
Land of decent

tolamide337 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 6

He walked out a few minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist, his muscular body was now visible.

His wet hair decorated his forehead while the water followed him as he moved closer to the wardrobe, it was his room in the bar so some of his clothes were there.

He changed into a casual shirt and black jeans with a leather jacket on top. He grabbed his phone and face mask, he stared at Amaya for a few minutes before leaving the room.

Flynn was waiting downstairs, the plan was to return her to Kross once he was done but something had changed.

"Let her sleep," Kristen ordered and Flynn bowed respectfully while he walked away.

Flynn stared at the stairs for a few more minutes before walking away too, in the room was Amaya wrapping herself in a duvet with her eyes still closed.


"Humm," Amaya moaned stretching herself on the bed, she pushed the duvet to her lower body cold morning breeze came in contact with her boobs.

She took her time to study her surroundings, the room was spelling wealth.

'Is this a dream? If it is I don't want to wake up, I just want to start here,' She thought with a smile, she turned to the other side and her eyes met with the ray of the sun.

"Beautiful," she smiled sitting up.

"Why do I feel good?" She stared at her body to realize she was naked.

How? Why? She was starting to question no one when she remembered it was a dream.

"It feels too real to be just a dream," she muttered and got out of bed, she scanned the floor which held her clothes.

Everything was lying on the floor. Why and How? Was the first question that occupied her mind.

"This is not a dream, it is not," She muttered holding a handful of her hair.

"It is real, why am I...." Her lips were slightly parted as she recall

ed everything that had happened.