
Land of decent

tolamide337 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 8

Soon they were in the car and all Amaya could think of was the life that awaited her once she stepped out of the car.

She already lost her heart, yeah the guy she gave her heart to. The moment she lost him she lost her heart too, her virginity which was her pride was gone too. 

What more can she lose? Life has chosen to be cruel to her.

She hit her head on the window a couple of times, Flynn simply had his gaze fixed on the road. What happens to her after this is none of his business.

His job is done but part of him still feels sorry for her, she has been through enough yet it was just the tip of the iceberg.

"Umm... what will happen to me?" Amaya found herself asking out loud, she was simply going to rehearse it but her mouth was faster.

Flynn was clueless about what to say, is he supposed to tell her the truth?

"Am I going to become a sex slave?" Her voice broke in tears. One of the brothers took her virginity only God knows what her fate will be in the hands of the other two.

Flynn was mute throughout the ride, he was in no position to talk.

Amaya wanted to cry but tears refused to fa
