
Lani's Royale

She was haunted. Scarily haunted. After that incident, Leilani is trapped in that trench of endless nightmare with no knowledge of what was going on. "You're crazy. No one would believe you. One day you'll fail", the voice said to her. It kept coming. "Don't listen to it Lani. I'm here. You can lean on me", the man said to her, grasping her out of that endless torture and leading her into a new light.

Crystalella · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 16. Closer

Chapter 16. Closer

Stephan looked at her. It was a coincidence that he was here. He had taken the route leading to Royale to check up on her. And met her in this extreme state of crisis. However, no matter how much he will explain to her, she might choose not to believe him.

"No matter what I tell you, you'll believe whatever you want".

" Yeah,vat least I have the right to do that".

Stephan sighed and walked to the shelter that was at the bustop. He elegantly set himself on the seat while waiting for a bus.

Leilani watched him as he took his time though anxiety was eating her up.

"It was also a coincidence Lani. I happened to meet you here as well".

Leilani clenched her fists when she heard this. "You could just say the truth".

"Well, I just did".

Leilani sighed as she raked her fingers through her hair. "Why can't I believe you?"

"Because you have something you want to believe".

Leilani looked away from him. He was right. Though he had those naughty effects on her, she wasn't going to be blinded by them. She wanted to blame him for being the culprit. She wanted him a be the devil that was tormenting her.

"Look here Lani, I don't know the thoughts you have about me, but I just want you to know something. If I happen to walk through the doors of the station and nothing is found out, then you're the one going down".

"I know!", she yelled at him. "Did you think I haven't thought about that? That's the reason ".

Stephan stood from the seat and walked to where she stood. He grasped her shoulders gently but firmly. He looked her straight in the eyes.

"Hey, calm down. Don't act the way they want you to act".

"They're messing with me ".

"Don't give them a chance to. Be strong".

She clenched her fists tightly as the tears she was holding from falling finally flowed out. Stephan pulled her into his arms in consolation.

The duo later took a taxi home. Stephan accompanied her to her place. Mia wasn't in as she had some stuffs to catch up with her team. It was just the two of them.

"Nice house", Stephan complemented when he got in. His deep blue eyes scanned the surroundings like that of a hawk.

"Thanks", she said with a slight smile. They got to the living room and Stephan set himself on the cushion.

"How do you like your coffee? Do you even like coffee?", she asked with a flushed expression when she realized that she had mixed the questions. He was making her feel conscious of herself and wasn't even helping matters. Worst still, be was looking at her at the moment.

"Why's your face red? Did you catch a cold when we were outside?"

Idiot! She wanted to scream at him. How dare he ask her that?

"I'm good".

"Ok. I'd like coffee. Iced".

As if granted amnesty, Leilani dashed out of the living room to the kitchen. She needed a fresh air. It didn't take much time to get the coffee done so she was out within some minutes. When she returned,she met him checking various corners. A smile crossed her face when she understood what he was doing.

"They'd never come here. There's tight security".

"You think?"

"Yeah. At the very least ".

"Still, I want to make sure", he said and turned to her. "I don't feel good leaving you to sleep alone tonight".

"So? What are you saying?"

"I didn't say anything". He walked to where she stood and took the coffee from he . He sipped it and nodded with a smile at her.

"Nice coffee".

"You could have let me taste it first", Leilani said.

"Why? Did you poison it?", he asked with a mock surprised look on his face.

"It could have been. I might have wanted to get back at you".

"But it's not poisoned. You're not one to poison someone. You're a good person".

"You think?", she asked with an arched brow.

"Of course ", he said with an alluring smile which swept her off her feet. He walked back to the cushion.

"I saw you at the contest. You did well".

"I was just promoting Royale", she said not wanting to accept the praise.

"I know. But that was a very good strategy. If not for one thing, I would have believed that you were the one who planned it all".

Leilani chuckled. " I'm not that evil Stephan".

Stephan. That sounded so... silky smooth when coming from her mouth. She's the person who had called his name in the nicest manner.

Stephan looked at her. "Seems we've gotten close. You said my name".

Leilani's eyes quivered and she suddenly felt thirsty. "You think? I'll get a glass of water first ", she said and ran off.

A soft chuckle left his lips when she ran off.