
She the hut ablaze

The search party. Still Havila.

"Here's what we are going to do."

Started the leader of the search group designated with the search for Ja Lia by the Emperor. His face smooth but rude. His gaze was stern as he picked each of his men haughtily. He seemed to had been doing that task all his life.

"We are going to have the group of five. Five men in each group."

He paused again. Just like the emperor would do whenever he was talking. Twas prettily hard to tell if he was taking after the emperor or building his own fortress of shenanigans and nuances.

"Some would go to the market square. Some to where the helmet of Jin is being kept. Some to the place where he was dumped in the sea. And some would come with me to the forest."

He stopped talking as he watched the group divide themselves into the halves he had mentioned. The warriors seemed groomed enough to carry out what was right. They were old enough to choose. He wouldn't do all for them.