
Lady Boss Annie

Annie, a girl whose childhood makes her a depiser of love and marriage promises to never fall in love. She ends up getting caught in the middle of love and her career after falling helplessly in love with Carlos, an true believer of love.

Daoisti2XMMt · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

High School

"ANNIE!", could you help me tie my hair?, shouted Francisca. Annie rushed to her sister as she was done getting ready for school. Her sister had always been the type to need help and she Annie had promised to always be there for her.

After they were all done, they grabbed their bags and gracefully descended the stairs, down to the dining room.

Standing by Claudia, Uncle Bob whispered, "She got her father's confident look and sense of superiority, she'll be a very powerful person someday." Claudia looked at her both her daughters and smiled. She knew this too. She had to be there to lead them on the right path.

Nobody talked during breakfast and soon they were done. "Let's go then", Uncle Bob said with a smile. They entered the car as they slowly watched the house disappear as they neared their destination.

Upon reaching Francisca's school,Annie waited in the car as Uncle Bob took Franscisca to her teacher. Getting back in the car Uncle Bob said, "She's settled", and drove off. Annie's eyes were filled with admiration as she saw her school. She got down and bid farewell to her Uncle.

However, before she could enter her school, someone pushed her and she landed on the floor. Annie looked up to see who the culprit was only to find a very handsome guy. They both got lost just staring at each other.

He had grey coloured eyes that you'd sink into, thin nose with the perfect set of pink lips, soooo kissable. He was well built than other regular high school kids. He had golden brown hair which was perfectly styled. Everything about him screamed "PERFECT".

Annie zoned out. She only came back to her senses when the guy reached out to her. She panicked and said, "Step back". Carlos was beyond shocked. He only wanted to help. He too had found Annie quite beautiful but he wasn't going to let that get to him.

He sighed and said, "Sorry, I only wanted to help" and left. Annie got up and dusted her dress. A very pretty girl picked up Annie's books that had fallen out of her bag and handed it over to her. Annie smiled at her and thanked her.

"I'm Lisa" and you are? "I'm Annie". They chatted as they walked together to their class. Turned out they were classmates too. Who knew that they'd turn out to be the best of friends in the future? Fate decided.

After class, Lisa took Annie to the cafeteria. After grabbing their lunch they searched for a place to sit. Annie saw the guy from the morning. Their eyes met and for a minute everything stopped.

Lisa noticed this and said, " That's Carlos my brother, you guys know each other?" and smiled. Annie understood what the smile meant. Shaking her head Annie said, "No, he just crushed into me this morning that's all". Lisa couldn't help but laugh. Annie was just too adorable. They ended up sitting pretty close to Carlos's table.

Annie noticed that there was this girl who kept harassing Carlos, well it looked like that to Annie. She was blonde and very hot, with the perfect curves and face. But why did it seem that Carlos was not interested.

Lisa explained the ways of the school to Annie. The most popular people, the nerds, the hottest and so on. Lisa was simply amazing.

"We're friends now ", Lisa squeaked when her car had arrived to pick her up. Sizing up the car, Annie realised that Lisa and her "annoying brother" were not simple people. Annie nearly freaked out when Lisa hugged and kissed her forehead. Annie was flabbergasted. She couldn't hold back her smile. She genuinely smiled. And this pleased Lisa.

Carlos who happened to be passing by saw his sister hug and kiss Annie's forehead. He was beyond shocked because his sister was a very reserved person who did not like people who were not family being too close to her. Carlos was lost for words when he saw Annie smile. He mumbled, "Beautiful ".