
Best Day of Our Lives

The next few days were like a dream. To say we made love constantly would be an understatement for we barely left the house except to buy more food and drink. Some days we barely left the bedroom at all, simply lying together under the furs and either sleeping or relaxing, in addition to another round or two of lovemaking. We could both just finally sit back and relax, our minds free of the stresses of trying to resolve the problems of Skyrim.

I think it was probably a week before the people of Whiterun finally saw Serana and I surface. The first thing we did together was walk around Whiterun in the sunshine, hand in hand, of course. That led to numerous comments from the people that knew me well. She would stop every so often, close her eyes and lean her head back, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her face.

"I can't even begin to remember the last time I could do that."

"We may have to get you out into the sun to give you some colour," I joked.

She laughed. "I think that may be a good idea." Then she gave me a glance. "Are you complaining, Ragnar?"

I held a hand over my heart. "Of course not. I can honestly say I will never, ever complain regarding anything, absolutely anything, about you."

She winked. "That's more like it."

We wandered around town a couple of times, sharing the occasional conversation with one of the locals. Many asked who she was. We had already agreed that we would say she was 'from up north' and try and leave it at that. Thankfully no-one was too invasive of our privacy. Many simply stated it was nice to see me with someone on my arm rather than my sword and shield.

Outside the city gates, we walked along the shallow river as Serana started to stop and collect some flowers, stating they would make our house more colourful. I couldn't help but laugh but let her get on with it. We ended up walking all the way to the crossroads before we turned back, her hands full of flowers, walking along and taking the opportunity to smell them.

"I could probably make a nice aromatic or two from some of these."

I raised eyebrows at that one. "Aromatic?"

"Perfumes. For myself… or the house."

"Are you saying our house smells?"

"No." She paused and she relented under my gaze. "Okay, maybe sometimes. But I would also like some perfumes too. I haven't been able to give such a thing a thought since before…"

"What do you need to make them? An alchemy station?" She nodded. "I'll buy one then."

"Oh, you don't…"

"Serana, if you want one, I'll buy it."

A smile spread across her face once again before she leaned over to kiss me, somewhat awkwardly, as we walked along. Later than evening, we walked up to the Bannered Mare, Serana stating that she would like to take the opportunity, now that she was now as human as everyone else, to join in with the revelry. She had wanted to before but was unsure if anyone would recognise her as a vampire. We found a table inside and, of course, I was recognised, nearly everyone coming to greet me and asking who the woman with me was, showing real interest considering we continued to hold hands on full display on top of the table. As I said, I didn't ever want to let her go again.

Now human, Serana felt the effects of alcohol far more than when she was a vampire. Or perhaps she just drank a lot more, stating she was certainly redeveloping her taste buds. By the end of the night, she was rather drunk, though still quite lovable, sitting close to me and whispering things in my ear that made me blush, even after what we had been up to for the previous few days. After more than one not so subtle suggestion about what she wanted to do when we got home, I quickly made our excuses to leave. Of course, once back home, she was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. I could only laugh, ensuring there was a bucket placed on her side of the bed and a tankard of water as I had no doubt she was going to experience her first hangover in a long time when the sun rose.

Life for the Dragonborn was indeed domestic bliss. Neither of us had a reason to work. I still had plenty of coin and could simply choose to work if and when I wanted. I ensured I visited Jorrvaskr every few days to keep an ear of any recent developments. I sent a letter to Isran stating I was home in Whiterun and would head to Fort Dawnguard eventually, but that Serana and I were taking a much needed break. Otherwise, apart from checking in with the Jarl every so often, my slate was relatively empty for the first time since I'd entered Skyrim.

As for Serana, she kept herself amused with the alchemy lab I had set up in the house. I had no idea what she was doing half the time, but kept to her word about the aromatics, the scent around our house certainly improving over time, before she started to brew other potions. She suggested she could start selling them herself. I said that, of course, she would have my support, the only proviso being that Arcadia already ran a shop which sold potions and ingredients and I didn't particularly want to step on her toes. Serana understood and said she would speak to Arcadia, returning home a couple of days later, stating she had come to an agreement. She would only sell potions that Arcadia wasn't able to produce herself, and that the two may even work together at times, brewing new concoctions that one of them could sell, or even sell together.

Lydia finally returned home, later than I thought she would have arrived. Serana and I were sitting down for lunch when the door flew open and Lydia appeared in the doorway. She stood in silence, looking between me and Serana, as I got to my feet, walked towards her and gave her a hug.

"It's good to see you again."

"You too, my Thane," she replied, though I knew she was looking at Serana.

I finally released her and gestured. "Lydia, this is Serana."

I prayed to the Nine Divines this wasn't going to be awkward. I think they must have answered my prayers as the two main women in my life shared a friendly handshake. "A pleasure," Serana said, her usual friendly self.

"You must be the one," Lydia stated, throwing a sideways glance in my direction and I saw the smirk.

"The one?"

"The one he told me all about."

I groaned as Serana just grinned, grabbing my hand. "That would be me. He's told me all about you, too."

Another glance in my direction. "He has? I'd love to hear what he had to say."

"Gods, save me now," I muttered, "How about before you two start gossiping, at least tell me know how your trip has been."

I grabbed a third chair for Lydia, ensuring I sat in the middle, Serana automatically grabbing my hand, as Lydia started to explain what she had been up to. "I'll put it simply, my Thane. We're going to be rich!"

"How rich?"

"Let me show you."

She pulled out numerous parchments and explained the investments she made. I barely understood any of it. Thankfully she realised and dumbed it down enough for me to understand. I shared the occasional glance with Serana. She appeared to be nodding along as Lydia continued on and on and on… "Rest assured, my Thane, you will be set for life," she concluded.

"Not just me. We. All three of us."

"I assume Serana is now living here?"

"She is."

"Oh, well, I mean… I could find my own place and give you the privacy you need."

"That's really not necessary," Serana stated.

"I know but… Well, think about it. The offer is there. I really don't mind."

"We certainly don't have to decide right now, that's for sure. You've only walked in the door. But I know what we should do this evening."

"And what is that, my Thane?"

"The Bannered Mare is calling!"

While life was initially awkward with three people in the house, we eventually settled into some sort of routine. I kept fit and in some sort of battle sharpness by training constantly with the Companions. And I mean hard training, the sort which would draw blood if I made a mistake. I also purchased a plot of land within the city gates behind our house for Serana so she could plant her flowers. She loved it immediately and I would simply watch her tend the garden for hours. She would often work in the middle of the day, ensuring her skin was open to the elements and the heat of the sun. Soon her pale skin started to change and colour, taking on a far healthier glow. It would take a long time for it to match mine, something which I joked about often.

One night over dinner, just Serana and I, I broached a subject that had been on the back of my mind since the day she had walked through the door as a human once again. "Serana, I have a question to ask."

She must have heard my tone and met eyes, only concern reflecting in them. "Of course. What is it?" she asked nervously.

"Will you marry me?"

She smiled. A beautiful, glorious smile, her green eyes dazzling in the lights of the fire. "Absolutely. In a heartbeat, Ragnar." But then her smile faded and I knew there was a but coming. There is always a 'but'. "But I can't." She grabbed my hand as I know my face would have fallen. "Let me explain. Please."

"Of course."

"You know I don't like temples. Even though I'm now human, I still don't like them. I don't like rituals. I don't like anything that comes with worship of either aedra or daedra. Too many memories, bad ones… I know I would be marrying you, someone who has done nothing but show me love, protect me from everything and I know you would do anything for me. So if you can find another way, some way that we can get married without having to do it in a temple and all that religious symbolism, I would marry you in a heartbeat, Ragnar."

I breathed a sigh of relief though I racked my mind of what we could possible do. "I'll think of something," I stated, I know somewhat despondently.

"Ragnar?" I met her eyes. "Nothing would make me happier than being your wife. Trust me on this. I love you."

As if to assure me that she was perfectly happy and in love with me, I swear her lovemaking reached another level that night. So I had that going for me, which was nice.

I spoke with Lydia the next day while Serana tended to her garden. "I asked Serana to marry me last night," I stated bluntly.

Her face conveyed nothing but worry. "I take it she didn't say yes?"

"What? No. She said yes. Yes… with a but…"

"A but? Why was there a but?"

"It's a long story but the fact of the matter is that Serana dislikes temples and rituals. I could explain why but it's not for me to say why. I'd never betray her trust like that. But I was wondering if there was any other way of being able to marry her without having to go through the formalities within a temple."

Lydia was silent for a few moments in thought. Then she shrugged. "Why don't you ask the Jarl? I see no reason why he won't allow your marriage at Dragonsreach. It's a great hall and has been used for other events. Considering you're the Dragonborn and the Thane of Whiterun, I think you could probably call in a favour or two. In fact, I would be certain that he'd agree to it."

"I'll see if Serana would agree to that."

She was standing by herself in the middle of her garden deep in thought as I wrapped my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder. She kissed my cheek. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"You know why, Ragnar."

"I have an idea. I wanted to run it past you."

She turned towards me, grabbing both my hands, meeting my eyes. "What is it?"

"What about Dragonsreach? It's not a temple and we can find someone else to conduct the ceremony. Nothing religious about it whatsoever. We just made the fact we are husband and wife official. I'm sure the Jarl himself could probably do it. In fact, when I go ask him, he'll probably offer."

She kissed me deeply. "That sounds perfect. Why don't we go and ask the Jarl together?"

So that's what we did, wandering hand in hand up to Dragonsreach hand in hand. The Jarl was at his throne, greeting Serana and I cheerfully, as did Irileth. He then enquired as to why we were visiting.

"My Jarl, Serana and I would like to get married."


"Thank you, my Jarl. The problem is… We want to marry but not in a temple. Before you ask, there are reasons why but… may I ask we keep those private?"

He nodded. "Of course."

"I'm unsure as to the rules of marriage in Skyrim but all Serana and I want is to be recognised as husband and wife in the eyes of the law. So I was wondering if it would be possible to hold a simple ceremony in this hall?"

The Jarl stood up from his throne, walked forward and offered his hand. "Ragnar, I would be delighted. Let me know when you would like this to happen and I'll make sure everything is organised." He then shook hands with Serana, softly kissing her on cheek. "And I'm delighted to meet the woman who captured the Dragonborn's heart."

Her cheeks coloured, another thing I teased her about. "Thank you, my Jarl. Ragnar has done nothing but ensure my own happiness since the day I met him."

We walked out of the hall knowing we had a wedding to plan.


If we thought the wedding of the Dragonborn was going to be a small, private affair, we were going to be disappointed. Hmmm… Maybe disappointed isn't the right word. I don't think either of us were disappointed. Maybe I should say we were surprised at the efforts put in for our special day. But I guess when the Jarl insisted that he and his staff were the ones to make the preparations, we should have expected something far grander than what either of us probably wanted, though neither of us wanted to offend the man so accepted what was bound to happen with good grace.

"As long as it's all neutral, Ragnar," Serana stated one night in bed.

"It will be, trust me on that. The Jarl certainly wouldn't do anything to offend us."

"Does that concern you at all? You can tell me. You know that."

"What makes you ask?"

"Because I know you are a believer."

"I am in that I worship Talos. But what does that have to do with marriage?"

"Well, nothing, I guess. Unless you're a devotee of Mara."

"I believe in the Nine but I'm not going to let that dictate my life. So don't worry about it. Serana, all I want to do in the end is put a ring on your finger and take the vows of being your husband. That's all that matters." She said nothing, instead simply cuddling me even tighter under our furs. "Has that been on your mind?"

"I have a lot of time to think while I tend my garden."

"What else do you think about?"

"What we'll do once we're a married couple."

"Ah, you have ideas."

"I may have a few… But there's also something else I must tell you."

I heard the tone immediately. I turned onto my side, Serana doing likewise. I could already see she was starting to get upset. I made sure I held her hand before she started on whatever she needed to say. "What usually happens once people get married, Ragnar?"

"I'm not sure."

"They start a family. They have children."

"Well, most of them do."

I was trying to keep the conversation light but I let go of her hand to wipe her cheek. "Ragnar, I can't have children."

I'll admit, it was a crushing revelation. But, also, not entirely unexpected. "How do you know?"

"Because the person who cured me told me the disease I had carried, even after being cured, would prevent me from ever being capable of having children of my own." She looked me in the eyes, her own wet with tears. "Do you still want to marry someone who can't give you children?"

I wrapped my arms around her. "More than anything," I said quietly.

"How can you say that so easily?"

"Because it's quite simple. We'll adopt."

Her body shook with both laughter and sobs. "That's your solution?"

"Serana, are you saying you want children?"

She looked me in the eyes again. "I just think you'd make a fantastic father."

"And you'd be an unbelievable mother." That made her cry some more, some sad tears though I know the words also made her happy, to hear how highly I thought of her. Nonetheless, I started to apologise.

She put a finger to my lips. "Don't. I appreciate the sentiment."

"Listen. We're getting well ahead of ourselves here. We're not even married yet. How about we discuss all this much later, once we have rings on our fingers and are, officially at least, husband and wife."

"I just want you to be sure, Ragnar."

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Serana, the day after tomorrow, you are going to become my wife. Serana Dragonborn."

Her face lit up in a smile. "Dragonborn?"

"I'm going to adopt that as my surname, instead of just saying 'Ragnar of Whiterun'. I will be Thane Ragnar Dragonborn. You will be Lady Serana Dragonborn. And, the day after tomorrow, we will be husband and wife and live a very long life together."

"Grow old together?" she asked, the smile on her face broadening at the thought.

"Until we're both withered, wrinkled and grey."

"That sounds wonderful."

"I actually have one question for you that I'll admit I have thought about from time to time."

"What is it?"

"Do you regret at all giving up your immortality?"

"For you? Never. Not in a million years," she answered instantly.

"That was a quick response," I stated with a smirk.

"Because I didn't even need to think about it."

Our conversation ceased as I think we'd shared anything and everything that was on our minds. She continued to search my eyes, as if worried I was thinking of anything else. To put her mind at ease, I kissed her in a way she knew well and we fell asleep, exhausted, sometime later that evening.

Two days later, I was dressing myself in a set of brand new clothes when there was a knock at my bedroom door. Calling that it was open, Lydia walked in as I was wrapping my belt around me. I looked her over and wasn't surprised she was dressed in her armour, obviously polished and cleaned so it would look all shiny and new once we walked outside.

"Are you ready, my Thane?"

"I am."

"Any nerves?"

"Surprisingly… no. None at all." I paused. "Any word on Serana? She's not a bundle of nerves and ready to run away?"

Lydia chuckled. "Hardly, my Thane. She's as relaxed as you are about all this."

Despite not being dressed in my armour, I still wanted to look the part of a warrior to a minor degree so did attach my sheathed sword to my hip. Happy enough with how I looked, though with little idea, I looked at Lydia.

"You look handsome, my Thane. It's nice to see you finally trimmed your hair and beard."

I laughed as we walked out of the house. We walked past plenty of others also heading to the hall. I already knew that all of Whiterun would be in attendance. I wasn't bothered, considering I thought of most people in the city as friend or acquaintances. I wasn't sure how Serana would react, but Lydia explained that she was already aware that there would be a small crowd of onlookers.

I entered the great hall of Dragonsreach to see it had been designed much like the day I was made Thane. I shook hands with plenty of people as I made my way along the aisle. The Jarl was front and centre in front of his throne. He'd already informed me that he would be the one to perform the ceremony. It was going to be a very simple affair. He would proclaim that, in the eyes of the law, we would be man and wife. Serana and I would share vows if we wanted to. We would swap the bands of matrimony. Then it would all be made official by signing a piece of paper.

The crowd quieted down as the large doors opened again and in walked Serana. I wasn't surprised she was wearing red. It was her colour, after all. Alongside her was Aela, who she considered probably her closest friend after myself. Add to the fact that neither Serana or I had any close living family left, it was always going to be friends who would be witnesses to our big day.

I thought she would have been embarrassed by all the attention. If she'd still been a vampire, then I doubt this day would have ever happened. Now that she was human once again, she was adapting quite well. She was getting used to crowds, walking through those in Whiterun all the time, though I was always close by in case the old worries started to overcome her. But as for today, I don't think she even saw the crowds. Her eyes were only for me, her face lit up by an enormous smile which only made me return the gesture.

I grabbed her hand once she was alongside and told her she was beautiful. I then chuckled as her cheeks glowed, not embarrassed, but I often made her blush nowadays, in one way or another. The Jarl held up his hands for silence and began the ceremony. As I said, it was going to be very simple. The Jarl had assured me that he would follow that request.

"Friends. Citizens. We have gathered today in this great hall to bear witness to the marriage of these two people. It gives me great pleasure to present to you Ragnar of Whiterun and Serana of Solitude, who are here today to proclaim their love for one another and join as one, as husband and wife. Before they share their vows, who will step forward and bear witness to the love they share on this day?"

Lydia stepped forward. "I, Lydia of Whiterun, will bear witness of behalf of Thane Ragnar."

Aela stepped forward. "I, Aela of Whiterun, will bear witness on behalf of Lady Serana."

The Jarl nodded. "Very well." Then he looked at me. "Ragnar, your vows."

I grabbed Serana by both hands and looked her in the eyes. As I've often said, I'm not the most eloquent man most of the time. I'd thought long and hard about what I would actually say. I realised that I didn't really have to much at all. She knew exactly how I felt about her. The fact I was marrying her spoke volumes to everyone else in the hall.

"Serana, I'll make only one vow to you today. I'm going to spend the rest of my life ensuring I make you as happy as I am. I love you."

I'll admit the Jarl looked slightly perplexed. We both looked at him and Serana just laughed. "It's okay, my Jarl. My lines won't be much longer," she whispered.

"Serana, your vows," the Jarl announced.

"Ragnar, you make life worthwhile. All I want with you is a long life worth living. All I want is to wake up each day, next to you, and enjoy the adventure that is mortality. I look forward to many more years together, filled with nothing but love for one another."

"You can bet your life on that," I stated quietly.

There was a sniff and looked past to Aela, who was wiping her eyes. "Weddings always make me cry," she stated. Serana and I both chuckled.

"The rings," the Jarl called.

Lydia stepped forward and handed me the rings. I hoped I hadn't offended Eorlund by having Adrianne make them. I felt the rings needed a delicate touch and knew Adrianne was an excellent jewel-smith. The rings were quite simple. Gold bands, though within both were two emeralds, matching Serana's eyes. On the other side was a simple inscription. Our two names and the date upon which we were married. Her hand was slightly shaking slightly as I placed the ring on her third finger on her left hand. Serana then placed my ring on the same finger, her hands still shaking. Once complete, she gazed at me again, I thought on the verge of bursting into tears.

"Ragnar. Serana. If you will follow me."

A table nearby was covered by only a few things. A lit candle. An ink pot and quill. A piece of parchment. We read the words together. They were quite simple, much like our vows. After reading the words, we shared a glance, smiled and nodded to one another. Serana signed first, before handing the quill to myself, where I signed too. The Jarl then signed to make it official. He then led us towards the middle of the room again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Thane Ragnar and Lady Serana Dragonborn. Three cheers for the married couple."

I barely heard the cheers as Serana and I shared our first kiss as husband and wife, feeling only her arms wrap around me and I simply lost myself in the moment, focusing only on her. Nothing else mattered. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

It was the best day of our lives.