
Kuoh's Holy Flash

At the end of the 4th Shinobi War, Minato Namikaze, Konoha's 4th Hokage and Yellow Flash was returned to pure land. However, as soon as the Edo Tensei deactivated and his soul flew, he was instead taken away to some other part of the afterlife. "The Pure Land are only for those which has unresolved worries, Namikaze Minato, you have entered the afterlife without such feelings and is therefore re-routed to reincarnation" Minato stared at the great white being that manages the afterlife with an open mouth. "Huh?!" Was the only words he could say as he was dragged by an unseen force and he was turned into a clean slate. Or so it should, but prior to all this, the Death Reaper took part of Minato's soul and now that he was suddenly reincarnated and he needs a whole soul, a part of him that wasn't turned into a clean slate was reincarnated along as well. The results? It looks like DxD is about have a taste of that "Flee On Sight" nightmare.

DevilNeumann · Komik
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12 Chs

Chapter 3 - Goodbye Kuoh, Hello Italy

2 more years later, a 12 year old Minato was sitting in his 1st year middle school classes and tried his best to not be rude to every one of his students that praised him non-stop for reaching the 2nd highest score in the National Something Exam (AN: You know what that is, every school anime should have that)

"Shidou-Kun! Wow! You're the 2nd highest all over Japan!"

"I'm pretty sure the Rin Tohsama on the 1st place cheated or something! Shidou-Kun is the smartest after all!"

"You know, you can't really cheat on these type of exams... but yes, maybe Shidou-Kun just had a stroke of misfortune?"

Minato tried his best to placate each of his classmates and technically every student the same year as him that's streaming inside his classroom and to his seat.

"Ah, come on guys, please don't clog the classroom, the teachers might get angry..."

"Nonsense Shidou-Kun! The teachers share the same fiery proudness we feel with you reaching the 2nd place!"

That was...

"Ah, sensei..."


Minato spent his entire class time being smothered by praises non-stop.

People think that being humble is due to the person being kind, but as you can see, humbleness is quite literally what happens when someone gets tired of praises.

Well, they go 2 ways, the anti-social fuck you type or the humble type.

Minato of course was the humble type.

He had a quick stride as he jogged home, if anything, Minato had grown very close with Kuoh Town, he technically knows every nook and cranny and knows which spot gives an "unsettling" feeling.

The feeling of something wanting to eat him, he initially started feeling them after unlocking his Chakra but over time it got worse and clearer (AN: Minato is a sensor, so no, this is not Ashura Incarnation, So6P or Sage Mode, this is just his ordinary natural sensor skills)

And so, he made the quick plan to mark where he felt those "unsettling" feelings and stay away from them.

His jog home made him sweat a good lot, it counted as his daily quota for the day and as soon as he opened the door, the systematic greet came in order.

At the entrance, a bundle of cuteness rushed toward him and hugged him.

"Iri-Kun, I'm home"


(AN: Because Minato + Onii-Chan + Irina nicknaming sense = Nii-nato as in oNII-chan miNATO)

He patted the bundle of unexplainable eldritch horror repelling cuteness in the head and knelt down to see her eye to eye and give her a quick forehead kiss.

He then proceeded to move to the living room where his mother Mina greeted him.

"How was your school today Mina-Kun?"

"Haha, same as usual. A humbling experience, I guess?"

His mother moved over to him and patted him in the head before she continued whatever she was going to do.

Next of the systematic greetings was by going to the backyard garden, he would find his father and said Touji would proceed to knuckle his scalp and pat him in the back.


But it never came.

"Mom, where's Dad?"

He watched his mom twitch, a little before getting back her bearings and answered him with a slight misdirecting answer.

"I... He was called to work suddenly, apparently some colleague of his messed up REALLY BAD. By the way Minato, can you help Irina with her assignment?"

Minato knew when not to butt in other people's business and when not to, so if his mother did not see the need to tell him, he wouldn't pry.

Plus, his father was only a priest.

What's the worse that can happen?

(AN: I don't really understand DxD timeline but this should be when Touji killed his own colleague that was in love with that Devil, Romeo and Juliet style)

Minato went into casual home clothing and helped Irina as his mother tasked him to.

Not long after, Touji came back with a dark, sunken demeanor. He refused to look at Mina for too long and Minato could quickly recognize the look because of the dreams he's been having for so long.

Guilt and Guilt by association.

Minato didn't know why his father was having guilt but he wouldn't bother seeing as stating the obvious would just get him pushed out of the topic more.

He'd like to be able to hear them talk about it while he pretends he didn't care or understand the topic.

As soon as dinner came, Irina took the lap seat as per usual and Minato had to take double his usual serving to feed Irina as well.

Yes, Irina was technically spoiled but not rotten. She's an Angel after all, and literally later on.

"I-I don't know, the look he gave me, I just can't Mina..."

"But, it's not your fault, he should've known when he committed himself to her... are you sure that wasn't a succubus? Maybe thinking like that will help yo-"

"Ignoring and pretending he was just hypnotized? Despite me being in face to face distance as he made sure to show us that his love was genuine, no not just him but both of them..."


"Mina, I don't know what's happening to Kuoh, so... I... I was given a... invitation. They would give me a post in another country where the church is strong and in turn..."

Touji looked at me and Irina.

"They said I should... train my children so that they can protect themselves better and make the Lord Almighty proud, I mean, I don't know about Irina but Minato is blessed, maybe he can also be a genius in that work?"

Mina gave her husband a very disappointed look.

"You want our children... okay, let me understand this, you want Minato and Irina to move out of the country and home they've grown on, specially Minato, and make them... train in some random country? Not only the language but their nationality is going to be a problem! Others won't be as accepting of..."

"No, I swear to God that the country I'll choose won't be like that, plus I'm an... you know my Job, most people from my line of work has more things to worry than calling someone out for being Japanese"

Minato finished feeding Irina by that time and it also means he's done avesdropping.

He didn't understand much but he kinda knows that they're moving out of Kuoh.

Hey, don't misunderstand, Minato did care about his friends and bullies he beats up, but he also cares for the wellbeing of his parents and most importantly, Irina.

If they're somehow in danger by being here, Minato wouldn't... or well, he won't hesitate that much to move.

A new language is child's play for Mr. Genius.

I mean, how harder can it be compared to the random scribbles his mind calls fuinjutsu?


Minato takes all the boasts he had back.

"Minato, your friends are here to say goodbye"

Touji looked a little sad at the lines of boys and girls that were in his house, they were all neighbors and when they found out that he was moving to another country, they all felt sad and wanted to at least catch him take the ride to the airport.

That was the problem.

Minato was a little bit of a softie.

"""""""""Goodbye Minato!"""""""""

Minato entered the taxi unwillingly, to his side Irina was there crying and promising something to Issei.

"I-I'll always be your childhood friend!"

"Bye-bye... I'll miss you Iri"

It was a very sad day for Kuoh Town, the resident genius Minato Namikaze-Shidou was now no longer a "Resident"

A truly sad day for all that he unknowingly saved by beating up bullies.

A truly sad day for all the teachers that automatically made him do all the student available work.

A truly sad day for all the mothers and grandmas that tend to be helped by him whenever he passes by.

A truly sad day for all his friends who can't ask about to topics they don't know.

Minato could feel a tear pass by his cheeks.

"I'll miss you guys..."


Touji was currently being beaten up, eaten up, shat on, and flamed by guilt on top of guilt.

So, at least the reason for this tragedy was getting the proper punishment, no?

I changed the souna shitori bit and replaced it with some random anime girl (not) name I saw.

I mean it's not really something that big of a deal so I could change it.

DevilNeumanncreators' thoughts