
Chapter 125: The Toast

On his peripheral vision, Ethan saw Yang Hui approach them holding two glasses of champagne.

He had an idea on what she was planning, and this caused his eyes to cast a dark shadow.

Ethan automatically veered his eyes towards Lillie, to only catch her staring at him as well.

"Don't worry."

These two words extinguish his burning wrath like wind.

He replied with a silent nod before snaking his arm around her tiny waist, pulling her closer to his chest before kissing her forehead.

Lillie was surprised.

Though, it was not only her.

Gaping mouths and wide eyes came into view to the people in front of the two dog food distributer.

Women could not help but sigh at Ethan's loving gesture to his wife. While the men hoped for a woman to dote and embrace in their arms like Lillie.

Su Cang, Gabriel and Yi Fei's math profession, watch on the sidelines with tears streaming down his face. "Huhuhu...Miss Theodora..."