
Lana And The Vampire Lord

Sold and abandoned by her family, Lana finds herself in a vampire household. What will she do when she meets and falls in love with someone she shouldn’t? “Hello there darling,” he looked at me with his daunting red eyes and I had to force my scared self to remain still and stare back at him but damn those eyes... “it’s a shame really, you shouldn’t have been snooping around where you weren’t supposed to be. You see I liked you, I legitimately liked you but now that you’ve seen those things....” Note: The cover does not belong to me, credits to the owner.

Daphne_20 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

The familiar good stranger

They passed a few doors before they came to stand on one particular door which she noticed was different compared to the others, there was a dog-wolf like carving on the wooden door which gave her an eerie feeling. The door in front of her was opened before she could take a closer look,

"Please, after you." Came that deep husky voice which she felt will now be imprinted in her mind.

Without lifting her head to look at her savior, she stepped inside the room and heard the door close with a light thud. Not knowing what to do she just stood with her head lowered eyes set on the floor.

"Are you going to keep standing, sure I don't have a problem with that but it is quite rude to treat a lady much less a rare quest like that, so please SIT."

Lana's stomach rolled getting his words that sounded more of a command than a request. She raised her head and took a quick look around the room, she noticed a huge bed at the corner of her eyes and moved to sit on it without letting her eyes wonder too much. She put her trembling hands on top on top her legs and tried to keep them still. She already felt the loss of her calm energy, but she had no idea what to do about it. Now sited on the bed she didn't know if she was supposed to say something or simply stay put. She could feel the eyes of her savior if it was even right to call him that as her fate was still unknown.

'Maybe i can just call him the good stranger,' she smiled at the silly thought going through her mind considering her situation. A minute passed and still the good stranger didn't say anything and the quietness was just becoming unbearable,

"Is this your room?" she beat down her tongue but the words had already left her mouth. She waited but no reply was given to her question and she wondered if she had said something wrong. She readied herself to apologize when a soft chuckle reached her ears, one soothing to the ears. She instantly looked up and was greeted with sight to never forgot. Just three steps away sat the most beautiful man she has ever laid her eyes on.

"I must say that is a lovely way to start a conversion, and yes this my room." There was subtle smile on his lips as if what she said was the most interesting thing and she felt herself relax a little. She nodded to his answer but still wondered why she had been brought here. As she stared at him, she noticed how his black curly hair rested on his shoulder, his black eyes not looking anywhere but her. Her eyes moved on to look at his hands that rested on the arm chair lightly tapping on it. His leg folded on top of the other as he rested his back on the chair. Blood rushed to her cheeks as she realized she was doing more than just staring at the good stranger. she cleared her throat and went back to looking at her hands.

"What do they call you?" Her eyes went back to look at him hearing him question her.

"Lana." Came her quick reply.

"Lana, what a beautiful name but not impressive." She felt her heart drop at his remark but didn't voice it out. She saw him lift his hand from the arm chair and settle it on his leg,

"So Lana, how did a pretty thing like you find yourself in the hands of the filthiest men found on these lands?" his eyes narrowed at her at her gauging her every expression. She contemplated whether to fabricate a story or tell the truth.

"I think my family tried to get rid of me." she answered honestly, sadness laced her words as she spoke. Lana had tried to come up with an explanation to everything that had happened but there was none, this was the only answer and it broke her heart.

"Are you going to kill me...?" she anxiously asked though death seemed to be best option as she now had no one, the thought of being dead scared her.

"Do you think am going to kill you?" he replied back with a question and dread filled her face as she chewed on her lower lip not knowing what to say.

"i… don't know." She spoke with a pronounced stutter, and as if on que he got up from his chair and started walking to where she was. He leant forward to reach her eye level, and she felt her heart squeeze out of her chest, her hands clutching her dress. And when he raised his hand, she flinched and closed her eyes. When nothing happened she opened them and saw that he had picked one of the

strands of her hair and was now running his fingers through it.

"If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't be here as I would have already snapped your neck and fed you to my pet but be rest assured I have no plans of carrying that out and besides you're my quest after all and quests are supposed to be treated with care, especially the rare ones. Now if you would excuse me."

And with that he moved away from her and made his way to the door but stopped when his hand landed on the knob.

"Oh and Lana dear," Lana's body went rigid, she turned her body to completely face him with a questioning gaze.

"Vernon is what they call me." One of his lips lifted up before stepping out of the room.

Closing the door on his way out.

"It's him." Lana said her voice coming out breathy and a little panicked. She had not recognized him as it was dark that day and she had failed to take a closer look at his face, but his voice, she had been too scared to notice that it was the same voice and it was the way the word dear sounded from his mouth that had everything click. And his name, surely he couldn't be that devil right.

They are four lands, with the western land called Woodlensia which is ruled by a human and is they only land with a population comprised of humans, and there's they eastern land Chelstonsia which is ruled by

a vampire and its population is comprised of vampires and only a few humans, and the southern land Quateris which is also ruled by a vampire and consists of an equal number of vampires and humans and lastly there's the northern land which they call Devilnsia, they most feared and deadly land amongst the

four. Which is ruled by a tyrant whom everyone calls they Vernom Devil. Who kills people without remorse, women or children no one is spared. Surely, she couldn't have landed herself in Devilnsia right, her luck isn't that bad or is it.

A knock pulled her out of her thought. She composed herself, and saw the door open. Two girls wearing the same dress which was black in colour came in, one pushing a trolley and the other one carrying a huge box with her tiny hands. And behind them was a man in a formal suit. The two girls bowed their heads and headed out. They man in a black suit bowed his head,

"Good evening miss, am Nicky the butler and I will be at your service." Lana mouth opened in awe not quite understanding what was happening. Seeing the look on the lady's face, Nicky elaborated,

"I've been tasked by my master to see to it that all of your needs are taken care off. That there," he said pointing at the trolley, "Is your meal for the evening and the box contains a dress that you are to wear tomorrow for breakfast." Lana nodded her head as her focus was now on the trolley of food, she didn't know the last time she had meal and the smell coming from the food did nothing but make her mouth water.

Nicky looked at the human girl wondering why his master had specifically asked him to attend to her, clearly he couldn't see anything special about her.

"Is there anything else my lady would like?"

"Please just call me Lana, and no there is nothing else Nicky is it?" Nicky just nodded his head. Though he knew his body would remain without a head if he dared to. They butler left the room and Lana was quick to start eating. While eating, her thoughts drifted off to the one person she was not supposed to think of.