
L'Enfant Du Sang

In a dystopian world where vampires and witches reign, Mazigh emerges as a figure of mysterious powers and menace. Possessing an ethereal beauty that captivates all who cross his path, Mazigh navigates the treacherous landscape of Neo Orleans, a baroque metropolis shrouded in darkness and mystery. Neo Orleans is the capital of Purgatorio, one of the 3 continents of this planet. Purgatorio, Paradiso, and Inferno. Within its hallowed halls, a prestigious Witch University trains the gifted students of various zodiac covens. As Mazigh embarks on his first day, he discovers a world where celestial forces shape extraordinary abilities and the line between light and darkness blurs. Guided by enigmatic glimpses and the haunting echoes of a second identity, Mazigh's true nature remains hidden from those around him. With an allure that is both irresistible and dangerous, he weaves a web of manipulation and intrigue, drawing others into his orbit. As Mazigh delves deeper into the secrets of Witch University, his persuasive charm and mysterious demeanor captivate his fellow students and faculty. But beneath his enchanting facade lies a darkness that even the devil himself would find chilling. Consumed by a thirst for revenge from a yet unknown source, Mazigh's cruelty knows no bounds, and his wrath threatens to plunge Neo Orleans into chaos. "L’Enfant Du Sang" is a mesmerizing and seductive tale of power, vengeance, and the blurred lines between good and evil. Within the confines of Neo Orleans, readers will be immersed in a world where secrets lurk in every shadow, and the true nature of darkness is revealed. Prepare to be enraptured by a saga that explores the depths of human nature, the allure of forbidden power, and the price one must pay to claim sovereignty over the macabre. As Mazigh's journey unfolds, the reader will be irresistibly drawn into a web of dark enchantment, where nothing is as it seems, and the true depths of cruelty await discovery.

Kyuseishu · Fantasi
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18 Chs

Veiled Alliances

Mazigh's gaze swept across the classroom, taking in the diverse group of students who represented the zodiac covens. There was a palpable energy in the air, a mingling of anticipation and curiosity. As the instructor delved deeper into the intricacies of each coven's abilities, Mazigh's mind wandered, his thoughts drifting to his own untapped potential.

Amidst the lecture, Mazigh's eyes locked with those of Tafucht, a fellow student from the Leo coven. There was an instant connection, a recognition that went beyond words. Tafucht possessed a fierce spirit, her fiery presence matching the power of her zodiac sign. Mazigh couldn't help but feel a magnetic pull toward her, an inexplicable bond that defied explanation.

After class, Mazigh found himself drawn to Tafucht, his steps instinctively leading him toward her. As he approached, she turned to him, a curious smile playing upon her lips.

"You have a certain air about you," Tafucht remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of intrigue. "I sense there's more to you than meets the eye."

Mazigh's gaze met hers, a flicker of recognition passing between them. "And I believe the same could be said about you," he replied, his voice carrying a trace of mystery.

They fell into an easy conversation, their words flowing effortlessly as they shared their thoughts and experiences. Mazigh was intrigued by Tafucht's fiery nature, her determination matching her zodiac sign. And Tafucht, in turn, was captivated by Mazigh's enigmatic charm, the way he seemed to carry the weight of untold secrets upon his shoulders.

As they spoke, Mazigh couldn't shake the haunting whispers of his forgotten past. They grew louder, more insistent as if urging him to remember. But he remained guarded, revealing only fragments of his true self, for he knew that the darkness within him had the power to consume.

Beneath his charismatic facade, Mazigh harbored the echoes of his second identity. The sociopathic tendencies he concealed so well lurked in the shadows, waiting for the opportune moment to reveal themselves. He was a vessel of both illusion and reality, and the delicate balance between them threatened to unravel.

"You have a mysterious aura, Mazigh," Tafucht remarked, her eyes searching his. "But I sense that there's something you're not telling me."

Mazigh's smile remained enigmatic. "We all carry our own secrets, Tafucht. Some are better left buried."

Tafucht's gaze held a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Just remember, Mazigh, that true strength lies in embracing who we are, shadows and all."

Mazigh nodded in agreement and ejaculated. "See you tomorrow, it will be a grandiose day, practice day. We shall see a great display of power, a zodiac dance of the sort. It will be a beautiful performance, and I hope you won't disappoint me, you, and our colleagues."

Tafucht laughed for a moment in reply to Mazighs teases." Don't worry about me, worry about the others. I am a direct descendant of The Solarius family, a pure-blood family."

As the first day at the Cathedral Of Shadows came to an end, Mazigh and Tafucht parted ways, their connection lingering like a suspended spell. Mazigh, with his persuasive allure and ethereal presence, would continue his journey, both as the student he portrayed and as the enigmatic witch harboring secrets that danced at the edge of his consciousness.

In the depths of the night, Mazigh's footsteps echoed through the streets of Neo Orleans. The moon cast a silvery glow upon his path, illuminating the way forward. The whispers of his forgotten past grew louder, urging him to confront the darkness that resided within. Mazigh's determination burned brighter than ever as he embarked on a quest that would unravel the enigma he carried within, revealing the truth that lay hidden within the tapestry of his existence.