
Chapter 162 - Aurora and Artena

"It doesn't seem like he's going to hold on much longer" 

A monotonous voice echoed in an endless white space. Turning towards the voice, Aurora found a woman with golden hair and eyes. Her predominantly white attire had some yellow details. Her hair was perfectly braided, giving her a mature yet friendly appearance. Although not as radiant as Aurora, the woman before her was considered one of the most beautiful goddesses of Celestia.

"Artena... what have you come to do here? I thought you were taking care of your contractor" 

Aurora asked with a sarcastic tone in her voice. Hearing these words, Artena let out a small laugh before sitting on a chair that appeared out of nowhere, accompanied by a table and a parasol. Seeing this, Aurora could only roll her eyes, already accustomed to the goddess's eccentricities.

"How cold, sister. It's been so long since our last personal meeting, and this is how I'm welcomed? Even I get hurt sometimes, you know?" 

Hearing Artena's words, Aurora turned to her and stared for a few seconds. Meanwhile, Artena brought a cup of tea to her lips and drank calmly. Faced with this, Aurora could only sigh. Despite everything that happened before, Artena was not evil. She was considered one of the fairest goddesses in Celestia, always ready to help the lower races when they needed it.

"Alright, I apologize for that... I'm just a little irritated because of my contractor's recklessness" 

Aurora said, keeping her eyes fixed on the unfolding scene being transmitted to her by a floating screen in front of her.

"Yes, yes, that's the older sister I know... but honestly, I can't understand why you care so much about him. After all, unlike us, he's just from an inferior race... I hate the idea of you seeming to care more about him than me" 

Artena said with a jealous tone in her voice, her last sentence sounding like a whisper, a detail not unnoticed by Aurora, who discreetly chuckled. Her sister remained the same as always.

"He and I are much more alike than you think, Artena" 

Aurora said in an enigmatic tone. Hearing her words, Artena's eyes softened, and her face took on a slightly sadder expression.

"Sister... I've said before that it wasn't your fault" 

Artena said with a soft voice, trying to console Aurora.

"Your power got out of control; that wasn't you" 

Hearing her younger sister's words, Aurora let out a discreet chuckle. How many times had they had this conversation? Aurora had lost count of how many times Artena tried to comfort her, which, in the end, only made her feel even more guilty.

"I know you're trying to console me, Artena, and I really appreciate you and the others for that" 

Aurora began sincerely.

"But it's an undeniable fact that, just as I am Aurora, I am also Gluttony. What you faced in the past, that's also me... The things I did, I did because I wanted to"

Her voice, although firm, carried a hint of sorrow. Then, Aurora turned and stared at Artena for a few seconds before a teasing smile formed on her face.

"Even though he wasn't my type, did you choose your contractor because he was yours?"

Aurora teased, her voice playful.

"Personally, I thought you had fallen for him... of course, his personality still sucks"

Listening to Aurora's words, Artena turned to her with a strange expression on her face, as if Aurora's words were entirely unexpected.

"Sister... what on earth are you talking about? You know it's practically impossible for a god to love an inferior being. For starters, we would need to treat the partner as an equal to even consider a relationship. And you know that's impossible between gods and inferior beings" 

Artena replied, her voice filled with conviction. Hearing her little sister's words, Aurora turned her gaze back to the screen, a sad smile on her face, where a kneeling Makoto was shown.

"Yes, I guess you're right... But that doesn't stop us from considering some inferior beings precious to us, even if it's in the same way an inferior being sees a pet" 

Aurora said, turning again to Artena, her serious gaze contrasting with her usually playful nature.

"Little sister, I need to ask you a favor. If this continues the way it is, Makoto will probably die" 

Aurora said seriously, her expression revealing the urgency of the situation. Hearing her older sister's words, Artena sighed, feeling the weight of the imminent responsibility.

"And? What do you want me to do about it?"

Hearing Artena's words, Aurora let out a small laugh, seeming to understand the difficult position her sister was in.

"Nothing much, I just need you to give me some time to figure it out" 

Aurora explained, trying to reassure Artena while planning her next steps mentally. Hearing her sister's words, Artena sighed once again, resigned, because this was something she had been expecting.

"Sister, you know I love you. I would do anything for you, but you also know I can't do this. Those are the rules"

Even after Artena's words, the smile on Aurora's face persisted, as if her sister's words were something she had already expected to hear.

"Yes, I know, but you're the one who makes the rules, aren't you?" 

Aurora asked, with a shrewd look. As soon as she heard those words, Artena naturally backed down. In the end, her sister was right, and not helping her sister would certainly weigh on her mind later.

"Haaa... fine, I'll help you, but I can only buy you a second. Nothing more and nothing less than that. If you still can't save him, it won't be my fault" 

Artena said decisively. Hearing her words, Aurora let out a laugh, realizing how easy it was to persuade her little sister, at least when it was her doing the persuading.

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