
Land Of chaos

it's me dear come closer... the voice whispered through the air, which brought shiver down my skin. the fog around me has consumed everything around me. something keep drawing me towards the darkness, the voice felt familiar but yet, somehow strange... before I could take another step closer a hand came behind and pushed me towards a tree Ahhh... it's ok Elena it's me Daniel my heart was beating so fast it's like I have been woken from a trans. what just happened now and why did you push me towards the tree I saw you sleep walking towards the cliff, thank goodness I was here to stop you what??? I have never sleep walk before.... Destiny is really an unpredictable thing for a young girl caught in a complicated triangle in which the destiny of her world count on whether she loses or win . she's the key to many things,some wants her dead while others wants to use her. either way might kill her. she's caught between love, magic and her true identity .will fate take a twist in turn in her favor or will everything come tumbling down . As the only primordial werewolf, Trevor was the first of his kind and the most powerful of all the werewolf. after his parents tragic end hundreds of years ago Trevor grew a grudge against vampires and vow to wipe out the entire race. growing stronger as his empire spread across the lands he became so powerful and went out of control and almost wipe out the vampires. the five powerful sithras known as the guidance of the five races. combine their powers and made a potion that froze his heart and put him into an eternal slumber. after four centuries of sleep he finally wakes up with a full rage . until he set his eyes on the object of his soul search. will everything take a twist in turn once he found his missing piece.

Jaynet03 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

~ Sold~ii

he walked through the forest endlessly, the moon shines above the sky casting enough light for him to see his way through the forest.

the moon is fuller than last night

the forest is dense so he had to push some leaves and branches to make his way through.

he must return before dawn, even though he don't have to worry about being caught.

because this part of the forest has the least security, the royal guards hardly patrol this areas because it's almost unaccessible.

after hours of walking through the forest, finally his walk has come to an end as he finally found the person he is looking for , he was standing just few yards away, waiting for him .

he can't go any further again, he have to signal for him to come closer to meet him.

he whistle through the air to announce his presence.

the other man hearing his whistle then walk towards him slowly, the other man had to ensure that he was the one he was waiting for, before moving quietly towards him.

I have been waiting for you for the past two days now, what took you so long the man asked as he approached him.

the security has now tighten, I'm risking it all by meeting you so let's make it fast my master has been really eager to know the reason behind the tight security lately, the spy replied.

My master would have wished to see him but he can't risk it right now he replied.

so what is the issue on group, spy asked.

After over a century of being put into a frozen state he finally moved his fingers.

the spy gasped in surprise

when did that happen? he asked,

we still don't know, that why my master can't meet with yours right now.I had to find a way to see you as soon as possible before the security tightens even more, he replied.

he can't wake up, you know what will happen to our kind if he does. the spy replied with worries.


he answered

this news has not reached the public yet and and the officials are planning to keep it to themselves.

they are suggesting that the sithra's amulet is slowly waking him up.

how is it possible? she was killed eight years ago and the amulet was destroyed the spy confirmed.

well we can't be sure again, so tell your master all what I've told you, he needs to act fast.

"any news about the girl"

not yet the spy replied

tell your master to try harder, he must find her before the ministers do. knowing that the fate of your kind depends on finding her so we can't afford any mistake.

The crown has fallen a century ago,and still nobody can succeed the thrown. he maybe alive but in a dormant state, don't you think it's time your master make some moves.

it's easier said than done, if it was possible it would have been done years ago. the sithras barrier spell is one of the most impenetrable, he replied.

today has been a busy day for Nanette, she couldn't even visit her friend even after her promise. she will see her first thing in the morning before going to the market.

she sat on her bed facing the window, today the moon is almost full. she got up and walk towards the window.

watching the moon is one of the things she enjoys the most, as long as the moon is out she will always watch it for hours before going to bed. whenever Elena come over for a sleepover they will always watch the moon together.

they have even seen a shooting star, and made wishes together. that was one of the best nights they've spent together.

when ever she looks at the moon she wonder how something so magnificent manage to stay up there since the creation. yet still remain so beautiful

suddenly the taught of the man she met at the market place came rushing through her mind. she didn't even ask for his name

she then hit her hand against her temple

"I can't believe I didn't even ask for his name"

it's such a shame she don't even know the name of her hero.

could he have charmed her?

that's the only explanation. she has never lost it in front of a man before so why now.

she need to ease her mind and think of something else. she then remember the book she has been reading for the past few days, she just need this night to finish it. at least it would take her mind off him.

she walked towards the table and picked up the book. it's a story about a great female potion expert who was underated because she was a female. she have learnt a lot about potions just by reading this book and she is inspired by the girl's greatness and strength to withstand all the storm and prove to all those that overlooked her that she can achieve greater hight.

she stood there staring at the book for minutes without even noticing the presence in the room.

"I'm sure that a great story, seeing how you've been staring at it for minutes now" a voice break through the silence.

scared and prettified she quickly turned around to the direction where the voice came from.

her eyes came upon a figure standing in the shadow in the room.

since she only lit a small candle at her bed side, It couldn't brighten the whole room.so she couldn't see the face of the person standing in the darkness.

she ran to grab one of her shoe

who are you? how did you get in here? she asked as she pointed the shoe towards the stranger.

don't dare come closer or I will hurt you, she threatened .

Daniel stood in the shadows watching the girl as she threatened to hurt him, it's a surprise the girl has not screamed yet .

knowing girls and how loud they squeal he need to reveal himself now before she loss her last ounce of bravery.

it's ok no need to spoil that beautiful shoe on me he said as he came out of the shadow

surprising her.

it's him again

how did he get into her room without her noticing him . who is he?

it's ok you can put the shoe down now, I'm not here to hurt you

I find your words very hard to believe, she replied

I won't let down my guard she insisted

" hmmm... tough girl"

save that for saving your friend, who knows she might be in need of your bravery right now.

what do you mean? did you hurt her? where is she?

I did not hurt her ok, if I did I won't be here except I'm here to hurt you too. seeing the way she held the shoe up in defense. brought a smile on his face.

such a drama queen he replied as he hissed under his breath.

how did you know that she's in trouble ,do you even know where she is

calm down girl too much questions, if I knew where she is I won't be here right now

so will you come with me? he asked

she was silence for awhile, can she trust him, what if his lying it could be a trap.

how am I sure you are saying the truth?

he then held the compass towards her, you can take the lead

I was at her house earlier but it was empty, and the compass is no longer ticking so which means she's far away from here.

Nanette took the compass from him, for awhile she didn't say anything.


letting out a deep breath she then replied

what does these compass have to do with my friend?

are you going to keep asking questions or do you want to find your friend.

if this compass could find her why do you need me to find her she asked suspiciously.

another question, are you coming or not he replied.

ok I will go with you

good let's get going now, he said as he walked towards the window.

the door is that way, why are you using the window.

if I had used the front door I doubt if Grandma will let me in.

come on you won't fall he said as he held his hands towards her, trust me

walking towards him she began to wonder why she is trusting this stranger so easily, is her friend really in danger? for some reason she feels like she could trust him. and her feelings are always right.

I hope she's ok, she murmured to herself

opening her eyes Elena felt a sharp headache, her vision is blur so she couldn't see her surrounding well.

where am I ? she asked puzzled

the last thing she remembered she was drinking the coffee Corrine gave her when she suddenly felt dizzy.

wait ... that witch, what did she put in her coffee, she was so stupid to have trusted her so easily.

her vision is now clear and she can now see her surrounding well. it's like she's in a carriage, but who's.

she felt so weak at this moment she can't even move her limbs.

where are they taking her, and why is she all tied up.

anxious and scared she don't even know what to do, she has to think of something soon.

_sorry for the late update will try to update more.thank you 😍❤️_