
part 2

The plane took off a little late that day or may be Paul was so restive about reaching soon. He looked out from the window but it was all black, plane was moving in trembling manner.  It was because it was stormy out side.

The flight was supposed to land at Delhi.

It landed after 17 hours. Smith was relieved as this sccumbbed his ennui but there was more of it. Paul had to take another 7 hour long drive to Simla.

He came out of the airport, and started to look around for a taxi.

"Sir, please come with me" a man in dusty white shirt, came to Paul. "I have a taxi." he said again. Paul was tired, he went with him as soon as he could. Paul asked him "Can you please drop me to this hotel"?

"Yes, its next to it!"  The taxi dropped Paul. Paul was very tired. He get to his room and ordered a cup of coffee. He knew, he had to drive him self to Simla on his own tomorrow. He had to call car renting companies and he had to book a room, somwhere in Simla too.

"Finally all of the work has been done" said Paul to himself. Suddenly, the lights started to dim and at last  went off. Paul tried to lit his lighter but he couldn't. Instantaneously, he began to hear a crying voice. That voice was coming from the bathroom. Paul voiced up and asked, "who's there?" But nobody replied and those sounds became louder. The cries were attractive. It seemed a woman is crying in dreadful pain.

Suddenly the door knocked, it knocked very loudly all at once and woke Paul up. Somebody was yelling on Paul.

"If you do not want coffee, why'd you ordered it. Please take it now. I am standing from 10 minutes."

Paul realized it was a dream again. Paul found him, very sweaty and felt agitated. His legs were aching. He looked his hands, and they were a lot red than usual. May be his heart was pumping his blood very quickly.

The voice came again,

"Take your coffee, you donkey!"