
A Dark-Haired Friend

     The boy and his grandfather had reached their destination after walking for a couple miles, a lonely cottage on the outskirts of the large city. 

"Finally, we're home

     Blurted out the exhausted Zeke, who sat to rest while waiting for his grandfather to open the door. The door creaked, and Arthur stepped through the thresh of the door.

"Charles? Alison? 

     The old man checked the house, but the couple were not there. Arthur walked back out to Zeke who was still sitting outside the house.

Arthur, "It looks like you're parents are still out

Zeke, "So is it okay for me to go into Greaka for a bit?

Arthur, "Hmmm… It should be fine, just as long as you don't get into trouble, oh and get back here before dinner

     Zeke set down the bag from his back and got up. The now energetic boy, thanked his grandfather, then took off in the direction of the city.

     The sounds of footsteps and voices filled through the streets of this large city market. Zooming through the seemingly endless crowds, Zeke made his way past all the vendors.


     He blurted out as he moved past a guy he bumped into. He kept his pace and moved swiftly through a cut between two buildings.


     Zeke had made his way to the residential area, sprinting more and more to the epicenter of the city. He passed by all the other homes to reach a higher area, in which larger homes were located.


     Birds, chirping their elegant songs, sitting on the branches of a young cedar tree, on the grounds of a lavish estate. The two-story mansion had an open windowsill on its second floor, which room had contained a young black-haired boy with light blue eyes. He sat at a desk, quiet and contained, writing in a note. 

"Hey James, whatcha doin?

     The silence was broken by Zeke's voice, which came from right outside the window. He was standing on one of the branches of the tree, just outside the room. The dark-haired boy's concentration shifted to his friend out his window. 

James, "nothing much, just more papers from that school my parents enrolled me in

Zeke, "Oh, you finally got in that mages school? 

James, "Yeah, but we still haven't even gotten to any cool things yet. Just studying and paper tests. If only I had someone like Arthur who could teach me some cool magic

     James looked over, envious of his friend.

Zeke, "ehh, nevermind that - not everyone gets to learn the same way, am I right?

James, "I guess you're right

     James moved closer to the window.

James, "So yeah, what are we doing today? Wanting to go to the plaza and see the adventurers return from the dungeon like we did yesterday? Oh, or go to the Blazing Forge to see that cool sword again?

     The now smiling James was meeted with a nervously grinning Zeke.

Zeke, "Actually, I was thinking maybe we could stay around here. It's already pretty later in the afternoon and I've gotta be back home before dinner.

James, "Oh...okay then, I guess we could.

     The now deflated James waved for Zeke to enter. He moved over and opened the door.

James, "Hey Weizel, is it okay for Zeke to be over?

     Down the hall, a girl with hair as white as snow and silver-blue eyes like diamonds, gracefully walked towards the now open doorway. 

Weizel, "Of course, just make sure he is on his way home by dusk

James, "Okay, thanks sis

     Weizel sat at the door, looking in at the blonde kid, who was now crawling his way into the room.

Weizel, "Why don't either of you ever use the front door like a normal person?

James, "Oh don't act like you've never done it before

Weizel, "Heh, touche

     The white-haired 'princess' strolled out back to down the hall and lightly closed her door. 

Zeke, "Hey, where are those trouble twin sisters of yours?

James, "Do you really wanna know? 

     Sarcastically retorted the black-haired friend.

Zeke, "Yeah, maybe it is best not to know, wouldn't want them running in and wasting up the already small time we've got here


     The boys sat for half an hour, conversing over what they could and would be doing if it were just earlier in the day. 

     Zeke looked out at the now hazy skies, that mixed colors of blue and orange. The twilight was moving in, in its slow and steady pace, covering the sky.

"Well, guess it's about time I go

     The now less ecstatic Zeke said, as he stood up and headed for the window. 

Zeke, "See yah man, I'll see if I can go to the plaza tomorrow if you're still wanting 

James, "Yeah sure, I'll ask my father if it is okay to go with

     They waved each other goodbye as Zeke slid out the window and started sprinting, on his way back to his home.


     As the twilight set in, the crowds had already been dispersed, only few people were left roaming the streets. Of which, a man, wearing a long black overcoat with a hood sewn into it, was watching the others from the side of the street. The man looked constantly around, as if to be looking out for someone. 


     Not long after, he was up and moving over towards people in the streets. Cloaked by his hood, he snuck up on a passerby and swiftly stole their coin purse and walked away with them unaware. 

     As he was walking away, he skimmed through the purse. Being distracted by his newfound gain of cash, he ran straight into a man, coated with armor. 

     The sound of coins hitting the ground echoe as a coin purse is left laying in the dark streets of the city.