
Land of decent

tolamide337 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 6

Someone made love to her against her will and from what she said, the last time we saw her she was still a virgin". I whispered to Kross who seemed more furious than Amaya.

"Why did you say it was me?". He asked like he was trying to place the puzzles together.

"She claimed it was one of us and you are the only womanizer amongst us' 'I said but all he did again was laugh out loud, was he going crazy? He only laughs when his anger is at its peak.

"Kross". I called but he just walked past me towards Amaya, pinning her on the wall.

"Kristen did this". He said to Athena who was confused.

"Who is Kristen?". She doesn't know about Kristen, that was why she felt it was either one of us.

"Kristen did this". Kross repeated now more and more fiercely. He rushes up to me.

"You were supposed to protect her, that was she was in your care, to be protected by you. And now you couldn't do that and you made Kristen touch what belongs to me!!". Kross yelled, I pushed him away.

"Don't yell at me, even if I protected her know Kross would always get what he wants and he wanted Amaya, he got her. Why should that be my fault alone". I questioned Kross. I was not sorry for Kross, I know Kristen is only trying to pay back Kross for everything he has done to him but this was unexpected.

"Flynn!!". I yelled as Flynn rushed in.

Amaya moaned into the kiss with her eyes closed it must be the effect of the alcohol because she would have pushed him off if she was sober.

Kristen wanted to go rough on her, he derives no pleasure in sleeping with a drunken lady anyway but his revenge on Kross is making him do this.

He wants to be done with everything as soon as possible but this lady beneath him is not much of a good kisser. However, he wants to devour every part of her mouth, her mouth tastes like alcohol and he loves that.





After an hour

Amaya was trying to keep her eyes open but it was not easy as her body felt weak.

"Go to sleep," Kristen found himself whispering and she let her eyes close immediately.

He chuckled at how obedient she was, he rested for a while before

getting out of bed and into the bathroom.