
Lana And The Vampire Lord

Sold and abandoned by her family, Lana finds herself in a vampire household. What will she do when she meets and falls in love with someone she shouldn’t? “Hello there darling,” he looked at me with his daunting red eyes and I had to force my scared self to remain still and stare back at him but damn those eyes... “it’s a shame really, you shouldn’t have been snooping around where you weren’t supposed to be. You see I liked you, I legitimately liked you but now that you’ve seen those things....” Note: The cover does not belong to me, credits to the owner.

Daphne_20 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Party Part 2

Lana along with her cousins, walked inside the mansion that had wide doors that were carved beautifully. Lana noticed how the walls were a white stone that glistened in the sun and the roof were grey slate. It was as big as the twenty of the ordinary houses of the town. She continued to look at her surroundings in aware as she has never had the privilege to be in such a place as only her sisters always had the chance to get invited to such occasions. And it's not like she was ever interested.

"Come let's go to the room where the party will be held," said Caitlyn pulling Katherine towards the room. Lana didn't mind that she was been ignored and just decided to tail behind them as they happily went into the party room.

When they stepped into the room, they noticed how a lot of people had already gathered, chatting, laughing and dancing. There was quite a number of people, men and women dressed in gowns and dresses.

"I think I can get used to living here," exclaimed Caitlyn with a smile on her face as they stood by the sidelines watching everything that was unfolding in front of them.

"That's why we need to work hard in finding rich suitors so that our dreams can come alive," commented Katherine with a smile on her face "and as you can see their already some fine men looking our way so it shouldn't be hard." She added with a shy expression as one of the men who passed by them gave her a charming smile.

Lana stood by the side listening to her cousins as they continued to discuss their plans for the night. She just wished time would fly so they would be back home. She looked around and noticed how some people were freely conversing as some were farmiliar with each other, feeling out of place, she stepped out of the mansion.

She walked admiring the place, the mansion stood tall and proud. She couldn't imagine herself living in such a place, it wasn't such a bad idea but she preferred something simple. She came to stand in front of a big fountain that had a gigantic mermaid pouring water out of its mouth, she has never seen anything like this and she was greatly amazed and happy that she had agreed to come along. Lana who stood admiring the scene in front of her like a seventeen-year child who had been gifted a unicorn didn't notice that there was someone who had come to stand beside her.

"Beautiful isn't it?" came a deep voice beside her

Lana who was lost in her thoughts got startled hearing the unfamiliar voice. Turning around she was met with black eyes that were staring down at her. She gave the man a bow who returned it.

"It is indeed." Came her short reply. Lana wondered how she had neither noticed nor heard the man.

"There is another one just like this inside the mansion, I could show you around if you don't mind,"

"its ok, I wouldn't want you to get in trouble because of me, but thank you for your kind offer." She answered the man, she made sure to be careful with her so she wouldn't offend the him.

"I live in the mansion so it wouldn't be much of a problem if I did but we can serve that for next time." Came the man's reply. She noticed how he had used the word next time as they Would be meeting again, not heading much attention to his last words, she went back to admiring the mermaid.

"If I may ask milady, why are you out here alone in the cold, is the party not up to your expectations," he asked, unable to take his eyes off of the girl who stood in front of him.

Lana offered the man a smile, "To be honest its far way more than I expected and this is a beautiful mansion, I just thought of getting some fresh air," and when she said those simple words the man smiled at her hearing her words that sounded sweet to the ear.

"I didn't get your name?" asked the man and when he continued to smile at her, Lana didn't know why but there was just something about his smile that screamed danger. She wondered if it was ok to give the man her real name but then again it was just a name what harm would come from it.

"Lana Lewis." She completely turned to face the man and even though it was dark, she could tell that he was good looking

"Lana," her name rolled off his tongue, a whisper at the end.

"I'll see you soon Lana." With that he turned around and went back in the mansion.

Weird, thought Lana to herself she didn't even get to ask for his name. She spared one more glance at mermaid before going back in the mansion. She decided to look for her cousins so they wouldn't question where she had been.

Her blue eyes looked around as she walked through the crowd of men and women. and saw her cousins who were dancing on the floor and also others. The men and women who were standing talking on the sidelines appeared to be curious about who the sisters were as they seized the floor with their mesmerizing beauty.

When the music stopped, Caitlyn and Katherine made their way to where she was,

"That was wonderful," said Caitlyn who brought her handkerchief to her forehead

"Anyone who has caught your attention so far?" asked Lana

"I can't decide for now, a number of them have shown interest in me but at the end of the day it all depends on who has and can give more." Came Caitlyn's reply "You haven't happened to come across Luke Carlos have you?"

Lana shook her head knowing very well that even if she had she wouldn't know it was him as she has never seen before.

"Didn't the invitation mention that he would be here?" asked Katherine as she looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of him

"He might show up, let's just wait it's too early to come to any conclusions."

Commented Caitlyn before taking a sip from her wine she picked up from one of the servants who were passing around. She had dooed herself up with the hopes of meeting him and making him fall for her but look at how things were turning out.

"Yes he might show up, after all the party isn't done yet and you two look stunning it would be a shame if he never showed up but all in all there still other men who can't keep their eyes off you."

Caitlyn and Katherine smiled hearing Lana's words, she was right it wasn't totally useless as there were other men who had showed interest and seeing that most of the people were elites there's no saying that those other men were not. With this in mind they two sisters finally blasted smiles on their faces.

When they party came to end, they sister's eyes looked at the mansion one last time before stepping into the carriage. Lana who was yet to get into the carriage caught the man she had met earlier at the corner of her eyes and who waved at her before disappearing from the spot. She looked around wondering if she was just seen things before Caitlyn's voice came through

"Who are you looking for?"

Lana snapped her eyes to look at her cousin, shaking her head she went to sit opposite them before turning to look at out the window. Caitlyn narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Lana but didn't voice out what was on her mind instead she went back to talking to her sister about any possible suitors and how the night went.