
Academy Test

Emilly, yes Val what is it?,hmm.. nothing you just seem happy this morning, seems like you aren't sad anymore, well it still hurts to know that I won't be going home for sometime but well..gotta get used to it,so get up now we're getting late.

The test is usually done to know if perhaps someone lies that he possesses the talent of a mage and to know if there are geniuses among the candidates,I wish you good luck, sigurl will be taking you to various destinations, although the knight academy is just before that of the mages,if you are selected then you will be staying in the academy this may be good bye for now.

Woahhh....it's so beautiful look at those guy's flying around the academy, and it's colours it's unlike anything I've ever seen,wonder what kind of test would be waiting for us best not to think too much on it said Val, what are you thinking about, don't tell me you miss Daniel already, haha.. would you believe me if I told you yes? no...ok we're here.

Seems like the tests going to take place were that crowd is gathered, so welcome to the mage school of Aloria, I'm the mage Corian and I will be testing you all today, here is a globe which would glow once touched by a potential mage, it's level of light will determine the talent that mage possesses, and if it doesn't glow at all you'll be kicked out.

Val did you see mine? it was soo bright right? yeah it was,same with that kid over there, he seems to be a talented mage, yeah but he has spoken to anyone since he arrived he doesn't seem interested in making friends what do you think? not sure, best not to make trouble with him.

Where do you think this place is? Corian shouted at a kid whose touch didn't make the globe glow, throw him out, woah he doesn't seem to be joking, glad that ain't me would have pee on my pants, who's next, guess it's my turn.

Woahh, the light from the globe was so bright that most of the people around had to close their eyes, who is this kid?, never seen him before, murmurings could be heard everywhere,boy what's your name? Corian whose mind had been blown quickly arranged himself and asked calmly, Val.. Valentine, Valentine ehh? you got talent kid, something that hasn't been seen in years,but don't get ahead of yourself you still have to work hard, Corian said this so that Val doesn't get proud and get arrogant and he was thinking about something else could this kid possibly be...no not know well I'll have to keep an eye on him, neexxt.

So that's the boy huh, he's quite handsome don't you think? well he is but let's see how he does in the academy, definitely he's going to get alot of attention there hasn't been anyone who's made the globe glow that way before,ok that's enough gossip let's get going before we get late for wind mages class.

So he's Val, Saloria couldn't help but smile,well let's see what you're capable of, I've got my eyes on you.

So Val, you seem have been main topic of today, Emily said with a smile, don't get....Emily did you notice anything before we entered the carriage, no what is it? I feel someone's not happy us, perhaps with me.