
Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? - Edit System

I had just finished reading a novel, and I suddenly felt an intense pain in my chest. When I opened my eyes, I was trapped inside something. I fought until I managed to get out. "WHAT?! I BECAME A SPIDER?!" "Wait, that spider... Is it trying to communicate? Kumoko?" #### Read 14+ extra chapters on my patreon: patreon.com/parodygirl my discord: discord.gg/5B4Fb6KDut

ParodyGirl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
79 Chs

Chapter 57 - You're coming with me.

I could see him running through the forest. He was carrying a sword I hadn't noticed before. He'll probably try to fight. Considering his status, he can't do anything against me, so I needn't worry.

I ran and approached instantly, passing through the trees on my way.

The boy didn't seem to see properly in the darkness, but I could see everything. Hearing the sounds I made, the boy turned to me, frightened.

I could see the dread in his eyes, which practically glowed in the darkness, his eyes shining with the determination to survive. I confess that this made me want to let him go.

'Stop running. I don't want to hurt you.' I said. Then my web flew out and tied his legs together. He fell on his sword and suffered a superficial cut.

"Damn it, just leave me alone, I told you I don't know what they're after! I want to go back to town and rest!" The boy said. I noticed that he was trembling despite confronting me like this.

He's trying to look strong.

'If you stay quiet, I can let you go. Let's go back now. Some of your friends might try to run away.'

"Friends? They're not my friends."

'Right, right~~ Just be quiet now.'

I wrapped him up in my web and put him on my back before jumping towards the sky. I "flew" through the air while the man screamed in despair, afraid of falling.

We approached the campsite, and all the men were in the same place.

"What are you going to do now? You fucking spider."

'What's that? Didn't your mother educate you?' I approached the guy who had said that. His name doesn't even matter. I can call him "NPC 1" or "Mike and Liu's buddy". He's not interesting at all.

But he was so scared before. I'm surprised he's talking now.

I approached him and looked into his eyes, activating my skill [ Jinx Evil Eye ], which rapidly drained the man's life. He began to scream as he suffered until his HP reached 0.

The other men looked at me in terror. I can tell what they're thinking.

'That spider killed him just by looking at him!'

'That spider is too strong.'

'How am I going to escape from this place?'

Yes, yes, I'm sure they're thinking things like that.

'And... I don't need them anymore.'

I approached two of them.

"Please, I beg you, I haven't done anything, have I?!"

'You didn't do anything, but you won't be any use to me from now on. I don't want you going around talking about me, so I can't let you go.'

"Please don't! I'll do anything!"

'So... Do you know what you guys will get in the labyrinth?'

"I don-"

Before I heard his full answer, I stepped on his head, causing his head to split in two and the ground to be wholly soiled with blood. Not just the floor but his companion's face right next to him.

'"No no no no no!!!" The man began to scream in despair as he struggled. I tried to talk to him, but he kept asking for help and begging for mercy. He's highly annoying.

Without thinking, I killed him, too.

I did it with every one of them. As much as they begged for mercy, I didn't let them live. In the end, only Mike and Liu remained. I've only left Mike alive because I'm sure he knows what they will get in the labyrinth.

I know!

I can try to use [ Lust ] to control him... But I got rid of the skill and can't edit another skill now. I should keep him with me until the cooldown comes to an end.

'I've decided you're going with me to the labyrinth.'

" What? You're kidding, right?! No, please, I'll do anything!" Mike started begging. He knew that if I took him, he'd never get out of that place. But he also knows my chance of letting him go is almost zero.

He saw what happened to his friends.

Well, if he tells me what they're looking for and where it is, I don't need to take him into the labyrinth.

'So tell me what is in the labyrinth, isn't that simple?'

"But why do you want to know so much about it? You're a monster. You don't need that!"

'I'm curious. I'm a curious monster.'


'Now tell me what you're looking for.'

Mike remained silent. I guess his boss ordered him not to talk about it with anyone, even if it's just a monster.

'Well.' I wrapped Mike up in my web and covered his mouth so he wouldn't make any noise.

'You're coming with us too, Liu.'

"Huh? How do you know my name? And where are you taking us?"

'Into the labyrinth, of course.'


'Come on, don't be so scared. It's not so bad in there. It's very humid, so you'll need to get used to it.'

"No, please." Liu finally cried after discovering that he was being taken with me. He looks pretty sad... He's one of those characters with something to protect, right?

Even though I don't know him, and he's irrelevant, he must have some background story.

Well, I don't care.

I ignored Liu's tears and covered his mouth to take him with me.

I tied the two of them to my own body so they wouldn't fly away and then went to where Kumoko was waiting for me. I hope she's okay. You never know what can happen when I'm away.


I only have 9 extra chapters on patr eon at the moment. I'm not having the time and creativity to write several a day. I'll try to get back to posting a few extra chapters there every day.

Link: patr eon.com/parodygirl

My discord: discord.gg/FFCkfhAeqn

I only have 9 extra chapters on patr eon at the moment. I'm not having the time and creativity to write several a day. I'll try to get back to posting a few extra chapters there every day.

Link: patr eon.com/parodygirl

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