
Lackey's Seducing Survival Odyssey

The world was cruel..... Especially for those who had lost their chances to shine. Aether was one of them.... Aether, an individual born with a silver spoon, found himself discarded like a defective product. He had longed for love and tenderness, but what others showed him was nothing but pain. Even in the face of that pain, he smiled not because he wanted to, but because he had no other choice. Despite the heartbreak, he entered into a hell called society with a beautiful smile..... "Can't you do a single thing!!" "..." "You are fired!!!" "....W-Wh.." "I am sorry, Sir, but you need at least a bachelor's degree to enter our company!!" "....I-I am..." "I am sorry, Sir, but we cannot provide a loan for your ideas without reassurance!!" "....W-Why?" "I heard your father is a politician.... So, You know...." "...." After a long struggle, he finally got a job, but his brother's words rang in his ears: "Yeah, yeah… I know you got the job thanks to me, of course. So, don't ever contact me or even MY parents" his brother declared. "...Heh..." Just as he believed he had earned society's recognition, an unforeseen event claimed his pathetic, seemingly worthless life.... "HONK!! HONK!!" Yet, amidst the cruelty of society, he defiantly cried, “I JUST WANT TO LIVE!!!!!” Witnessing his heartfelt cry and desire to live in the hellish place called society, he was granted a second chance. ~Ding!~ However, even in this new life, his situation remained unchanged. He continued to struggle not only to live and eat but also..... seduction. "HOW DARE YOU SEDUCE THE PRINCESS!!" ".....he..he... B-But I didn't seduce her!!" "HOW DARE YOU SEDUCE MY MOTHER!!" "...Hehe" "YOU HAVE SOME NERVE TO SEDUCE MY WIFE, DON'T YOU?" "HEHEHEHEHEE....." _________________ Discord Server Link: 6JA46z23bw

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469 Chs

Luck or not...

'Rustle, Rustle'

The sound of movement nearby put Aether on high alert. Slowly, he backed up against a nearby tree trunk, he wasn't letting sneak up from behind him.... Wary of potential threats lurking in the darkness behind him while he focused his attention on the source of the rustling.

In the dim light, he could make out a small figure emerging from the shadows, its form indistinct yet intriguing.

Aether's heart pounded in his chest, the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he prepared for whatever might come next.


With a sudden, squeezing sound, an object leapt before him, startling Aether for a moment.

As he squinted to get a clearer view, a smile tugged at his lips. "It's a slime, isn't it?" he remarked with a hint of amusement.

This encounter marked his first real-life encounter with a creature straight out of a cartoon, and the novelty of it all brought a glimmer of joy to Aether's eyes.