
Chapter 301: Passed The Test With Flying Colors

Eyelids slowly open to reveal a pair of bleary, silver eyes. Grunting lowly from just waking up, Ethan locked his gaze to where his wife was suppose to be.

Only to apprehend, a moment later when his sleepiness was shook off, that a pillow had taken her place.

Did his brain just trolled him to think that the pillow was Lillie?

Reluctantly, he sat up to check the time from the wall clock hanging above the door frame.

4:29 am, it says. Urgh, so the sun hasn't risen up yet. Ethan wanted to sleep again but his thoughts about his wife deny him of the luxury.

To lull himself back to sleep, he studied every nook and cranny of the bedroom. Surprisingly, it's well maintained and refurbished.

In retrospect, unlike what the shabby door had suggested otherwise.

Ethan eyed the coffee table where he folded Lillie's damped clothes last night; they were gone.