Happy Autumn Readers! Thank you all so much for casting your votes in the Poll for Kunoichi amongst Heroes, I appreciate you helping me with the decision making process. I have finally reached a turning point. Now what does that mean? Well MORE. So much more coming your way. I'll be giving specific updates on my Tumblr page in the future, so don't forget to join me there.
But for now, enjoy these new chapters!
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CHAPTER 4: The Fortune Teller
The next morning, they were up early, ready to tackle the remainder of the canyon. The cool dawn air quickly gave way to the oppressive heat of the sun as they trekked through the canyon, each step taking them closer to the other side. It was a few harsh hours under the blazing sun before they finally saw the looming wall they needed to climb to reach the exit. Evidently, the guide would be able to create an easy pathway up, but they were going to have to do this themselves. And it wasn't like the wall when entering. It was steep, with narrow edges and no pathways. But it was just as high.
"We're going to have to climb that?" Smellerbee asked in disbelief, she could already feel the sweat on her back.
Jet took some rope and tied it around his waist, then handed the rest to his friends, telling them to do the same so they could climb together. Sakura, Jet, Longshot, and Smellerbee approached the wall, their eyes scanning for the safest route up.
"That's a bit risky," Sakura said. Refusing to take the other end of the rope. While it was a safety precaution, this would be dependent on all three of them having the strength and reflexes to keep up with one another and hold fast if someone slipped.
"Come on Sakura," But the kunoichi just shook her head.
"I can free climb just fine. We should get moving if we don't want to be here another night." They had exhausted their water supply, and based on the sounds of their stomachs really needed some food soon.
"But it's-
"Trust me. I've faced worse." Sakura grinned.
Jet led the way, climbing with practiced ease, followed by Longshot and Smellerbee. Sakura brought up the rear, her movements fluid and unstrained. She wanted to ensure everyone made it up the wall safely, and from where she was placed, it was easier to grab anyone who misstepped.
The climb up the canyon wall was grueling, each handhold and foothold meticulously chosen to avoid slipping. Jet led the way, moving with practiced ease, followed closely by Longshot and Smellerbee. Sakura brought up the rear, her eyes scanning for any signs of danger. The oppressive sun beat down on them, making the rock face even more challenging to navigate.
They were halfway up the wall, when a sound echoed through the canyon, stopping them in their tracks. A low, guttural noise with an odd clicking reverberated off the rocks.
"What was that?" asked Smellerbee.
Sakura turned her head just in time to see two canyon crawlers emerge from behind the rocks. While the group didn't have any food on them, it seemed this was just a twist of poor luck. And they weren't exactly in the best position to afford it right now.
The creatures were a horrifying mix of crocodiles and spiders. Each had four eyes on either side of its face and a forked tongue flicking out of a sharp-toothed jaw. Their bodies were segmented, with a head and a trunk, and four skinny, biramous legs that clung effortlessly to the sheer canyon walls. Their multiple nostrils flared as they detected the scent of the intruders.
"What the hell is that?" Sakura grimaced, her face turning blue with disgust.
"Canyon Crawlers." Jet hissed, turning back up to face the wall, "Pick up the pace!"
The two creatures were already on the wall and closing in fast. The canyon crawlers hissed and started to scramble towards them with unnerving speed. Sakura's assessed the situation. They were trapped on a wall with narrow ledges, little leg room, and almost no space to turn, fire, or unsheath weapons, let alone properly maneuver passed these creatures that were closing in.
"We need to move faster!"
But the crawlers were too fast. One of them lunged at Smellerbee, its jaws snapping dangerously close to her leg. With a swift motion, Sakura threw a kunai, aiming for the creature's eye. It struck true, and the crawler screeched in pain, momentarily distracted.
"Go! Now!" she urged.
Jet led the charge, pulling Smellerbee up and over a higher ledge. Longshot followed. Sakura brought up the rear, her eyes never leaving the creatures.
The second crawler lunged at Sakura, but she was ready. With a burst of chakra, she leaped into the air, flipping gracefully over its snapping jaws. She landed behind it and delivered a powerful kick to its trunk, sending it tumbling down the canyon wall.
Jet called out to her. "Come on, Sakura!"
She hauled herself up to the higher ledge, just as the first crawler, still wounded, began to climb towards them again.
The second crawler lunged, its gaping maw inches from Jet. Without hesitation, Sakura leaped from the ledge, propelling herself with a burst of chakra. She collided with the creature mid-air, sending it tumbling down the canyon wall. Sakura landed gracefully on the ground below, her eyes blazing with determination. The force had been strong though and accidentally made Sakura's scarf loosen and fall from her head.
"Keep climbing!" she called up to the others. "I'll handle these!"
"Are you nuts?"
Jet, Longshot, and Smellerbee exchanged uncertain glances but followed her instructions, continuing their ascent. Sakura squared off against the remaining crawler. It lunged at her, but she sidestepped effortlessly, delivering a powerful punch to its head. The force of the blow sent the creature sprawling.
The first crawler attempted to scramble back up the wall. Sakura met it head-on, her fists a blur as she struck with precision. In a matter of moments, both creatures lay motionless at the base of the canyon.
"I hate bugs," Sakura jittered, looking up she saw that the others managed to make it to the top at last.
She began her ascent once more. This time, she used her chakra to adhere to the rock face, walking straight up the vertical surface. She reached the top just as the others pulled themselves over the edge.
"That was close,"
"Saved us again. We're in your debt Sakura."
Sakura waved off Jet's words, it was hardly an issue for her and she wasn't going to make one out of it. But the flattering was appreciated.
"What's up with your hair?" asked Smellerbee.
Tugging on the strands, Sakura was determined to shake it off. "What's wrong with it?"
"It's pink," Smellerbee stated, looking at her like she should see it as something wrong.
"No one has pink hair!" The freedom fighter exclaimed throwing her hands up in exasperation but Sakura just chuckled, throwing her scarf back over her head.
"So I hear."
Even Longshot looked ready to ask her a question about her unusual locks, Jet seemed intrigued as well.
"You're very unusual aren't you?"
"I have a feeling, I probably am." Sakura acknowledged. "Now that that's done, let's get something to eat."
So, Sakura didn't immediately leave the freedom fighters, as Smeller, Jet, and Longshot were still heading in the same direction as her. A few days passed by traveling through the forest, together gave Sakuar a sense of calm as she wasn't constantly alone with her thoughts. That was showing to be her biggest threat.
She wondered about everyone back home, how they might be fairing, and when she would be able to return to them. It hadn't been that long since she woke up here, but time was truly becoming a torture device.
After their few days of camping, it had taken its toll on their supplies.
"We need to find a village soon," Jet remarked one evening, his brow furrowed with concern as he inspected their dwindling food stock.
"Agreed," Sakura nodded, her rations down to a few crumbs. She took out her map and found that they weren't too far from another village, the landmark near it a volcano. "Hard to miss this."
Makapu Village was a small, quaint settlement nestled at the edge of a lush valley near a volcano. It was unoccupied by the Fire Nation which meant a safer territory to rest and replenish supplies while planning for travels ahead. The sight of smoke curling from chimneys and the distant sound of laughter was a welcome relief after days in the wilderness.
"Doesn't look like the Fire Nation army stalks through here," said Jet, carefully observing the streets and the people. They were all far too lax to have been enduring the oppression of the Fire Nation. A sight he hoped would be a constant once they arrived in Ba Sing Se.
The last stronghold of the Earth Kingdom.
As they walked through the village, Sakura took in the surroundings. The village was picturesque, with cobblestone streets and houses with thatched roofs. Villagers bustled about their daily activities.
They found an inn at the village center, its sign creaking gently in the breeze. Jet handled the arrangements, and soon they had rooms and a promise of a hot meal. Sakura couldn't help but sigh in relief as she sank into a chair in the inn's common room. The place was modest but bustling with patrons, the aroma of freshly cooked food filling the air. They settled into a corner table, enjoying the brief respite from their travels.
After a hearty meal of stew and fresh bread, they gathered around a table to discuss their plans.
"We should rest for a day, maybe two," Jet said. "But we also need to resupply."
Sakura was distantly looking into her cup, "I'm going to start looking for information."
"The avatar?"
She nodded. Any chance that presented itself, she was going to take if it meant finding a way home. No matter how obscure it may appear. She couldn't risk overlooking anything.
Just as they were finishing their meal, a man approached their table. He was middle-aged, with a kind face and a warm smile. He looked like he had been searching for someone.
"Excuse me," he said, his voice polite. "I couldn't help but notice that you all are travelers."
Jet glanced up, a wary look in his eyes. "Yes, we are. Is there something we can do for you?"
The man raised his hands in a placating gesture. "My name is Meng. I recently came from our local fortune teller Aunt Wu. She sent me to find travelers and invite them for a reading. She specifically mentioned that if you are looking for someone, you should meet with her to learn your destiny."
Sakura's curiosity was piqued. A fortune teller? She had always been skeptical of such things, but given her current predicament, any lead was worth considering. No matter how far-fetched it was.
Jet exchanged a look with Smellerbee and Longshot. "Why would she want to see us?" he asked, suspicion still evident in his tone.
Meng smiled gently. "Aunt Wu has a gift. She can see things that others cannot. She wants to read your fortune. And if you're searching for someone, she might be able to provide some guidance."
Sakura leaned forward, her interest now fully engaged. "Where can we find Aunt Wu?"
"She's at the center of the village," Meng replied. "It's easy to find. I can take you there if you'd like."
Sakura stood up, "Okay then, I'll go."
"Seriously? You're going to a fortune teller?" Smellerbee looked at her skeptically. "This is probably a hoax,"
"I think so too, but…"
Jet considered this for a moment before nodding. "Alright. We'll go see her."
Meng's face lit up with relief. "Excellent. Please, follow me."
After paying for their meal, the group followed Meng through the village streets. As they walked, Sakura's mind raced with possibilities, and couldn't deny that she must be truly desperate to resort to something like fortune-telling to get information. She wasn't superstitious, and fortune-telling wasn't something that hooked her interest, even so, Sakura just felt like she had to try this. Whatever it was. Logic had gone out the window when she awakened in this other dimension. So the realm of possibilities was wide open for her to frolic through.
They soon arrived at a house near the middle of the village. Lanterns hung from the eaves, casting a soft light over the entrance. Meng led them up the steps and knocked on the door.
A moment later, the door opened to reveal a young girl, in her early teens. She wore simple, flowing robes and greeted the guests.
"Welcome," she said, her voice gentle and soothing. "My name is Meng, I am Aunt Wu's assistant. Please, come in."
They entered the cozy home, the scent of incense and herbs filling the air, she took them to a sitting area. Offering beverages after they were seated on the cush pillows after everyone declined politely, she went through the sliding doors to another part of the house, saying she would inform Aunt Wu of their arrival.
"Are you sure about this?" asked Smellerbee, "This whole thing seems fishy, what if she tries to take you for everything you've got?"
"It's just a meeting," Sakura said. "You guys didn't have to come if you're worried."
Jet's hand came over her shoulder, "Hey, it's fine. We're here for you."
Meng came back barely five minutes later, informing them that Aunt Wu was ready to see them. No one else was really interested in getting their palms read, so Sakura got up and followed after Meng through the house.
Her footsteps were nonexistent as they touched the mats.
Before Meng even touched the door handle, Sakura knew there was a presence on the other side of those slides. There was barely any light, the windows were closed and sealed off with curtains thick enough to block any ray from coming through. In the center stage of the room, a small fire burned, along with incense. Cushion surrounding it, allowing anyone at the entrance to come in and sit.
Near the fire on one of those seats, was an elderly woman, with a refined face. "I have been expecting you,"
"Hello," Sakura greeted bowing her head slightly.
"Sit, please," she invited. "I understand you are seeking answers."
"Isn't that what anyone who comes to a fortune teller does?"
Aunt Wu didn't seem offended by her remark, and gestured to a standing with bones in it, "Pick one,"
She did just that. "I'm just going to say it. I'm looking for someone known as the avatar,"
"Ah," The woman nodded, "Yes, I have met that boy. Gave him a reading as well. Though he was less interested in destiny and more into romantics."
"So you do know him? Can you tell me where he is? Where he went?"
Holding out her hand, Aunt Wu gestured to the fire. "Throw in the bone,"
Sakura wanted to roll her eyes but did as instructed, intending to ask more questions after this reading. The bone set in the fire, and started to creak under the heat. Aunt Wu explained this was how she would do her reading for Sakura and that when the bone cracked she would read her fortune. However, after two minutes, the bone remained as it was still in the fire.
"That's very odd," Aunt Wu observed. "Nothing like this has happened before,"
"Perhaps the heat is not enough," Sakura dismissed. "While we're waiting could you please tell me more? Do you know where the avatar is right now? Or which direction he was going in?"
Aunt Wu was still focused on the bone in the fire though, but she responded. "The avatar and his friends had passed by many months ago. I believe the avatar is on a journey to bring balance to this world that had been thrown off course due to the war. For that, he has gone to master all four elements. He will not stay in one place for too long, not when the Fire Nation is hunting him."
Perhaps this was just a dead end for Sakura. And she was starting to feel more foolish, being wrapped in embarrassment for thinking that fortunetelling was a resort with taking.
Then the bone in the fire cracked. It started to almost cackle, before bursting in the flames. That wasn't nearly as startling as what was caught in the flames themselves. For the briefest moment, Sakura saw the strangest creature shaped in the flames, shaded by them. An owl.
"Oh my!" Aunt Wu exclaimed, rubbing her head in disbelief. "How can this be?"
"What is it?"
"I told you before that I had done a reading for the avatar. Well, the way your bone has shattered was very similar to his. But that is impossible, for it would mean you share the same destiny. And then there was these flames….an owl…"
Clenching the fabric of her skirt, her knuckles bled white. "Well, what does that mean?"
"That owl may have been the answer to your question," said Aunt Wu.
"An owl doesn't tell me anything!" Sakura was ready to pull her hair out from under her scarf.
"Except it wasn't just an owl…perhaps a spirit."
Aunt Wu nodded, somehow that felt like the most plausible answer for some reason and she was compelled to give it to the young girl.
"The future is always in motion." Aunt Wu picked up a piece of the shattered bones and pinched a bit of grain between her fingers. "You are far from home. A journey not of your choosing, but one you must see through. The one you seek, the Avatar, holds the key to your destiny."
Sakura felt a shiver run down her spine. Aunt Wu's words resonated deeply as if they were tapping into the very heart of her worries and hopes.
If you want to get a hold of these latest chapters check out my Tumblr where you can join as a member. You can also get the update schedule to follow. As well as Fanart posts.
As well as a SNEAK PEEK for My new Story Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatarxnaruto)
MEMBERS NOW: (bmcmember)
-NEW STORY: Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatar x Naruto crossover) ( 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 65, 66, 67, 68, 69
-Kunoich amongst heroes Spin Off: Movie Part 5 (Finished)
-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams
-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 29, 30, 31
-Crossroads of Fate chapter 20, 21, 22
-Through the Looking Glass chapter 26, 27, 28, 29
-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6
-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi
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