
Land Of chaos

it's me dear come closer... the voice whispered through the air, which brought shiver down my skin. the fog around me has consumed everything around me. something keep drawing me towards the darkness, the voice felt familiar but yet, somehow strange... before I could take another step closer a hand came behind and pushed me towards a tree Ahhh... it's ok Elena it's me Daniel my heart was beating so fast it's like I have been woken from a trans. what just happened now and why did you push me towards the tree I saw you sleep walking towards the cliff, thank goodness I was here to stop you what??? I have never sleep walk before.... Destiny is really an unpredictable thing for a young girl caught in a complicated triangle in which the destiny of her world count on whether she loses or win . she's the key to many things,some wants her dead while others wants to use her. either way might kill her. she's caught between love, magic and her true identity .will fate take a twist in turn in her favor or will everything come tumbling down . As the only primordial werewolf, Trevor was the first of his kind and the most powerful of all the werewolf. after his parents tragic end hundreds of years ago Trevor grew a grudge against vampires and vow to wipe out the entire race. growing stronger as his empire spread across the lands he became so powerful and went out of control and almost wipe out the vampires. the five powerful sithras known as the guidance of the five races. combine their powers and made a potion that froze his heart and put him into an eternal slumber. after four centuries of sleep he finally wakes up with a full rage . until he set his eyes on the object of his soul search. will everything take a twist in turn once he found his missing piece.

Jaynet03 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

~Unpredicted Changes~

Wait... what just happened Elena asked the moment they got far away from the scene

did we just witnessed an assassination attempt on our life Nanette asked nervously.

I too don't understand, who are those people?

I have never felt these strange before. I need to discuss this with father because everything is really confusing right now, Elena answered.

me too I need to tell Aunt once I get home Nanette replied .

what about the other fellow that came to our rescue, if not for him I really don't know what would have because of us, the thought of it alone bring shiver down my skin. we do own him right? Nanette asked

yeah... but we don't even know him . my mind is in turmoil right now Elena replied.

the girls moved quietly down the road as they held each other's hand, they are far away from the scene now, so they now feel a little bit safe.

I'm confused, that person was holding a compass, and even pointed it towards us, which make it look quite strange right, Elena asked

That's true, and it was even ticking ,

could it has anything to do with us, Nanette asked.

the issue now is we don't even know that person's identify nor the identify of the people that attacked us, Elena replied.

everything is so confusing right now, am not even sure of what to say. could all this be associated with the strange dreams I have been having lately. Since I encounter that strange woman at the festival of light everything have been strange lately.

'Nanette may I ask you something'

yeah sure Nanette replied

since she said those things to us, I've been experiencing something strange lately, could you please ask your aunt about it since she knows a lot about dreams and prophecies.

I'll ask her, I have also been feeling strange lately too, I've been seeing her in one of my dreams as of late. could she be a witch?

well not sure actually, after what happened a decade ago, it's impossible for a witch to walk through Tremondel without being noticed. Elena replied

"yeah yeah you're right"

it has been a long and stressful week, as the the carriage move through the path carrying Corrine and her daughter down the road. This time she taught she will be successful but everything failed, she has lost almost everything in the gambling house. What would she say to her husband when she returns, seeing that she has gambled away all his possessions, including the house.

You've been silence through out the journey, did anything went wrong with your gambling plans, Kathrine asked her mother .

Corrine taught that this was her time and she was going to hit the jackpot. only God knows how desperately she wanted to take her and her daughter out of their current situation. but this time she has to admit to herself that she have made a very wrong decision. she then signed in frustration.

what did you bring back from the gambling house, Kathrine asked out loud this time when her mother did not answer her first question.

the only thing I was able to leave that house with was my dignity, I almost gambled myself away. I can't even explain what happened there right now, Corrine replied.

she can't tell my daughter that she have gambled away the house. she need to come up with a solution and fast.

They have always told me that my thirst for gambling will lead to no good. but have always ignored those words now look what has happened now Corrine sign in frustration

"I hope you had a better success than I have my dear" Corrine decided to change the topic.

well I was able to get five hundred gold coin from that foolish man,even though I had to go through a lot for it.

Kathrine has always been an ambitious person, she has always dreamt of a better life for herself. So using her body and charm to trick men off there money has always been her specialty.

puting off with that foolish money lender didn't go in vain after all.

just like you mother I do knows how to play her cards very well.

That's great dear her mother replied happily.

his a rich man Kathrine don't you think it will be nice if you settle down with him. Being the richest man in town am sure you will be well taken care of dear, Corrine replied.

oh come on mother, do you really think I wish to settle down in this village with an old money lender?

Titus being the richest man in this village doesn't even compare him to rich and nobel men in other big towns and empires. comparing this town to those other kingdoms is like comparing an elephant to an ant, how she wish to finally live that life of luxury she have always dreamt of. As for Titus he doesn't even have a status, his just a money lender.

The man I will marry should be rich in both money and status mom

That why I'm working hard to raise some money, so when I leave this village for good I will be able to match myself with some rich guy.

Corrine couldn't be more proud as she is now, her daughter took after her in everything. Her ambition to climb the status ladder made her proud of the young woman her daughter is becoming.

That true , who knows maybe we might relocate soon Corrine answered.

That would be great mother, you don't know how much I'm eager to leave this village, Kathrine replied.

The village men don't deserve my beauty, I should be dining with kings and Lords.

That's true my dear you deserve the best, and forgive me for suggesting that earlier you deserve better.

it's ok mom, I know you will always want the best for me.

And the best you will have Corrine replied.