
Land of decent

tolamide337 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 2

"I hope you now have my rare gem. I questioned her, she refused to utter any words to me which was frustrating. 

"What happened to her?". I questioned Flynn. 

"I don't know either" Flynn responded. 

"You can leave us now," I urged. Flynn left the room instantly, leaving me alone with Amaya who was surprisingly so silent.

" Why aren't you saying anything, you do know that if you have my gem I would have no choice but to make you my slave," I said to her clearly, making her understand the circumstances if she is to fail me.

For the first time this evening, she stared back at me.

"I accept, my life is useless now. What difference would it make if I became your slave? Initially, I was scared of becoming your sex slave but it's too late for all that now. I have no dignity to keep". She said mostly referring to herself because I was now absolutely confused and didn't understand any of the things she just said.

"Who took your dignity?". I was even more interested in how she could keep her dignity fo

r that long.