensible to him, he continues with his monologue. -. Could you help me, Ailye?

- Ailey. - I whisper letting the tide carry my voice. He seems surprised, but I decide not to repeat my name.

- Sorry, Ailey. -He apologizes, with a tone of voice that I do not identify, but that my colleagues use to call me with words that are far from being my name. I think it's mockery. - Well?

I look at him, this time I'm angry. I take a few seconds to observe the calm of the waves. Why doesn't he go away?

I close the book and hold it to my chest as I get up so quickly I feel like a sigh. I start walking to the rocks, who allow the waves to crash violently against them. I climb deftly as I hear his snorts, I turn my head and see that he is indeed following me.

- How can you climb so easily? -I ignore the doubt of him, I continue to the highest point, hoping that he will leave. But it's not like that. For a few minutes, I want to continue my reading in peace, but then I see how he sits next to me, again, out of the corner of my eye. Another sigh escapes my lips. Why is he so persistent?

- Will you help me with chemistry?

I remove the rebellious hair from my gaze, so that he can see that I am angry. That he is pissing me off as only one person has managed to do. I raise my legs until my knees touch the book, still pressed against my chest.

I nod.

I am aware at the moment that it was a wrong decision, but something in me screams that he will not leave me alone if he does not get tutoring from me.

- Perfect, do we start today? - I nod, again, the sooner he leaves me alone, the better. - Great! Today after class, in the Chemistry classroom.

I hear the bell of the distant school, echoing between the concrete walls. I get up, I have to go back to class. He follows me all the way, his lips don't close for a second and the minuscule time I thought I had to myself has vanished along with his persistent presence.

- I did not know this way, is it a shortcut?

In a few steps my feet are already on the school grounds, at the top of the hill. I hear the busy voices of the students who were also on the beach and will not be able to arrive on time for class. I keep walking until I'm through the backyard door, a presence glued to me.

- What's your lesson now? - My feet stop in front of my locker, I take the bag where I have the physical education clothes and I resume the way to the gym. - Do you also have gymnastics, Aliey?

I'm starting to hate his knack for changing his name whatever he pleases, it's like calling a stapler a "paper gluing machine." But I nod. Not understanding why he is still by my side, I immerse myself in my mind until I find myself in the gym. I walk into the changing rooms, ignoring the whispers of other girls who have already changed.

I choose the first locker that I see free, I put the bag on the bench and undress. Once ready, I rush to get to the crowd of teenagers who listen attentively to the teacher. I stand two steps away from them.

My arms are crossed over my chest as the mane of reddish curls falls gently over my gaze. Some say that I look threatening when I make this gesture. It is a habit. I close my eyes, heeding Mr. Grant's instructions.

- ...So we'll start by circling the track ten times to warm up, - The murmur of displeasure from the class interrupts the concentration action that I can quickly resume. - Then we will start with the initial speed tests, this year we will also work on resistance and elasticity - More terrified moans. -. Let's go!

Once the start signal is given, I turn away from the others. I walk to the starting line and decide to take the ten laps easy. I'm not one of the slowest to warm up, I don't want to waste energy unnecessarily.

It ended almost at the same time as the new guy ... Phil? No, I think I remember his name had an "i" on it, but I can't find it in my slithering memories.

I see how he approaches, his lips are parted and he begins to raise a hand, but the teacher speaks again. I focus all my attention on the man in his forties, with no hair to show off, but with a well-groomed, dark body.

-Before starting with the tests, we are going to do a relay race, - He looked at us one by one, he was counting us. He made a strange movement with his fingers before screaming again. - I want four groups of five!

Instantly, I am alone. I shrugged my shoulders before going to sit on the bleachers. Silently, I watch Phil win the race, the others cheering like there's no tomorrow. They've beaten the girls, they immediately blame Sally. She is nice, she has straight dark hair, eyes hidden behind bottle butt glasses and an overweight problem. Sometimes I think she could be the daughter of the Hales, my funny neighbours.

I see how she shrinks in her place, she does not say anything, she knows that it is not her fault, its everyone's... they do not take these exercises seriously, but they have a bad time to lose. I watch as a tear escapes her.

I get up, the speed tests are about to start.

- The first to run will be Will Thorm and Ailey Filleule!

I sigh heavily as Will, not Phil, winks at me.

I walk until I reach the starting position. His larimar gaze observes me with pity, his lips, a coral hue, open again.

- I'll try not to leave you behind. -His words make me frown.

The blast of the whistle catches me off guard. I bolt out of the air, catching Will in less than expected. I speed up a bit more, I run much faster through the forest, but I know that with beating him I will be satisfied.

As I reach the end line of the field I stop with feline grace, Will trips and falls. I get closer and it's my turn to watch. He huffs like there's no tomorrow. He runs his forearm over his gaze, calms down.

- You're fast.