
According To Plan

The drink was supposed to have made you drunk, who are you?, well you see I've met a lot of girls, and they've all tried to do something funny, you didn't think pouring me wine that's been enchanted was a nice step to your plan did you?, "you're a three star mage?", Siralyn gave a shocked guess, well you're kinda of correct, but let's start with you, who sent you to drug me?, and what are their plans, "haha", you expect to answer you just like that, you must be more stupid than I thought, I have my ways, Elion said with a smile.


That isn't a face a lady should make now, are you ready to answer me or not, Siralyn was upside down in the air with an enchanted fire beneath, going closer to her skin every minute, fear could be seen in her eyes, if only she had been more careful and had'nt underestimated this guy, it seems she would have to tell him the truth, but what if they find out?, what would happen to her?, except this guy has a way of protecting her, I'll have to make sure he's capable of protecting me before I say anything.

I will tell you what you need to know, Elion couldn't hide the shock on his face, he wasn't really going to burn her, but she doesn't know that, deep down he was hoping she would get scared and talk so he wouldn't have to do something he didn't want to, "so who sent you?", I'll tell you only if you promise me one thing, what would that be? Elion wondered what she would ask of him, he couldn't help be suspicious of this lady, I want you to take me with you, "what", of all things, he wasn't expecting this, why would you want me to take you along?, well you see, if I tell you what you're asking, I would be in danger and hiding alone from them isn't going to be easy for me, so are you doing it or not?, hmm, I'll take you along with me to where I live in the city, and don't worry the city will soon be peaceful so you don't have anything to worry about, "I can't let her know why I'm in the city, and besides she's not to be trusted", Elion thought, so who sent you?, "Cibarius", who's that?, he's one of the minister's in the city, and also one of the most powerful, you may not know it, but the minister is aware of your coming, "my coming?" Elion asked, with shock on his face, of course, you think I don't know why you and your friends came into this city?, Elion's face suddenly became serious, "how many people know about this?", relax, I wasn't sure at first but your expression just know says it all, so is the minister, he wasn't sure of the reason why you and your friends came into the city, but he was suspicious, that's why he sent his spy's to watch you guys, "I knew it", I knew there was someone following me on my way here, so why did you try to drug me?, isn't that obvious?, to get information, the minister wanted to be sure, he still had his doubts though, so you were sent to drug me, so you could get information from me, is that right?, yes, so now he'll be expecting you to have gotten some information from me?, yes, but I don't know if he's spy's can see us.... "don't worry" Elion interrupted, I cast a spell the moment I got into the room, so do you like the way the city's going, I don't understand?, so you are not aware are you?, aware of what?, Siralyn couldn't help but get confused with all Elion was saying, well it seems the minister plans to usurp the throne of the Elve king, you don't seem to believe me, no no it's not that, it's just it all makes sense now, so he's been doing all this so no one could stop his plans, hmm, since it involves my city I'll help you, Elion couldn't help but stare at her suspiciously, why would she volunteer to help him, what is this woman thinking?

From know on, you'll be our spy, although I'll be honest with you I don't trust you, but that's up to the rest to decide, if they find you suspicious they'll kill you, but I'll try my best to prevent that from happening so no need to get all scared, "wait", you plan on telling your friends about me?, "are u stupid", of course they won't trust me, what do you expect, ok, so where do I keep you safe..... or I could leave you in my room, the only problem now, is that kid, well I'll talk to him, "fine", I won't tell the rest about you let's get going.

We're almost there,. "well well well", what a turn of events, "it seems the minister is going to be having more than one prisoner tonight", oh no, why did it have to be him, don't worry whover he is I'll give a good beating, Elion said, with all confidence, no he's not a regular mage, what?, Elion looked at Siralyn with a suprised expression, she looks scared, much more than what he saw on her face when a fire was beneath her, who is he? Elion had to ask, he needed to know who he was dealing with, he's the personal guard of the minister, Oriel "the dual elemntal five star mage", seems I don't need to introduce my self anymore, well seems the night just got interesting.