
Kuroka: BLEACH (Fanfic)

A Fanfic of my own. None of what is written is mine aside from the MC and those relatively close to her. I own NONE of the series and they belong to their respective owner/writter. (Image is from Google) THIS IS A FANFIC. :P

Charlotte_Violeta · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Broken Mirrors & Flase Reflections

Sitting crossed-legged at the edge of a massive cliff, Kuro was aimlessly staring at the town she now called home. Over the years since the last Hollow attack, Kuro had been urged to enter the academy a year ago but refused. For whatever reason, Kuro was still angry at herself for thinking she would live her second life in peace. 

As the years progressed from her birth to her now, Kuro began to develop an external facade as she kept her true personality well hidden inside. One Kuro would remain as she is outward toward the world. The other would be just herself and Death as they argued and converse without limit even after 14 straight years as Kuro had always wanted someone to talk to and confide with. 

"Mind telling me what just happened there?" Kuro sat on the edge as Yoruichi's voice spoke from behind. "Kuro-Chan. "

"I'm sorry." Kuro then spoke in a raspy whisper as she never liked using her voice other than for replies or simple requests. "That woman… she reeks of death even now. More than Grandpa or you. It reminded me of when I lost Grandma. "

As if feeling Kuro's vulnerable side, Yoruichi took a seat and extended her arm while dropping Kuro's head into her shoulder. Looking up, Kuro raised her cold eyes that met Yourichi's and spoke softly. 

"That woman is close with death… she… actually embraces it. I just got jel-... Angry. People like that are not people… they are monsters… like me. " Kuro had spoken enough for the day and remained silent despite Yoruichi's doting. 

"Whether you turn into a monster or not, as long as you're there Kuro, I'll accept  you as you are. Even Old Man Yamamoto and even most of my clan who are apparently hardcore fans of yours will support you. "Kuro tilted her head in confusion as not interacting with a single soul beside the usual headhunter, Kuro had not spoken with anyone at length in her past life even with the added races that came for her life. 

"Thank you. "Kuro whispered in a soft voice as her eyes became heavy and fluttered gently until they closed with the setting of the sunset. 

Yoruichi could only sigh at seeing her little sister she had taken in years ago and had become a genuine part of her family. The two never lost to anyone aside from old man Yamamoto even when both teamed up against him. 

"Ara... Arara~"A stiff expression could be seen on Yoruichi's face as any gentleness had long since been dissolved when she heard the deep and alluring voice coming from beside her. "Naughty~ Naughty~ Youchii'... 'Who are you Kuro?' Mou~ if I didn't know any better, I'd think you actually wanted Kuro to find out I was using her body without permission. Fufufu~"

Yoruichi slowly reached for her blade but was beaten to the draw as Kuro's blade struck the side of Yourichi's neck without piercing her skin. 

"Tsk! What the hell do you want Black. "Yoruichi spoke with disdain and venom in her voice. "Can't you just disappear for good and leave Kuro alone."

"Fufufu… now-now Youchii'. We both know that Kuro is the only one that can restrain me and even then, she doesn't even know that I can take nightly strolls when the sun goes down. Ahh… how I imagine her touch… mmm… Oh~ That's right. Listen well wench, Kuro is MINE! If she ever found out I have been taking possession of her body whenever the sun sets, she will pull a full blown protagonist move and get all butthurt about lying and betraying her trust...blah,blah,blah… you and that's stunt you pulled earlier today only makes me wonder if you really want me to just kill Kuro so I can have her…"

Yourichi's anger flared as she struggled to keep her reiatsu under control. Standing before her, was Kuro but her eyes were a velvet blue rather than the normal crystal black. 

Standing without any trace of the indifferent and meek and calm girl from just a few dozen seconds ago, was a demon incarnate. 

"What the hell do you want… an apology?" Yourichi said, keeping her anger under control with an indifferent expression. "I did what you asked and told no one about you. Not my clan or the Captain-Commander as long as you don't hurt Kuro. "

"Tsk-tsk-tsk… you are really smart as you are beautiful. I admit that it is the truth. "Kuro who was now being possessed by Death, held her hands over her sides and lifted them as she blatantly played and disheveled Yourichi's purple colored hair. "You are a smart woman Youchii-nee-san-whoa!"

A sheen of silver streaked through the air as Death held a meaningless smile while effortlessly dodging and abruptly sweeping Yoruichi until she was face down on the dirt. 

"Really? That still sets you off, you know that Youchii'. "Death spoke with an amused expression.  "Listen well woman, this is the last time I will repeat this as you just don't seem to understand that Kuro's life is in my hands. I love her more than anyone and was even ready to fight for her soul… but then we came here instead and I need to only wait until her eventual death to claim her soul. Not you, not your Captain-Commander, not the Royal Guard, or even that Soul King can do anything to stop it. Our strength is worlds apart woman… and I told you last time that I really dislike anyone laying hands on my Kuro even if she wants to live her life through this backwater planet. "

"You're a monster!" Yourichi struggled but Death's hands did not tremble in the slightest from Yourcihi using all of her reiatsu to break free but was surpassed instead. 

"Hahaha! "Death broke into a beautiful laugh as tears of blood fell due to her possession of Kuro. "You misunderstand something here Youchii'... The real monster is not me… no, far from it. I have seen a REAL monster that can tank enemies from all across the realms in existence. Although Kuro herself doesn't know it, she has been alive for far longer and has killed far more than I ever have even since my birth. Kuro is a remnant of that monstrosity that even my family would have beaten to a draw if not for the monster's quick wit in splitting itself into a number of pieces and scattered them across all existence. "

"...why are you telling me all this?" Yourichi spoke with a calm and composed demeanor, though the hellflame of rage was still seething within her eyes and was very much present whenever she looked at Death. 

"Hmm… I wonder. You see my Kuro as an innocent little girl who is tortured by her power… I wonder if that is true. "Death smiled wide as Yourichi felt not only more anger, but a hint of fear as well. 

"What are you getting at Black!" Yourichi shouted. 

"Heel! "A surge of power pushed Yourichi down as a small crater formed and spider web cracks could be seen. "If I just spell it out for you, then you really are dumb. Listen to this story; A lone little girl, all alone and treated differently because she was growing very powerful and she felt all her problems were because she was too strong… any of that rings a bell, P-r-i-n-c-e-s-s. Haha! "

Death abruptly vanished and the moment Yoruichi was free, she released her reiatsu in a brief moment of anger as she reeled it back in before anyone could notice. Sighing a heavy and angry breath, Yourichi soon left and disappeared from the cliff as well. 

Unable to help Kuro after she had met Death who went by 'Black' since a few years back when Kuro first transformed. 

In reality, Kuro had not only unlocked her zanpakuto to fight that Menos, but it was that Kuro had gone a step further and unlocked a rare variation of her shikai that bordered just below bankai but only slightly altered her appearance to look a little bit like Death. 

That day, those that saw her from around the crater all felt her power was no weaker than theirs. However, Kuro had not mastered it and she had no memories from after the first night she fell asleep and up to the present. 

At least, until Yourichi came into the picture and after a few months of bonding, Death grew irritated at their closeness and drove Death to reveal herself as Black and put Yourichi in her place. 

Ever since then, Yourichi had known of two Kuros. One was the normal, indifferent and clueless one. The other was a literal demon who crushed scums on the street late at night with a black veil over her face. Death had fun torturing the scum that wound up approaching her with ill intentions and enjoyed hearing their screams and pain. 




Morning soon came and Kuro woke up back in her bed. At the edge was Yourichi who had fallen asleep on the edge of the bed while seated in a chair. The morning sunrise peered through the open window and shone brilliantly across the room. Kuro then sat up and gently nudged Yourichi who when she woke up and saw Kuro, she immediately looked unto her Crystal black eyes and knew it was Kuro.  

From time to time, Kuro would receive a hug from Yourichi when she woke up on certain mornings for as long as she could remember. Unable to bear or face the truth of what she and Death had spoken about the night before, Yourichi felt more determined to find a way to break the curse that chained down Kuro and keep Death at bay. 

Yoruichi had never told a soul but hinted toward her friend Urahara if there were ways to isolate two different entities in the same body. Although reluctant and skeptical, Urahara listened and began researching toward that topic.  

At that time, Yourichi would have to steel her resolve and move forward as she made a vow to protect her little sister at any cost. 

"Aren't you late for work?" Kuro spoke with an ordinary tone as she began getting dressed. 

"Yes. "Yourichi stood tall but was still a few inches shorter than Kuro who towered Yourichi at 5'8 and walked over toward her as Kuro sat on the bed and felt Yourichi give her a heartfelt hug. "I'll see you soon at the training ground if I have time. "

"Hn." Kuro nodded and continued getting ready as Yourichi took her leave and left for the 2nd division headquarters. "Lady Yoruichi has been acting strange these past couple of months. Could it be… I talk in my sleep or something?"

A royally confused Kuro soon shrugged off her thoughts as it was something she had developed over time and it became a habit of hers to the point where she forgets even important things not a few minutes after hearing them. Kuro's mind was just that serene and void of any negative or positive thoughts. Leaving enough room for one thing alone…

"It's time for training!" Kuro tried to build up her momentum but her expressionless and indifferent face betrayed how she felt inside. 

Heading out, Kuro's back disappeared from the room. 




Outside at the training ground she was accustomed to, Kuro was practicing her martial arts when she felt an eerily familiar cold from her side. Stopping almost immediately, Kuro's eyes landed in a familiar figure as it walked forward from behind the tree. 

"Hello there Kuro-San. " A dark haired beauty who wore a Captain's haori for the medical division in Soul Society walked out and stood eyeing Kuro. "We got off on the wrong door… that and I have always been wanting to meet you, Kuro-San… or would it be more fitting to say Soul Society's very own enigma?"

"Hn. " Kuro kept her guard up which slightly impressed the woman as she found no breaks in Kuro's defenses should she have come with the intent to attack Kuro. "Why have you come.."

"Why indeed?" The woman then took a couple steps more until she and Kuro's glassy eyes looked into the others. "You and I… I can feel a similarity. Although no one knows this, I have had my fair share in war. You remind me very much of another who is also like me… like us. "

"I take it…" Kuro purposely did not push as she could feel the tension from the woman as if a memory she despised crossed her mind. "So he or she is still alive."

"...Very perceptive. " The woman all of a sudden reigned in her leaking blood-lust and flashed a motherly smile. "But 'he' won't be for long. "

Kuro could only stare into her eyes filled with nothing but resolve and unbridled bloodlust for battle, heavily restrained and in a state of slumber as if waiting patiently for the day it can be released once more. 

"Mind if we spar?"The woman raised a brow and for a brief moment, let out a fairly cruel and demented smile before restraining it before anyone could notice as aside from Kuro. 

"I would have been more than willing but…" The woman sighed internally as Kuro did know know why the woman denied herself the way she did to a spar. "I shall get going then. Apologies Kuro-San."

As the woman was about to turn and leave, Kuro the spoke her last piece. 

"Maybe another time… Retsu Unohana-San." Kuro since the day before, had been keen on getting to know of the 13 Captain's from across all the divisions. "If and when you are ready, come find me. We can spar without holding anything back. " 

The woman held a soft smile filled with warmth and also a trace of unbridled battle-lust when her hand moved to her throat as she recalled the inhuman speed Kuro showed the day before. Leaving and disappearing, Kuro turned back and continued on with her day.




Elsewhere, somewhere in the human realm…

"Crap! Where… am I?!" Sitting up, a confused and anxious teenage girl was looking all around until her hands came into view. "What the f*ck!? Why am I a chick!? Wait… that truck came out of… No way… NO F*CKING WAY!! DID I TRANSMIGRATE WAIT… I died… mom… dad… sis… Im… "

Tears fell down the confused and sorrowful face of the teenage girl. After a while of letting her sorrow flow freely, she calmed down and sat back up. 

"Where am I?"The teen soon got up and saw the old Japanese style doors wide open as she stepped out into the moonlight while looking down at her reflection on the traditional pond at the center of what looked to be a mansion. "This… is me?"

She then looked up and saw the stars and marvels in confusion as some of them were unlike the lind he had seen and on own since he was a kid. He walked back into the bedroom and saw a round bowl of water with a wet towel left inside beside an old style bed on the mat. When the girl's eyes saw the familiar sheen of the bowl, a crackling thunder, the girl's memories soon surfaced and she opened her eyes after the headache died down. With a dark expression, the girl then spoke to no one in particular. 

"So… these memories are from a girl called Keira Shanami. I'm also in that fictional anime show, BLEACH if these memories are real." The girl chuckled darkly until bursting into hysterical laughter. "This is crazy… looking at that bowl, I remembered I had an older sister and how she had died from a rogue Shinigami when we were out hunting a low level hollow near the village. I was weak and my sister protected me. She died but I survived. 

Help came and they took me back home. I lost my sister a few days ago and came down with a heavy fever which I assume was what killed me...err… the girl, in her sleep. That is the only explanation. 

Her memories merged with mine and… from the rough estimation of the date, I am about. A 100 years from before Canon starts. I at least have knowledge that would be otherwise be useless in my old world… That and-"

In the next moment, the teen girl calmly drew at air and pulled, almost all of a sudden, a blue sheen of light into an arc as if she drew a crossbow. 

"I transmigrated into a Quincy. "Holding a practiced stance, she elegantly released the blue arrow which shot straight across the pond with force and drilled a hole through the thick tree at its center. "Although these memories are not only my own, I can feel the hate and rage Keira has for Shinigami… I hope to never have to find out what I would do if I come across one. "

A crimson light flickered on Keira's deep ocean blue eyes. Her azure colored hair swayed in the passing breeze as her posture remained frozen in time.

In the next moment, Keira walked back inside and closed the wooden doors as silence reigned over the tranquil space.





Right... didn't know people would actually read this... like maybe a few 15-20 but... like wow!!

Anyway, thank you for those of you that read my last chapter and this one as well. I also made some grammatical fixes on the first Chapter as well but that's just because I had a new one to put in as well...

p.s. I'm not going to comment back not because I am edgy or whatever, but because I am writing willy-nilly and I just like being derpy.

Anywho, Cheers!! ;p


Charlotte_Violetacreators' thoughts