
Chapter 253: The Protective Senior Brother

Lillie tried to ignore the loud, continuous slurping produced by her senior brother on his cup of coffee. With her back facing him, she could feel him staring intently at her.

The sun hadn't risen yet when Death returned to the house. With the exemption of the security, most people at Tranquil Villa were still in their dreams.

To not disturb them, Death snuck in.

He was tired after a long day at work, his stomach wouldn't stop grumbling out for food.

So, the first place he went to was the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee and rampage through their fridge for something to eat, just in time for Lillie to come down the stairs to get a glass of water.

Lillie was quick to hide her surprise when he found him standing by the kitchen counter, munching on the donuts she bought yesterday.

A silent greeting took place when their eyes met.

Lillie calmly went on to grab a glass and fill it with water.