
Land of decent

tolamide337 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 12

heard, Kristen disvirgined you". Amanda began, how could she have possibly heard that but did not hear that Kross's initial plan was to marry me?

"You must be important, despite everything Kris still making you his partner" Amanda Said smiling devilishly.


I turned to look at Kris who nodded meaning I could go ahead and tell her a piece of my mind.

"You are right, it turns out that Kristen couldn't resist me," I said dishing out my breakfast and Kris couldn't stop smiling either.

"Ohh least I forgot Kris, why is Kross not coming home frequently?." I asked Kris who smiled before responding.

"Maybe he is avoiding something." Kris played along while Amanda just stared at both of us.

"Is it because I refused to marry him". I whispered and Kris just chuckled.

"That's true he seems to be avoiding you because he still feels embarrassed due to the rejection" Kris added before c

alling the maids to bring his coat."Are you going somewhere?" I asked.

"I need to be somewhere but I would be back before dinner." He replied and walked out. Why, how could he leave me alone with Amanda, does he want us to start fighting with each other?

"So you have the triplets wrapped around your fingers because of what?" She asked standing up from her initial seat and now standing at my front while I just ignored her presence, she pulled my hair aggressively making me shout in pain as I tried to push her away from me but shouldn't let go.