
Chapter 1

World Gemini, a parallel world where technology is already at 22nd century level . virtual reality is used here in education to office everywhere . There the whole society is under Super Automated Intelligence (S.A.I) .there are still PC's and Laptops but they are way ahead of earth . People of this world has taken game as a form of art . Most importantly this world has none of the fantasies Earth had . It has only been two or three decades since the idea of games have been popular . So it is a long journey for that worlds people to truly discover the potential of games .

And why am i ranting here about it ?? That is because I have just somehow transmigrated in this world in a body with the same name as mine . The Mia here died out of depression . She created a game framework that would make a pretty neat game but she was asked to sleep with the director before her idea gets accepted . She did not agree and got fired . Also her idea got stolen .

Now here i am.aged 30 with a daughter aged 9 ...divorced .....that SOB father is a drunkard and used to beat up us mother daughter duo all the time so the daughter was getting mentally scarred . Previous Mia was got fed up and gave up on him.I too would have done the same .

As for how I died ....I was working in my PC by the window when a small glowing orb hit my head . I only got a glimpse of it but I don't know what it was .

The moment I thought of the orb....hello host .....a childish voice gritted Mia ....who ??? who is talking ??? come out .

Host I am that glowing orb that took out out of your planet and brought you here .

You mean you are the one killed me and brought me here.

Take it as you like host but that's how things are . Why don't we move on ?? Let me introduce myself....I am Stella the inbuilt AI of the super game making artifact that now houses within your soul . and with me you can be the game designer and an era changer yourself . just give up on the thought of going back to your previous world . I wont allow it .

You mean there is a way .

Yes there is a way but no way I am allowing you to go back . as of now you have become a mommy. So fight on .

Sigh i am done for . I have to now find a job and with things as they are i am blacklisted from most big companies . I am sure that drunkard instigated that director to do that thing .He is the Chairman of Black hole corporation after all . The best game making company as of yet .

Host what are you being depressed about ...I am your Deus-Ex-Machina. I have solution . first you listen to what kind of things I can do and i have then you change your decision.

First- I have all the fantasy works of earth within the archive of mine which you can play and watch anytime be that movie ,game or stories.

Second-I have a synthesis function where you can synthesis function. where you can put two , three or more game or movie to synthesize a game . it takes considerable skill and if you do not have the skill then I can personally generate a story line ,upgrade the game to Nth degree and give you a finished product in no time but that would take away your life span.You can gain back your life span too . For Every 1 hour a player plays the artifact will collect one second of lifespan from that player and channel to you . Skill potential and games potential depending on game plot and various factors go as F-,F,F+,E-,E,E+,D-,D,D+,C-,C,C+,B-,B,B+,A-,A,A+,S-,S,S+,SS,SSS

Host current skill potentials are as below

Conceptualizing- E

Framework making -D+

Art Designing -F+

Programming Language skills -E+

Music making -D-

To advance each skills by one rank host would require to spend one year of lifespan .

I decisively told the system that increase my all five talents to A+ spending 60 years of my life .

Host you will now only live up to age 48 if you are not dead unnaturally or you spend more on making games.

Third- I can detect a persons innermost desires and their hidden nature .that way i cna warn and protect host from any stranger with hidden intention.I will guide you to a person who will help you in your career.

Well that's a long talk but Stella , you said you can synthesize two or more games or even stories into a game right ?? then lets try it how it works also I will get a good idea how much my talents increased . Although I am already understanding that how primitive my skills have been . I got started . I took out the game Burnout paradise , all the series on Need For Speed and started analyzing them . i understood all their intricacy all the underlying faults , bugs , the games frameworks and programs all started pouring out of my soul .I lied in my bed in the Middle of the night although wide awake and fully immersed in making a game .one hour , two hour , three hour passed it became 5 am at dawn Stella gave me a notification that this game's innate potential can not go beyond grade B+ so with host's A+ grade innate talent in all around way host has a fully finished game produced . please touch and lock on to a digital storage device to store the game . Until then I will wait .

I did as I was told and soon in my portable drive there was a new 10 TB game named Burnout paradise: Need for Speed. Fun thing is when I made the game I also got to play it at the same time . I have played it so many times that the games all corners are now in my mind .

In any case it was time to make breakfast for Amy she has school . Things are fun now because you don't have to go to school nowadays. Just get in the VR pod and get the job done .

Mama you look happy today she says ...hihihihi. Yes I am baby I am happy . I have been so focused in the games that I have forgotten now that in this world there are body and mind enhancing serum. with them you can get over thousand years of lifespan . But they are costly like hell. So I got a lot of work to do . I have to let my Baby girl live a better life.

Soon after breakfast ended. Amy got in her VR pod and I went in too after getting ready . Stella said she can help me lookout for reliable people and it applies in VR too so I intend to find out the game companies who are hiring . There ware few good game companies but they were not hiring also there were very small newbie companies but they did not fit the bill. I was looking for a company that can shield me from the Black Hole corporation . I found none . Dejectedly I went out . I took out the Flying Taxi and went to a nearby Hi class hotel for breakfast. To lighten the mood.

Soon i entered the restaurant and ordered hot dishes of meat and bread. I was eating suddenly a lady from nearby table commented please do enjoy the food ...getting depressed does not help i know because I have some depression myself . I felt a bit awkward why would the lady suddenly talk to me ...soon Stella giggled ...hihhihihi I manipulated her mind in taking notice of you and increasing your favourability rating to her .She seems to be an important person ...there are four guards secretly watching over her . you better be nice to her hihihihi .

Miss I am Mia and you are ??? I said with a smile . Ohh My name is Victoria .Nice to meet you .yes same here . it is not good to be so depressed on the breakfast you are just starting the day why are you so worried about ??

Well Ma'am that's a Long story .

Ma'am ???do you know me or some thing ??? I guess some people would know me hahah.

No ma'am i don't know you but there are four body guards secretly watching over you that entails that you are an important person .

Oh my you have some keen eye. So tell me then what are you so depressed about ??? perhaps we could become friends.

I told her my situation and after that showed her a bit of my game play that was in video format and in Mobile phone .

Victoria P.O.V.

I was having a strange good feeling about this young lady .She talked about her problem. Indeed it is a problem . But not that big . Black Hole corporation is a puny ant in front of me . After all My North star Corporation is the inventor of the body enhancing serum. I come to this hotel because it is where I ate breakfast with my first income . It is Nostalgic . This Hotel Top to bottom I have bought myself . Today I again came here to have breakfast and I met this lady well anyways lets watch this game play .I have been a big game enthusiast lately . I play all the games that come out and nice to play .

Mia P.O.V.

After only 15 min later there was shock and excitement on the face of the lady .She once looked at me and then looked at the video...after a long time she said ....may I play the game once ???if this is truly your game then I can help you out .

If you wanna play the game you have to go to my home which is not far from here . Also I have just finished the game this morning and i have not sent it to be verified by SAI . It will take time for SAI to check it . I have Low citizen ranking . Surprisingly she agreed . We finished our meal in a hurry and then then she informed her bodyguards that she is going there was surprisingly 100 bodyguards with her . I asked Stella that she said there was only four bodyguards . Stella said that the rest of the guards were in various places of the hotel.

We reached home in no time . Victoria asked that's your daughter I presume ?? yes Ma'am. Ok Victoria asked me start the authentication procedure first .....she has much authority over SAI as one of the founder of it and ordered SAI to make haste and give evaluation fast. But Strangely SAI was taking time after 30 Min later SAI gave an evaluation . It is legendary epoch making game ...which truly takes you in the time of the ancients and lets you enjoy the way they would put their life on the line and provide entertainment. Recommended selling price 10000 credits .

Soon Victoria's eyes were hot even the guards were astounded . 10000 credits for a game ?? that's the price of grade one body enhancing serum.

soon I interjected .i decided to make the price 1000 credits only . I gave SAI a reason....that I have games potential ranked from F- to SSS separated in twenty three ranks . Among them this game can get maximum B+ rating in terms of potential. I have my own criteria of making games and this game is absolutely NOT a legend please revoke such misleading comment.

Victoria P.O.V.

What am I hearing ??? My brain is not working for the first time in a long time . she has made her own grades of games ?? and this game only gets to B+in potential what the hell is going on here ??I must try the game .

After 1 hour that is 12 hour in game . After Victoria came out she was like a changed lady.Ma'am are you okay ?? She said ...what have you done Mia you have changed the world this is truly an epoch making game you say it is a B+ grade game ??

Yes Ma'am it is . It very definitely is a B+grade game . because I can present you similar games anytime I want to.

Brave and Bold ...are we ?? Well you have made your point Miss Mia . If you have no objection then from now on you are an S grade employee of our company. I am going to invest in the game business and also going to setup a game company where you would be the C.E.O. you have any objection ??

I am overjoyed ma'am .Thank you so much. We shook hands.

Please wait a few days then . We will send you notification and the housing will be arranged soon. in the meantime please give me the videos of game play we will use it for promotion.

The rest of the day was a happy day for me also a busy day for Victoria . She personally managed the setting up of North star Gaming corporation and the internet blew up. netizens comments kept rolling . A storm was brewing in the horizon.