
Kuroko's Basketball__: I'm Shinji Koganei

This story is being rewritten. All the chapters with (Edited) on them have already been rewritten and edited. I also advise all the old readers to go back and read it again. A lot of things have changed. ... What would happen if Shinji Koganei started playing basketball at a young age? Well, that's what we're discussing in this story. It is just that this Koganei has memories of his past life and improved physical talent. How would such a man fare against talented players like the generation of miracles, Shinichi Maki, Hisashi Mitsui, and Kenji Natsume? I guess we're about to find out.

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46 Chs

After the Finals. (3)



I'm contemplating the idea of incorporating additional images into these chapters to enhance the immersive experience and facilitate a clearer visualization of the unfolding narrative. If you have reservations about this approach, kindly express your thoughts in the comments. Should a significant number of individuals prefer not to proceed with this addition, I will refrain from incorporating images. Thank you for engaging with this novel!





... [Saturday, the 14th of December 2014] ...

The soft rays of the early morning sun streamed through the half-closed blinds of Koganei's bedroom, gently illuminating the room. Having woken up, Koganei wasted no time. He slipped into his running shoes and headed out for a refreshing jog, the rhythmic thud of his footsteps echoing through the quiet neighborhood. Following his jog, he walked to the outdoor basketball court and practiced his ball-handling skills and free-throw shooting skills.

Returning home, he felt the satisfying fatigue that comes from a good workout. A quick shower later, he found himself seated at the desk in his room, surrounded by the familiar ambiance of study materials. The pen in his hand moved across the paper with purpose, effortlessly translating his thoughts onto the pages. The subjects that once posed challenges in his previous life seemed to unravel themselves easily now.

(Koganei's bedroom.)

An hour passed swiftly as he delved into the intricacies of his homework. The equations and problems, once formidable, now yielded to his understanding. He completed the assignments with a sense of accomplishment, reassured by the fact that he was mastering not only the complexities of academia but also the nuances of this new world.

Satisfied with his academic endeavors, he decided to reinforce his learning further. Additional exercises were undertaken, a proactive measure to solidify the lessons learned in class. The room echoed with the soft rustling of pages and the scratch of his pen, creating an atmosphere of focused determination.

As the clock approached 8:00 AM, he closed his books, acknowledging the importance of a well-balanced routine. Descending to the kitchen, he took charge of the stove, the aroma of breakfast gradually filling the air. The sizzle of eggs and the comforting scent of toast mingled, creating a symphony of morning flavors. Koganei, accustomed to self-sufficiency, prepared a simple yet nutritious meal, appreciating the importance of fueling his body for the day ahead.

With breakfast ready, he settled down at the dining table, savoring each bite as thoughts swirled in his mind. The quietude of the house allowed his introspection to take center stage. His parents' absence due to work commitments, the anticipation of his sister's return from college, and the solitude of the morning provided moments of reflection.

Having finished his meal, he returned to his room, the remnants of breakfast neatly cleared away.

Back in his room, Koganei settled into his chair and fired up his computer. He clicked on the familiar red and white YouTube icon, eager to dive into the world of basketball highlights. Today's focus was on one of his all-time favorites - Dwayne Wade.

The glow from the computer screen painted a soft illumination across his face as the familiar YouTube homepage appeared. He typed in "Dwayne Wade highlights" in the search bar, a routine that had become normal in his quest to improve on the court.

The click of the mouse echoed in the room as he selected a video showcasing Dwayne Wade's impressive moves and game plays. The video loaded, and the screen came alive with the intensity of a live basketball match. Koganei leaned in, eyes fixed on the screen, absorbing every dribble, every spin, and every shot.

As the video played on, Koganei's focus was unwavering. He studied how Dwayne Wade handled the ball with finesse, weaving through defenders effortlessly. The way Wade moved without the ball became just as important. Koganei paid close attention to the artistry of off-the-ball plays, seeking inspiration to add a touch of Wade's magic to his own game.

Occasionally, he paused the video, rewinding to dissect a particular move. His notebook lay open on the desk, a trusty companion ready to capture any insights or ideas that sparked in his mind. The pen in his hand danced across the paper, sketching out notes and diagrams, a visual map of the skills he aspired to master.

The room echoed with the sounds of basketball sneakers squeaking on the court and the roar of the crowd as Dwayne Wade executed jaw-dropping plays. Koganei's eyes gleamed with determination, fueled by the desire to emulate the legendary player while injecting his unique style into the mix.

With each passing minute, he found himself immersed in the world of Dwayne Wade's basketball prowess. The digital arena became a classroom, and every play was a lesson. It wasn't just about imitating; it was about understanding the rhythm, the timing, and the instincts that made Dwayne Wade a Hall of Famer.

As Koganei sat at his desk, surrounded by a sea of notes and the glow of his computer screen, he realized that time had slipped away. The clock on the wall stubbornly announced that it was already 1 pm, marking more than four hours spent immersing himself in the world of basketball tapes. Shaking his head to clear the mental fog, he chided himself to take it slow. "Gotta give the brain a breather," he muttered.

With an exhale, he pushed back from the desk, the creak of his chair signaling a break. Glancing around the room, he marveled at the dedication scattered across the pages of his notebook. The love for the game glinted in his eyes as he acknowledged the need for a pause.

Rising from his chair, Koganei stretched, his joints popping as he moved. The realization that hunger had stealthily crept in made him chuckle. "Time for some real food," he mused, reaching for a pair of sneakers.

Just as he reached for the doorknob, his phone buzzed on the desk, announcing an incoming call. The caller ID revealed the name "The Silent Man." A grin spread across Koganei's face as he swiped to answer.

"Hey, Mitobe! What's up?" he greeted, the warmth of friendship evident in his voice.

Mitobe's deep voice resonated through the phone. "Koganei, my parents just got back, and they're treating us to lunch. Wanna come over?"

Koganei's stomach rumbled in agreement, and he replied, "Alright! I was just about to head out for some grub. Perfect timing!"

Mitobe chuckled, "Great. It's just a three-minute walk from your place. See you soon!"

Closing the call, Koganei quickly changed into casual attire and headed out, making sure to lock the door behind him. The short walk brought him to Mitobe's house, where the savory aroma of home-cooked food greeted him even before he stepped inside.

(Koganei's casual attire.)

Mitobe's parents, having returned from their successful business trip, welcomed Koganei with warmth. The table was laden with an array of dishes, and the atmosphere echoed with laughter and familial joy. Koganei, feeling like an extended part of the Mitobe family, dove into the meal with gusto.

Amid bites of delicious food, conversations flowed effortlessly. Mitobe's parents inquired about Koganei's recent activities, and the tales of basketball tape marathons elicited laughter from the family. The camaraderie was visible, creating a sense of belonging that Koganei cherished.

After the satisfying meal, Mitobe and Koganei stepped out of the house, the warm afternoon sun casting long shadows. They strolled towards Koganei's home, engaged in a comfortable conversation.

Koganei, feeling that the time was ripe, turned to Mitobe. "Hey, Mitobe, what do you think about joining Seirin's basketball team with me? We could play together once again!"

Mitobe, typically a man of few words, nodded thoughtfully. "Sure, I'm in."

Koganei grinned, "Awesome! We'll make an unstoppable duo!" He added, not surprised that his friend accepted the proposition without even thinking.

The two friends continued their walk, the prospect of sharing the basketball court adding an extra layer of anticipation to their friendship. A while later, they separated, each heading back home. 

As the clock approached 2 pm, the sun hung lazily in the afternoon sky, casting a warm glow over the nearly deserted park. Koganei and Mitobe, having separated after their lunch, reconvened near the school gates. Coach Kimura, their old coach at Yuuki Junior High who would be joining them in Seirin, joined them, a bag full of basketballs in his hands.

"Ready for some work, Koganei?" Coach Kimura grinned, the lines on his face telling tales of years spent on the court.

Koganei nodded eagerly, "Absolutely, Coach! And good news – Mitobe here is joining us."

Coach Kimura's eyes crinkled with a pleased expression. "Great to have you on board, Mitobe. Let's make this a session to remember."

Mitobe, though a man of few words, conveyed his agreement with a nod. The trio made their way to the park, a spacious haven where echoes of dribbles and the occasional cheer lingered. The district's new basketball courts had drawn the crowds away, leaving the once-popular park in a serene state.

(This is the basketball court.)

Coach Kimura, finding a quiet spot, set down the basketball. "Alright, Koganei, today we'll keep working on that mid-range shot of yours. Let's reinforce those moves and focus on driving past opponents. You'll be a problem for any defense in no time."

Koganei's eyes sparkled with determination. "Got it, Coach." Ever since his first solo training session with Kimura, Koganei trusted him to lead their workouts. 

'He does everything in an orderly manner and always picks the right items to work on. He might not be better than me, but he's an excellent trainer.' Thought Koganei, a smile on his face. He doesn't like being led by somebody who doesn't know what they're doing. However, if that person is excellent at it, he will be a complete follower. 

The trio began with the rhythmic bounce of the ball, Koganei honing his moves under the watchful eye of Coach Kimura. Mitobe, standing tall beside them, absorbed the nuances of the session, ready to jump in.

After Koganei started his series of drills, Coach Kimura turned to Mitobe. "Mitobe, we're going to work on your mid-range game and your ability to face up against a big at the high post. Remember that game against Teiko? This is where we'll fill in the gaps."

Mitobe nodded, acknowledging the areas of improvement. Koganei chimed in, "Don't worry, Mitobe. We're in this together. Let's make each other better."

The workout intensified as Koganei and Mitobe faced off against each other, the ball moving between them. Coach Kimura provided guidance, offering tips on footwork and positioning. The empty park echoed with the sounds of dribbles, squeaking sneakers, and occasional laughter, a symphony of improvement in the making.

As they went through the paces, Koganei and Mitobe exchanged friendly banter, pushing each other to give their best. The simplicity of the park, devoid of the flashy new courts, provided an ideal backdrop for their focused efforts.

Two hours later, the workout concluded with smiles and a sense of accomplishment. Coach Kimura clapped them on the shoulders. "Well done, boys. Keep this up, and you'll be forced to be reckoned with on the court."

Koganei, catching his breath, grinned at Mitobe. "Solid work, Mitobe. We're going to be a killer duo out there."

Kimura nodded, agreeing to that statement. He believed that on the defensive end, not many duos could outshine the two of them. Still, he continued speaking. "We'll start watching tapes of your games. Doing that will help you identify your problems and try to work on them as much as possible." 

Hearing that, the two teenagers nodded their heads, already expecting something like that to happen. So, with satisfied expressions, they clapped their hands, praising themselves for having a great workout, something they were used to doing under the tutelage of Kimura.

As the trio wrapped up their intensive workout, beads of sweat glistening on their foreheads, they gathered their gear, ready to call it a day. However, just as they were about to step off the court, a young man approached, a basketball in hand. He wore a determined expression that immediately caught Koganei's attention.

the young man was about 178 cm tall. He has black colored eyes and voluminous textured black hair. He also has a tattoo on his right arm reading [greased lightning].

(This is the image of the young man.)

"Hey, you guys up for a game of 1s?" the young man asked a spark of excitement in his eyes.

Koganei exchanged a glance with Mitobe, and a shared grin passed between them. Despite the fatigue from their workout, the love for the game won over, and they agreed to the challenge.

"Sure, why not!" Koganei replied, bouncing the ball between his hands. "I'm Koganei, and this is Mitobe. What's your name?"

The young man reciprocated with a friendly smile. "I'm Kenji Natsume. Nice to meet you guys. I've seen you play, Koganei. You're the Winter Cup MVP, right?"

Koganei's eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise. "Yeah, that's me. You recognized me?"

Kenji chuckled, "No mistaking that. I'm a basketball fan, and seeing the MVP in action is a rare treat. I've been wanting to play against you."

Fired up by the compliment, Koganei's competitive spirit ignited. "Well then, let's make it happen, Kenji. You and me first!"

The two players stood poised on the basketball court, the familiar arena calling them back to the dance of competition. As the ball passed from Kenji's hands to Koganei's, the court transformed into their battleground once again. Koganei gripped the ball, assuming a triple-threat position, studying Kenji's defensive stance. To his surprise, there were no apparent loopholes, prompting a grin to play on Koganei's face. It seemed he had encountered a hidden gem in this dilapidated court.

Engaging in a quick jab-step, Koganei surged to the right, Kenji mirroring his movements with impressive precision. The court unfolded beneath their swift strides, reaching the free-throw line. Then, with a sudden halt that caught Kenji off guard, Koganei brought his explosive sprint to an abrupt stop. Kenji, adapting swiftly, closed in to maintain his defensive position. Yet, before he could fully re-establish his stance, Koganei unleashed a mean crossover, leaving Kenji momentarily stranded as Koganei breezed past him. The possession ended with a skillful layup as Koganei, with a slight smile on his face, returned to the three-point line.

"So, what school are you from, Kenji?" Koganei inquired, having already scored a basket and waiting for Kenji to give him the ball. 

Kenji bummed that he was scored on so rapidly, answered the question. "I play for Araki Junior High. It's a school affiliated with Araki High School. We were beaten by Teiko during the Winter Cup competition. Still, we managed to take second place in our group." 

Koganei a wry grin on his face, responded. "At least we have something in common. Teiko is truly everybody's nightmare." 

Mitobe offered a nod of affirmation, and the game continued, the rhythm of dribbles punctuating their conversation.

As the 1s unfolded, they exchanged details about their basketball journeys, schools, and even aspirations. The competitive edge softened into mutual respect, a camaraderie born on the court as all three players were fantastic.

Two hours flew by in a blur of contested shots, skillful dribble moves, and the occasional friendly taunts. As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, the trio decided to call it a day, the shared experience forging a newfound bond.

"Great game, Kenji," Koganei panted, extending a hand.

Kenji playfully shook his head with a grin. "Likewise, Koganei. And hey, Mitobe, solid defense." he commended, acknowledging the challenge posed by Mitobe's improved defensive skills. The duo of Kenji and Koganei had found themselves tested by Mitobe's ability to hold his ground, a skill that had posed problems to even a player like Murasakibara.

Mitobe responded with a simple nod, an understated yet powerful gesture of acknowledgment. In these recent months, he has undergone significant improvement. Recognizing the limitations in offensive prowess compared to other centers, he had made a strategic choice – to hone his defensive capabilities.

While Kimura focused on expanding Mitobe's offensive skill set, the man himself prioritized his growth on the defensive end of the court. His dedication to this aspect of the game manifested in challenging defensive plays. Playing against the likes of Koganei provided valuable practice, each encounter contributing to his evolving defensive prowess.

The three of them found a spot to sit and catch their breath. Kenji spoke up, "You guys are the real deal. Let's meet up here again tomorrow?"

Koganei and Mitobe exchanged looks before nodding in agreement. "Sounds good, Kenji. We'll be here," Koganei affirmed.

Before they parted ways, Mitobe spoke. "How about we open a group chat for the three of us? Damien will be put in there too." He said, not forgetting to include their other friend who was currently out of the country. 

Thrilled by the idea, the other two accepted the proposition and started it on the spot. 

A couple of minutes later, they finally parted ways, the shared passion for basketball turning them from strangers to friends.