

The 'Eyes' were based in a section of the palace away from all other traffic, with servants, stewards and staff told to keep away. Very few in Nightingale armour were ever around. Either Karliah or Brynjolf was always on site, otherwise most operatives were now out in the field. Those that weren't were at an undisclosed location. Even I did not know. I did not want to know. I trust my Nightingales, my 'Eyes' to do the jobs I could not do, and that I didn't particularly want to order either. But I had learned over the years that I had to make some decisions that would have, before becoming Emperor, kept me up at night.

However, my 'Eyes' continued to report successes. The turnaround in just a decade of the Imperial spy services was staggering. I know the Thalmor now feared my 'Eyes'. I'm not sure they even knew the name of the organisation, though I'm sure it had probably been learned over time. Anequina was now in open revolt against Thalmor subversion, and rumour was that they were on the verge of calling the Empire for assistance. The Argonians were already making moves for a temporary alliance regarding the threat of Thalmor and Pellitine shipping in and around the Topal Sea. Hammerfell were now permanent allies once again, and while I did not anticipate them re-joining the Empire, old wounds from the previous Great War were starting to heal.

The western border, either along Valenwood, or to the south along Anequina, as building had continued despite our friendly overtures, was as safe as I believed it could be. If the Thalmor tried to invade again, they would meet a formidable defensive unit. As for landing soldiers anywhere along the Gold Coast, two Imperial fleets patrolling the area, with one in reserve, prevented that idea.

I knew our Legions were ready to fight. As were the sailors of the Imperial Navy. Field Marshal Marcus Tullius was confident of victory, adamant that mistakes of the Great War would not be repeated. The Mages Guilds had produced hundreds if not thousands of mages ready to join the Legions in special units, ready to rain down destruction if required, protect fighting units if needed, or heal those who were injured.

And, if all else failed, I knew I could summon dragons.

"Is it time, sir?" Karliah asked.

I knew I could not keep delaying what felt like the inevitable. We knew the Thalmor were gearing up for war. It was now a case of who would strike first. The 'Eyes' and I, along with certain other advisors, had discussed what to do before an open declaration of war. One thing we agreed on was that history would repeat itself, though this time, it would be the Empire who would catch the Thalmor by surprise.

"Send word, Karliah. Operation Clean Slate is a go. Make sure no-one learns of this except our operatives. You're sure there are no double agents or leaks?"

"No-one would dare support the Thalmor within our ranks, sir. They would know the penalty if they were discovered."

"Very good. Report in when it is completed."

"It will take precisely a week as we've planned, sir. And we're doing exactly what they did?"


The grin she returned would have sent a shiver down my spine if I didn't know her so well. And if she wasn't my best spy. "You'll have them all, sir."

The first thing I did was find my wife in her private garden. She looked up as I approached and my face must have been easy to read. "It's time?" I nodded. "Will you tell the children?"

"Ragnar is old enough to understand. He will be in military training soon enough. I would rather not tell Kodlak or Julia if possible. I know both want to fight as well, but while Ragnar needs to prove himself, I would like my other children to retain their innocence for a little longer, though both will undergo training in the end as well." I paused, before adding, "I will be going to the front."

She smiled as if I'd just said something really stupid. "I expected nothing less. Are you going to fight?"

"I'd like to, though I think Delphine and my 'Claws' would do their best to restrain me. Marcus doesn't want me there at all."

"Does he make a good point?"

"He thinks I could be distracting." I paused, before adding in a slightly bitter tone, "The thing is, he's probably right."

"I'm sure you will have your chance soon enough. But maybe, in these first days, you should just let your Legions take care of it. They're more than aware of who they are fighting for, why they are fighting and where the fight will take them."

"All the way to walls of Alinor, or Sovngarde if they are unlucky."

She walked over and kissed my cheek. "Thank you for telling me, Ragnar." I turned to leave before she called my name. "I love you."

"I love you too, Serana."

She smiled before turning her attention back to her garden. I watched her for a few seconds before heading inside to my quarters, Lydia immediately falling in alongside me with Aela. "Lydia, summon the Council." Then I paused. "No. Summon the High Councillor only. I don't trust some of them not to leak the information and for the Thalmor to learn what I've decided. Marcus and Darius are both close by too. Summon them as well. Where's Delphine?"

"Barracks, sir."

"Summon her too. I will inform each of them of my decision together in the throne room so we can then go over plans. Once Karliah has confirmation the 'Eyes' have completed their task, I will have further instructions for everyone."

The first thing I did upon returning to my study was write a draft proclamation regarding the declaration of war against the Thalmor. It would be copied and sent to all four corners of the Empire once hostilities commence, giving reasons as to why I had chosen to send the Empire into war again. After that, I wrote letters to all nobles of Cyrodiil, all the Jarls of Skyrim and the five Kings of High Rock, explaining the decision I had made. Most were the same, though I changed the tone for each. For the Jarls of Skyrim, it was quite simple.

It would be a holy war. No longer would the Thalmor dictate who Nords could revere.

"Sire, those you requested are currently in the throne room."

"Thanks, Lydia," I replied, handing her all the letters, "I need all these transcribed. But don't send them until I say."

"At once, sire. Do you want me there for the meeting?"

"I do. I'll issue instructions once we're there."

As usual, the steward announced my arrival. ""Announcing Emperor Ragnar, First of his line, Dynasty of the Dragonborn, on this, the Twenty-First Day, Fifth Month, Twelfth Year of the Fifth Era. Please stand for his arrival."

Walking into the throne room, the table and chairs had been cleared away, the people I had summoned already standing, saluting when they saw me. I stepped backwards to stand next to the steward and leaned in. "Gunnar, they're already standing," I whispered.

"Sorry, sire. Force of habit."

"No need for apologies. I don't always remember the day. You usually remind me."

"Thank you, sire."

Taking a seat on the throne, I ordered the throne room cleared of everyone. Guards, stewards and any other hangers on. Once empty except the people I wanted, I got straight to the point.

"Last night, I ordered Karliah to begin Operation Clean Slate. If all goes according to plan, by this day next week, we will be at war with the Thalmor."

I gauged their reaction. Delphine was near jubilant. Darius and Marcus were soldiers, stony faced as they stood ram rod straight, but I knew internally they were thinking 'about damned time'. Lydia kept her face blank as always. Eustace, the High Councillor, immediately started to wring his hands.

"Only those in front of me, though including my wife, is aware of the order given to Karliah. If I find out anyone outside you five knows of the operation within the palace, I will put all of you in the dungeon straight away. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir," they replied in unison.

"Marcus and Darius, we have established our plans. Are they ready to go?"

"The Legions are ready, sir. You give the order and we'll unleash hell."

"The Thalmor Navy won't know what hit them, sir."

"Very good. Eustace, you look nervous. Are you concerned?"

"I knew this day was coming, sire. But it's still the thought that we're going to war again. I'm old enough to remember the last war."

"We'll win this time, Eustace. You have my word."

"And I believe you, sire. When will you tell the Council?"

"After I've declared war. On this, Eustace, I will tolerate no dissent. We must all be committed. This will be total war and there will only be one victor."

"Of course, sire. I understand."

"Thank you, Eustace. Any other opinions?" They all remained silent. "Very well, that is all for the moment. You know your jobs for the time being. Marcus and Darius, return in two days with your other subordinates for final orders. Delphine, remain for the time being. Talos guide you all."

Once left alone with Delphine, I issued final instructions. "You're aware what Karliah is doing?"

"Of course, sir."

"I have orders for the 'Claws'. Send a contingent to the Thalmor Embassy in Skyrim. I want every single Thalmor there arrested and Ambassador Elenwen brought before me to answer for the crimes they have committed. Send another contingent to the Thalmor Embassy here six days from now and bring in Ambassador Loriel. I will tell him the news myself."

"What do you intend to do with Loriel, sir?"

"He's a diplomat. He will be afforded the respect his position deserves though he will not see his homeland again for many years to come. Any spies you know of who work there will be executed."

"And what will the Claws be doing afterwards?"

"You'll be heading to the front lines. I am waiting for news about Anequina. You may have to work behind enemy lines there until they formally ask for assistance. But you will get vengeance, Delphine. For those we lost during the invasion. For those we lost in battles across the empire. For the civilians who were slaughtered behind these very walls. For the Blades who were massacred and murdered. I can promise you that."

"Thank you, sir. It's been a very long time coming."


I hate waiting at the best of times. But now that wheels had been put in motion, I had to wait for Karliah to finish her mission. All my advisors were busy with the tasks I'd given them. Proclamations had been sent across the Empire – to the nobles, Jarls and Kings across Cyrodiil, Skyrim, High Rock and our allies in Hammerfell – letting them know that war was coming.

I constantly reviewed all the maps at my disposal. I knew where all my Legions were based, waiting for the final order to cross the border and finally engage the Thalmor. I knew where all my fleets were, ready to set sail and spread chaos through the Dominion. Once I gave the go ahead, all the maps would be useless, but for the moment, I could sit there, plan and imagine everything would work as we had planned and my army would soon be marching to the sea.

I knew it would never work like that, but it was still nice to dream.

Serana knew I was stressed about the decision, the fact I was on the verge of ordering my armies to cross the border, and that many of them were about to die. It was what they had signed up and trained for, but not being next to them was still at the back of my mind. I knew I was being even quieter than usual, though whenever we sat down for dinner, she didn't prod me to talk too much, leaving me to my thoughts. My children also knew something was up, Julia hugging me each time once she had finished her meal before she disappeared.

Delphine returned quicker than expected. The Claws escorted around two dozen or so Thalmor soldiers and spies into the throne room, all of them with hands bound behind their back. They had obviously been in a fight, as most of them were bloodied and bruised. Behind them, more Claws carried half a dozen stretchers, a blanket covering their occupants.

"Bring those forward first," I ordered, waving them through as the Thalmor were shoved to the side. "Lydia, summon the High Priest. Is he nearby?"

"At the chapel, sir. I'll get him at once."

Delphine approached, apparently unharmed. "I'm sorry, sir. We lost some good men."

"Did you kill more of them?"

She gestured to the Thalmor. "These are the survivors. I'll admit there may have been a bit of bloodlust when we stormed the embassy."

"Where is Elenwen?"

"Taken directly to the dungeon, sir. I remembered what you had planned for her."

"Very good. And this lot?"

She grinned. It was not pleasant, though reflected her mood. "I may be wrong, sir, but I assumed you would like to pass judgement, considering their crimes against us."

"You assumed correctly, Delphine. You may remain and watch, if you wish." Looking up, I asked, "Do the Claws wish to see their Emperor pass judgement?"

The sound of men and women coming to attention echoed in the silence. "Yes, sir!"

I chatted quietly with Delphine about what was to come before the High Priest appeared. Standing near the stretchers, I gestured as I asked, "Can you perform the last rites for these heroes of the Empire, Cassius?"

"Of course, at once, sire."

"The prayer of Talos, if you please." He raised his eyebrows at the request. "The time is now, Cassius."

After the rites were performed and the bodies were taken away, I had the Thalmor lined up in front of me. Some looked arrogant, as usual. Others, though, I could see the fear. I figured they knew exactly what was coming.

"Soldiers and spies of the Thalmor, you are collectively guilty of crimes against the people of Skyrim and therefore against the people of the Empire. We have records of who you are. Spies will be executed by hanging, your bodies buried in a mass grave, which we will leave unmarked, and you will be forgotten the moment the last shovelful of soil is packed down.

Soldiers will be executed by the headsman, though you will be given the respect of a soldier with a proper military burial, and we will keep record of your rank, name and date of death to pass on to your next of kin.

Those who wish to pass information to us to lessen your sentence, please speak to one of my operatives. They will take the information, pass it on and, if we believe it to be true, then I will decide if that means you should face death or not."

"Is that all, sire?" Delphine asked.

"It is. You may take them away."

Once the throne room was empty again, I heard Lydia clear her throat. I looked at her. "I know."

"Are you not letting your hate…"

"Probably. But you didn't see what I did underneath their embassy or what they were doing at Northwatch Keep. And I bet that was next to nothing of what they have done across our Empire as a whole. This is but a drop in the ocean. Trust me, I could get barbaric if I wanted. I could unleash the dragons on them if I wanted to."

Lydia appeared thoughtful. "Hmm, I guess you're right. You won't do that, will you?"

"Depends on what the Thalmor try and do to us in return. War is never clean. I remember what Ulfric told me when we duelled. There is no honour in war. Sure, there is plenty of courage and bravery, men and women can perform heroic or compassionate acts. But honour? No, only in battle. War as a whole is ugly, nasty and utterly brutal, or so I have learned. What I've just done is nothing but the opening salvo of what I think is going to just another example of that."

"But you can show compassion, sir."

"Which is why I offered them a chance to live if they give information. Though not the spies. I've had far too many run-ins with them in Skyrim to forgive and forget. And I know the Thalmor treat our spies worse. They torture them first before executing them. And I've heard rumours of their execution methods. Hanging is rather humane in comparison."

That is what happened. It took a day for the gallows to be built again, as I didn't like leaving them up, as no citizen of the Empire would ever be hung, before half a dozen spies were brought forward, their heads covered, the list of their crimes read out, the last rites spoken before they were executed.

Two days before official declaration, after Marcus and Darius had departed, I opened the doors to the palace as nobles of Cyrodiil, the Elder Council, soldiers still waiting to depart for the front, the ambassadors of Hammerfell, Anequina and Black Marsh, and ordinary citizens came to hear my last speech. It would explain all the reasons why. Lydia and Cyrus stood to either side of me, ready to write it down, where it would then be transcribed and sent to the four corners of the Empire.

"Soldiers, councillors, citizens and friends of the Empire. Today is a momentous day, because in the next forty-eight hours, our lives are going to change forever. But to understand why it is going to change, we need to understand the past.

In 4E 171, our Empire was invaded by the forces of the Aldmeri Dominion, otherwise known as the Thalmor, an unprovoked and surprise attack caused by their arrogance in demanding massive concessions from the previous Emperor. The brave soldiers of the Empire fought them for three years until the Thalmar succeeded in defeating the defenders of this city and proceeded to perpetrate atrocities of a massive scale against the civilian populations, crimes which continue to live long in the memory.

By 4E 175, after our victory at the Battle of the Red Ring, the Empire and Aldmeri Dominion signed the White-Gold Concordat, an agreement that, in hindsight, should never have been signed! It forced our friends in Hammerfell away from our bosom and forced the near destruction of our Empire by provoking the civil war in Skyrim. It was all designed by the Thalmor to bring this Empire to its knees."

I held out my hand as Lydia passed me the paperwork, holding it high.

"This is the White-Gold Concordat! You can see the signature of the previous Emperor. I am sure the Thalmor have their own copy. This is what I think of the agreement."

Lydia passed me a candle and the concordat went up in flames, to the cheers of the crowd.

"I have received word from our friends in Anequina in the past two days. They have asked for the assistance of our Imperial Legion in the face of Thalmor and Pellitine aggression, and the Empire will answer their call for help! No more shall the Thalmor swagger across this continent, expecting and demanding that all shall bow to their wishes. They will face down our Legions, taste our steel, and understand what it means to fear our armies.

I have received word from our friends in Black Marsh. They have asked for our assistance of our Imperial Navy in the face of Thalmor and Pellitine aggression, and the Empire will answer their call for help! No longer shall the Thalmor Navy ride the waves, believing they rule all the seas that surround our homeland. They will learn that our ships are strong, our ship captains are brave, and that our sailors will force them all the way back to the waters around Summerset Isle.

The Empire is stronger today than it has been in over two centuries. Our Legions are at the frontier, waiting for my order to cross the border and begin the day of reckoning. The soldiers and citizens of this Empire demand justice for the dead, for the invasion and for the unjustified terms of an agreement that should never have been signed.

So I say to all the people of the Empire. The temples and shrines of Talos are to be reopened immediately. To anyone who wishes to believe in Talos, you are free to do so. To anyone who wishes to worship their god, no-one will stop you." Reaching under my shirt, I pulled out my own amulet. "Let it be known that your Emperor, the Dragonborn, who shares the same dragon blood as Tiber Septim and all his successors, believes in your god too.

To the people of Hammerfell, I can only assure you that never again shall the Empire turn its back on you. Just like Cyrodiil, like Skyrim, like High Rock, you were and still are one of the beating hearts of the Empire, its soldiers talented and brave, its cities jewels of this continent, and I can promise you all one thing.

Vengeance against an enemy that ripped us apart.

To the people of Anequina and Black Marsh, the Empire will do everything in its power to assure your safety and security and that you will never again have to fear Thalmor aggression. And I can promise you now, in front of all these people, that the Empire has no desire to force you back into our arms. Your independence is guaranteed unless you wish to re-join. But I would hope that, through our joining of hands in battle, that we shall remain friends and at peace afterwards.

Finally, to every citizen of the Empire, I can only promise you one thing. Though the next days, months and years will be tough, there will be losses, there will be pain, and hurt, and sadness. Remember there will also be glory, and victory and you will have your vengeance. Our Legions will march under our flag, our banners, and our gods. The Thalmor poked the dragon on 4E 171, but the dragon remained in slumber.

The dragon is now awake. It is hungry. And it will breathe fire across this continent as we sweep the Thalmor back into the sea, before we stand in front of the gates of Alinor and demand entry."

The applause continued for a couple of minutes, though I doubt anyone outside the doors could actually hear. Holding up my hands for silence, I knew I had to wrap it up.

"To each and every citizen of the Empire, to the citizens of Hammerfell, to our friends in Anequina, and of Black Marsh. I can only make one solemn vow. The end of Thalmor aggression. The end of their presence in our lands or our seas. The end of their interference in our daily lives. I can only add one more promise to that vow. A promise I am confident my Legions and my Navy can deliver.


The applause was near deafening, as was the chanting of my name. Not Emperor or Ragnar. My true name.



I was sitting on the edge of the bed next to my wife, just holding her hand. It was now so close, I could near taste it, smell it, sense it or feel it, and I was sitting in the palace hundreds of kilometre away. Yet I felt calm, almost serene. Everything that we had worked towards over the past decade and more was about to come to fruition.

A knock at the door caused me to look up. "Enter."

Cyrus entered. "Sire, Ambassador Elenwen and Ambassador Loriel have been delivered to the throne room."

"Are the guards and Delphine in place?"

"They are, sire."

"Has Karliah delivered the trunks?"

"They are in place, sire."

"Very well. I'll be there in a minute. Thank you, Cyrus."

He bowed his head before closing the door behind him as he left. I got to my feet and took a deep breath. Serana looped her arms around my neck and pulled my head down to kiss her. "I love you," she whispered, "And I believe in you."

That made me blink. "I don't think I've ever heard you say the second one."

She smiled. "I thought you should know."

I kissed her. "I love you too," I replied quietly.

"You should go. It is time."

I kissed her a final time before I strapped the sword to my hip and walked out into the hall, looking back to see her smile again.

Striding into the throne room, Lydia and Cyrus in my wake, I strode straight up to Ambassador Elenwen. Ignoring her condition, barely looking her up and down but staring straight into her eyes, I started. "Ambassador Elenwen, we meet again. Though this time, you are in my house."

She stared at me in silence as I moved towards the trunks, lifting their lids. Glancing at the two Ambassadors, I saw the look of horror cross both their faces. "Every Thalmor spy operating across the Empire. Revenge is best served cold. Do you remember what you did to our Blades? What you don't know is that some lived. I made sure none of your operatives survived. Every single one operating within our borders is now dead, their head piled in either of these trunks."

"You will pay for this!" Elenwen cried. Loriel said nothing, looking positively ill.

I stepped towards Elenwen, and I smiled for a moment as she stepped back. "For crimes against the Empire, the recorded murder of 93 citizens of the Empire at the Thalmor Embassy of Skyrim, the recorded murder of 168 citizens of the Empire at Northwatch Keep, and the murder of untold citizens across the length and breadth of the Empire simply due to who they chose to worship, I sentence you to death by hanging. Once life has been extinguished from your body, it will be hung above the city gates as a warning to all other Thalmor that they may receive the same fate, depending on who we capture and the crimes they have committed." I made a slight gesture, three of my 'Claws' grabbing her. "You will hang tomorrow at dawn. May Oblivion take your soul."

"May Mehrunes Dagon himself invade this wretched hovel and cast this entire place into the fire," she screamed before being dragged away, still shouting all manner of obscenities in my direction.

Ambassador Loriel was pushed to stand in front of me. "At 06:00 tomorrow morning, Ambassador, a state of war shall exist between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. Three Legions shall invade Valenwood while another two Legions have been invited into Anequina for protection and the subsequent invasion of Pellitine. And those are not all the Legions I have at my disposal. I believe you have no idea how powerful the Empire has grown in the space of just over a decade.

Furthermore, the Second and Fourth Imperial Navies operating out of four harbours to the west shall seek and destroy any Thalmor ships in any waters outside your own, while the First Fleet will sail towards Senchal and ensure no Pellitine, Thalmor or pirate shipping will operate from there. The Third Fleet is somewhere you don't need to know, while a Fifth Fleet is… the same.

As you are a diplomat, Ambassador, I shall treat you as someone befitting your permission. You may retain one steward and one servant. However, the Thalmor Embassy to Cyrodiil will be closed. You will be placed under house arrest in an undisclosed location, where you will remain for the duration of the war. You may write correspondence to your next of kin, though these letters will be checked by our spies for any information. Let it be known that I guarantee your safety, but if you choose to try and escape, the penalty will be harsh. Do you understand?"

The Ambassador nodded. I gestured again.

"You have been waiting a long time for that, haven't you?" he asked.

"Since the day I took the throne, Ambassador."

"I thank you for my life, sire. But I can only wish your Legions and the Empire as a whole ill-fortune."

"As much as I wish that on yours, Ambassador."

He returned a thin smile before he was escorted out of the throne room.

Now alone, I looked around before I walked towards the statue of Tiber Septim in the corner. Removing my crown and my cloak, I got down on my knees, clasped my hands together, lowered my head and prayed.

"Mighty Talos, protect my armies and navies. Help them find courage and bravery deep in their hearts and souls. For those that are lost, guide them to Sovngarde or whichever heaven they believe in. Let their last thoughts be of home and their loved ones. Let their last moments be peaceful.

Mighty Talos, please continue to guide my hand, ensuring I make the right decisions. Know that I love my country, my citizens and my family. Everything I do, I do for them all.

Mighty Talos, grant us victory so that we may return this continent to what it was. A peaceful, glorious land, with the Empire as its heart and the Emperor as its soul.

For all this Talos, I can only give you unlimited thanks. Know that I believe in you and I hope that you can believe in us in return."

Taking the amulet from underneath my shirt, I kissed it before I kissed the foot of the statue. Getting to my feet, I replaced the crown on my head and the cloak to my back, looking around to see I was still alone. Sitting back on my throne, I sat in silence, counting down the time in my head until the moment I knew my armies would cross the border and war would begin again.

"Do you want anything, sire?"

"Yes, Cyrus. Ask my wife and children to join me in here. I'd like to tell them a story."

"What story would that be, sire?"

"The story of the Last Dragonborn."