
Land of decent

tolamide337 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 4

A few minutes later, Kross walked in with a smirk. It can't be, he did it.

"You wanted to see me baby" he teased moving closer to Amaya who stayed behind me.

"Stop Kross, something serious has happened". I said pushing him back a little, he stared at my hand on his chest angrily.

"I brought her to you and now you are stopping me from talking to her, this better be serious for you to push me". Kross said through gritted teeth.

"You took her dignity away?". I asked him but Kross just chuckled out loud.

"What dignity do you mean?" he asked, mostly referring to Amaya.

"Mr phantom it wasn't Kross". Amaya whispered to me, which made me even more confused.

"What do you mean, it wasn't Kross!" I exclaimed, staring at Kross who was also confused.

"Can you please explain to me what's going on". Kross requested. I moved away from Amaya and

closer to Kross.