

A mysterious boy named Yinxing was found by a married couple, who then took care of him until he became a teenager. One day, Yinxing felt that he was different from other humans. This realization led him to search for his true identity. Eventually, he arrived in a dimension known as the Tree of Life, where his long adventure would begin from this point.

MrXGin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Rain after a long dry season

As if undergoing a miraculous alchemy, the mundane cart, once laden with garbage, now overflowed with the promise of blessings eagerly anticipated by the husband and wife.

Before them stood the cart, now adorned with cardboard boxes, one of which resonated with the poignant cry of an infant. The transformation was stark; what was once a receptacle for refuse had become a beacon of realized dreams. Nestled within the rectangular confines of the cart lay two enigmatic boxes, foreign to the couple yet pregnant with possibility.

Unconsciously, Ying's hand gravitated toward the box emitting the tender cry of a newborn. Her countenance transformed, suffused with unadulterated joy, akin to a withered tree suddenly rejuvenated, bursting forth with ripe fruit.

"Oh, night, I am profoundly grateful for this extraordinary gift," Ying proclaimed, her expression a testament to her overwhelming happiness and gratitude. "No words can adequately convey my appreciation. I am at a loss to describe the depth of your generosity."

When a young child cries and asks for chocolate, then receives it from someone, they experience boundless happiness. To them, the wrapper, shape, or the giver of the chocolate doesn't matter; all that matters is that their desire has been fulfilled with that sweet gift.

In a similar vein, Ying's emotions mirrored those of the child receiving chocolate. She didn't dwell on the origins of the baby, its ownership, or how the cart, usually used for hauling garbage, now cradled the baby she had yearned for so intensely.

In contrast, Xiang's reaction upon seeing the cart was one of utter shock and confusion. His expression now mirrored that of someone who had encountered a ghost.

"I distinctly recall bringing only one box containing a baby, so why are there now three? And why does one box contain a significant amount of money? Furthermore, the other box remains tightly sealed, yet emanates the delightful aroma of food. When I initially retrieved the first box, these two additional boxes seemed nonexistent. Could it be that I was so caught up in the moment that I failed to notice their existence? I'm at a loss; it simply doesn't add up!" Xiang's words laid bare the tumult raging within his heart and mind.

Like a looming black cloud threatening to unleash a deluge, but miraculously dispersing, giving way to the warm embrace of the sun, illuminating the earth with its radiant light, transforming the imminent storm into a beautiful, clear day.

Perhaps Xiang's emotions mirrored the shifting weather above, as his feelings oscillated from turmoil to profound confusion. However, now his countenance and emotions transformed into sheer happiness and delight, witnessing his beloved wife radiating with joy. Her words only added to his elation.

"Xisang, where did you get these boxes? They contain incredibly amazing gifts, and I can't fathom you giving such wonderful anniversary presents. Let's bring these boxes inside, and you can tell me how you found this baby," Ying said, grasping the box containing the baby and attempting to lift and carry it inside.

Xiang replied, "Alright, Yisang, let me carry the other box. You take the one with the baby."

Ying hurriedly brought the box containing the baby into the house and placed it on the old, weathered table, worn down from years of use.

Unlike Ying, when Xiang lifted the other box, he discovered a small piece of paper that read, "Take care of this child, and these two boxes are my gift to you. Please take the locket necklace and keep it a secret from the boy until he is ready. Only then should you give it back to him."

Xiang was immediately puzzled by the note. Where did it come from, and who had left it? What connection did it have to the baby boy? The situation was utterly baffling to Xiang. He tried to reflect on the strangeness and oddities of this night, pondering deeply about the mysterious events that had unfolded.

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by his wife's voice.

"Xisang... Xisang... Hurry inside! I won't open the box with the crying baby without you, Xisang. Hurry, I can't wait any longer," Ying called out urgently from inside the house.

Startled, Xiang quickly slipped the note into his pants pocket and lifted the remaining box. He walked into the house slowly, still trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

"Xisang, Xisang, come quickly. Why have you been outside for so long? What were you doing? And have you figured out what's in that box? Bring it here, let's open these boxes together," Ying said, her voice filled with joy and her face radiating excitement.

As Xiang entered, he saw Ying standing beside the old, weathered table, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. He placed the second box next to the first and looked at his wife. Despite the whirlwind of confusion in his mind, he couldn't help but feel a wave of happiness seeing her so elated.

"Alright, Yisang, let's see what mysteries these boxes hold," Xiang said, forcing a smile as he prepared to uncover the contents together with Ying.

Seeing his wife's joyful face, Xiang suddenly felt a surge of happiness himself. All his chaotic thoughts vanished instantly, and he quickly approached the table near Ying.

"Xisang, don't place the box you're carrying on the table. Not only is our table old and fragile, but it also looks like you struggled to carry that box. If you put it on the table, it will probably break," Ying cautioned.

Xiang nodded and carefully set the box down on the floor. "Alright, Yisang, I'll put this box down here. Let's open the one on the table together," Xiang said, pointing to the box on the table.

As Xiang pointed to the box, the sound of the baby crying suddenly returned. The baby, who had been silent a moment ago, seemed to sense that he was being noticed and immediately tried to capture all the attention of those around him.

"Hear that, my dear wife? That's the sound we've been waiting for all these years, for more than ten years. And tonight, we've finally received it. Even though this isn't our biological child, let's consider him our own," Xiang said.

"Xisang, don't make me wait any longer with your long explanations. Let me see the baby first, and then be ready, because I'll have many questions for you," Ying replied, her voice tinged with excitement and impatience.

"Alright, Yisang, go ahead and open the box. Just don't be so surprised that you faint," Xiang said with a smile.

With that, Ying eagerly opened the box containing the crying baby. Her hands trembled slightly as she lifted the flaps, revealing the tiny, wriggling form inside. The baby's cries grew louder, echoing through the small house, filling it with a sound they had longed to hear.

Ying's face softened as she gently lifted the baby out of the box, cradling him in her arms. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked at Xiang, her eyes shining with gratitude and joy.

"Xiang, he's perfect," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you. This is the greatest gift I could ever receive."

Xiang stepped closer, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He's our miracle, Yisang. Let's cherish him and give him all the love we've been saving up for so long."

Together, they stood there, united in their newfound happiness, the mysterious circumstances surrounding the baby's arrival momentarily forgotten in the warmth of their shared joy.