
Chapter 72 - The 4th Floor boss

After Glasy's return, we were all at the edge of the sea. Glasy had returned to my shadow while Fujiwara copied my ability to breathe underwater. Thanks to this, my workload was greatly reduced, as now I only needed to worry about Saemi, Aoi-sensei, and Ana.

"Are you guys ready?" 

I asked while looking seriously at the three. Upon hearing my words, the three nodded while also looking seriously at me. As soon as I received their consent, I activated my ability while pointing my arm at them, and soon the three were inside a black sphere.

(Let's talk to each other using telepathy. It's probably dark in there, but please hang on. We'll probably get there in less than 30 seconds) 

I said using my telepathy ability. Although I didn't get any response back, I figured the three of them had heard.

"Let's go" 

I said as I looked at Fujiwara. She just nodded, and soon we all went into the sea. Using my power, I was guiding the sphere. Then, as we swam to the temple, Fujiwara looked in surprise at the coral and the strange fish that were swimming around.

"And it's quite beautiful down here" 

Said Fujiwara telepathically. She really seemed genuinely impressed with the place. Well, it's not like she was lying. It is really pretty down here, or at least it is until you meet a giant octopus that tries to drag you down to the bottom of the sea. But even though I thought this, I decided to stay put. 

It's not because I had a bad first experience that I should put Fujiwara through the same thing. In a few minutes, while we were swimming, it was already possible to see the huge construction ahead.

"Look, that's the temple" 

I said while looking at the temple ahead, catching Fujiwara's attention. As soon as Fujiwara looked at where I was looking, her eyes widened, and her mouth opened in surprise.

"Wow... although you said it was a big temple, I didn't think it would be big on this level" 

Said Fujiwara as she looked at the temple. I could really understand what she must have been feeling. This temple has the height of a 20-story building, making it quite intimidating at first glance.

(Saemi, Ana, Aoi-sensei, we are coming. Just hang on a little longer) 

After saying this, I sped up even more to get as fast as possible to the entrance of the temple. As soon as Fujiwara and I arrived at the entrance, she started looking around, trying to find some way in. But even if we looked around, there was nothing like an entrance except the huge door that was in front of us. 

The door had a strange symbol that I really couldn't understand what it was supposed to mean, but otherwise, it seemed to be too heavy for me and Fujiwara to open with brute force. While I was thinking about what to do, I started to swim closer to the door, trying to find some way in.

I couldn't stay too long around the temple since the three girls inside the sphere couldn't stay much longer without breathing, and it was with this in mind that I slowly started to approach the huge entrance. But suddenly, as I got closer, the mark that was in front of the door started to glow blue, and soon the door started to open by itself. 

Neither I nor Fujiwara understood what had happened, but we knew that this was our chance to get in. Following this idea, Fujiwara and I swam to the entrance of the door, and as soon as we approached, there was a wall blocking the water from entering inside the temple. Even though I found it strange, I could actually say that this was an advantage in our favor.

Before we came here, we didn't know if we would be able to breathe inside the temple. Although I had thought of a few ways to get the three girls to breathe underwater, it would greatly limit our overall combat strength. As soon as we passed the wall of water, I undid the sphere, and soon Saemi, Ana, and Aoi-sensei were beside us as they looked around. 

All three seemed surprised to see the place they were in, even Ana, who normally doesn't show feelings, was having some reaction.

After that, we started to walk through the corridor of the huge temple. Although it was dark initially, every time we moved, a light appeared, seeming to guide us to the right place. Even though it looked suspicious, we decided to follow the light since we didn't know exactly where to go.

Following the light, we reached another huge door that had the same symbol as the previous one, and just like the previous one, the circle started to shine intensely before a noise was heard. As soon as we looked ahead, a huge hall appeared in front of our eyes, with huge pillars seeming to hold the temple, preventing it from falling to the ground.

Slowly, we began to walk towards the middle of the temple while looking around. The fact that it was calm and silent increased our anxiety even more, but the more I looked at this place, the more a doubt hammered in my head.

"What the hell lives down here?" 

I said to no one in particular. But as soon as I said that, a tiny piece of stone fell on my shoulder. At the time, I didn't understand what that was supposed to mean until a huge bang resounded throughout the place. While we were trying to figure out what was causing these bangs, a huge roar resounded through the place.


Then one of the walls shattered, revealing what was causing all the rumbling. Eight heads stared at us, as they seemed to look at us like nothing more than ants. A colossal body, along with glowing silver scales, made that monster much more intimidating than it really should look. 

A huge hydra was right in front of us at this very moment as we stared at it, not knowing how exactly we were supposed to defeat this thing. Maybe the question swirling around in the girls' minds right now was exactly the same as mine.

(This thing... can it be defeated?) 

I thought as I looked at the colossal hydra in front of us.

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