
Konoha : to be an immortal sage

This a translation work, im just freely sharing the story after doing some retouch and correction, because the mtl will give you brain constipation. a transmigrator from another world finds himself reborn as Kirito, an orphan born outside konoha. With ambitions of becoming a strong ninja but no parents to claim as martyrs for a free pass into the ninja academy, Kirito's stuck in a bit of a bind. Money doesn't grow on trees, even in a world where people can walk up them this is an UA. Author: 晴子晴子晴子. This is a translation work. The original is an mtl that could melt your brain, so i decided to make it a lot more easy to read for the sake of your eyes, and your brain sanity. updates will depend on my free time, your power stones, and support. you can support me on kofi /lightofcertainity/, but that up to you to be honest.

LightOfCertainity · Komik
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86 Chs

Would you believe that I will slap you to the death ?

On the other side, Mito emerged from her house in a clean and simple kimono. She took in the cold night air and gazed up at the bright moon in the sky.

She used the sealing technique to restrain her huge chakra and aura, and walked quietly among the senju land.

She is like a ghost at this time, and no creature can perceive her existence.

After a while, Mito appeared in front of the group of root ninjas.

When Yunshou and others found her, she had come within ten meters of them.

Since Mito has not traveled outside the land of the Senju Clan for many years, what does Mito look like?

In fact, many ninjas in Konoha can't recognize the young Mito by vuew , and many Anbe ninjas present do not recognize her, but this does not mean that their experience doesn't prevent them from feeling the terrifying pressure from Mito.

They are all elite ninjas at the root, proficient in lurking and assassination, but now mito was quietly lurking less than ten meters away from them.

For them, this is undoubtedly a very terrifying thing.

A distance of ten meters is enough for a powerful ninja to assassinate an unaware enemy.

"Mito-sama ! "

Mito's sudden appearance and the overwhelming aura she exuded immediately put the Root Anbu ninjas on edge. 

Yunshou recognized Mito and immediately addressed her with a mixture of fear and respect. However, before he could react further, tatsuma ordered a hasty retreat, fully aware of the danger they faced.

"Scatter around, leave no leaks ! "

As the right-hand man of Danzo, Tatsuma knew very well the power of Uzumaki Mito. When he saw Mito, he knew that the mission had failed, and his group had no chance of winning.

The only way now is to be able to leave is to scatter around, one by one.

This way, even if they die, the secret will be buried in the darkness forever, and absolutely nothing can be left behind.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Mito's strength after all.

Mito, however, had different plans. With incredible speed and precision, she launched a coordinated attack. She hurled chakra-infused kunai in four directions, each equipped with sealing spells. As she clapped her hands, a series of sealing symbols covered the kunai.

In an instant, four enormous walls of purple flames erupted from the ground, enveloping everyone within the area. It was the Sealing Technique Four Purple Flame Formation, a high-level sealing jutsu typically executed by four skilled sealing masters.

"Damn it, we can't go away anymore, let's work together to defeat her."

The monkey-masked Root ninja, realizing their dire situation, urged his comrades to join him in taking down Mito. He swiftly unsheathed his chakra-infused ninja sword and, using Body Flicker Technique, appeared behind Mito, launching a rapid and forceful strike.


The next moment, the ninja knife covered with chakra in the Anbu ninja's hand was easily caught by two white fingers, that followed by breaking them.

Mito's incredible display of skill and power continued to astonish the Root Anbu ninjas. After effortlessly shattering the ninja's chakra-infused blade, she incapacitatedhim with a lightning-fast slap, snapping his neck, throwing him away.

a Root Jonin's life came to an abrupt end just like that.

What a monster power. 


The death of their comrade didn't deter the remaining Root ninjas. Instead, it fueled their determination to take down Mito. This group of Anbu ninjas, consisting of five Jounin and ten elite Chunin, quickly surrounded her, launching a coordinated assault with their ninjutsu.

Fire Release: Fire Dragon Jutsu, Water Release: Water Breaking Wave, Wind Release: Vacuum wind, Lightning Release: False Thunder, Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet, and more—countless ninjutsu were unleashed upon Mito simultaneously.

Undaunted by the barrage of powerful ninjutsu attacks, Mito calmly clapped her hands once again. A multitude of sealing techniques emerged from her, weaving a massive and intricate sealing circle in mid-air.

Sealing Technique: All Elements seal !

In an instant, to the horror of the Root ninjas, all their unleashed ninjutsu was drawn into the sealing circle, rendering them harmless against Mito.

Simultaneously, on the ground surrounded by the four purple flame walls, an intricate sealing formation appeared.

Sealing Technique: Seven layer Array!

The moment this sealing technique took effect, all the Anbu ninjas, including their summoned creatures and controlled parasites, found themselves completely immobilized.

"Teacher, you're absolutely amazing. Your sealing techniques are incredible!" Kirito, who was currently in a possessed state, observed Mito's swift and effective subjugation of the Root ninjas through her sealing techniques. His admiration shone brightly in his eyes.


"It's over," realized Tatsuma. He and the Root members understood that the mission had failed completely, and in a desperate bid to prevent their capture and protect their secrets, they took immediate action.

He then boldly proclaimed, for our master ! "The moment of glory has arrived." With those words, he activated the explosive tags secretly concealed on his person using chakra.

The other Root members, except for the one posessed by Kirito, who was a pseudo-Root member, followed suit without hesitation, triggering the explosive tags hidden on their own bodies.

"What a group of desperadoes with lofty beliefs, it's a pity that they followed the wrong people."

Kirito couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and pity as he witnessed the unwavering dedication of the Root members, who chose to end their lives in a dramatic manner rather than be captured and exploited to get back at Danzo.

These people are competant dead men, and they can be of great use at critical moments, but it is a pity that they are used in the wrong place.

But since its is an enemy, they will die if they dies.

Anyway, he has successfully captured a root ninja, and the death of the rest of them will not affect the overall situation.

Mito is also a person who pursues perfection, and she also wants face.

Since she was boasting in front of her disciple, of course she will not let the matter end in an anticlimactic situation.

She snorted coldly, clapped her hands, and the sealing circle on the ground instantly re-formed into a large number of sealing formulas.

Then, these sealing techniques quickly crawled along the feet of these root ninjas as if they were alive, and the explosive symbols that had been activated on their bodies were instantly sealed and turned into duds, even with the chakra on them. They were also sealed together.

"Sure enough, in front of Mito-sensei, it's impossible for these guys to commit suicide now "

As expected of Mito-sensei.

The root ninjas were effectively neutralized by Mito's incredible sealing prowess. She effortlessly reorganized the sealing circle, which had been previously dismantled, rendering the explosive tags on the Root ninjas' bodies useless.

Kirito couldn't help but admire her skill as he watched her in action. Mito's mastery of sealing techniques was truly top-notch, making her the most formidable seal ninja in the world.

Once Mito had successfully prevented the Root ninjas from committing suicide, she dispelled the four purple flame formations that had surrounded them. With incredible speed, she incapacitated all the Root ninjas.

"Sorry, Danzo-sama."

Seeing the sudden appearance of Uzumaki Mito in front of his eyes, Aburame tatsuma thought desperately, and then lost consciousness.

Momoka, accompanied by her trusted subordinates, arrived on the scene to assist.

"The rest is in your hands," Mito told Momoka, her fatigue evident in her appearance.

Suddenly, her young and beautiful visage gave way to that of an elderly woman, and she began to cough violently. Red chakra spilled from her body, enveloping her in a crimson aura.

Her face contorted in pain, signaling the uncontrollable release of Nine-Tails chakra.

"Mito-sama, are you alright?" Concerned, Momoka and the others rushed to her side.

Meanwhile, Kirito, who was watching the show, looked at her with a hint of amusement.

Sure enough, women are born actors, especially beautiful women.

Exposing his "weakness" was part of the plan he had discussed with Mito.

While he had initially hesitated to allow Mito to take such risks, she was determined to use this opportunity to apprehend the traitors within the village, and he had ultimately agreed to cooperate.

However, with the appearance of the four purple flame formations, it had become impossible to conceal their actions entirely. The presence of the Nine-Tails chakra was now unmistakable.

Kirito had also sensed numerous chakra signatures in the vicinity, indicating that their activities had caught the attention of both ANBU and Root operatives patrolling the area.

Furthermore, he detected an unusual chakra signature in the sky—a small eye, nearly imperceptible in the night sky. If not for his senjutsu chakra, he wouldn't have noticed.

"I didn't expect even this thing to be alarmed."

He then turned his gaze toward a large tree in the distance, where a white head had emerged from one of the branches.

It was a white zetsu, the white snake that Madara Uchiha had left behind in Konoha's surveillance network.

Kirito had explored many areas in Konoha during his nighttime excursions, including the Uchiha clan district. Therefore, he was familiar with the various surveillance measures in place throughout the village.

In fact, one of the places Kirito frequented during his nightly exploration of Konoha was the Uchiha clan district. The Uchiha clan district had an extensive surveillance network, and it was where Kirito had discovered Bai Ze.

After Uchiha Madara's departure from Konoha, he continued to monitor the village, especially the Uchiha clan district. Kirito had come across white zetsu during one of his night tours by chance.

It had been during a routine clan meeting at the Uchiha compound when Kirito noticed white zetsu soul fire beneath the Naka Shrine. He had attempted to approach him but lacked the necessary skills at the time to capture the creature. As a result, he had to abandon the pursuit temporarily.

Unfortunately, he hadn't encountered white zetsu again during his subsequent night tours. The white zetsu that he had sensed earlier was not the same one he had come across before.

Just as Kirito was deliberating whether to eliminate white zetsu, the creature received some form of communication and swiftly retreated underground, vanishing from sight.

Kirito was taken aback by white zetsu abrupt departure, wondering if he had somehow been discovered. However, he soon deduced the reason behind it.

He sensed the spiritual presence of several prominent figures, including the Third Hokage, Danzo, elder utatane koharu, Mitokado homura, Uchiha Homura, Hyuga nejiro, and others. They were rapidly approaching the area.

White zetsu, possessing a remarkable ability to sense bloodline users, had likely received advanced notice of the hyuga presence and decided to withdraw to avoid exposure.

As it made its exit, the surveillance eye in the sky swiftly vanished as well.

Mito sensed the imminent arrival of the Third Hokage and others. With great effort, she completed the final step of resealing the leaked Nine-Tails chakra back into her body before "fainting."

"Where am I?"

Momoka initiated their performance, rushing to embrace Mito. She left a shadow clone and a group of subordinates behind to monitor the captured Root ninjas. The main group carried Mito back to her residence.

Momoka and Mito had covered some distance when the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, arrived on the scene. He observed that Mito, held by Momoka, did not appear to be escaping with the Nine-Tails. Relief washed over him as he approached.

Sandaime inquired about the recent events from the surrounding ANBU agents. His gaze shifted to a middle-aged ninja who had just arrived behind him.

This ninja was his long-time comrade, Danzo Shimura. However, unlike his usual composed demeanor, Danzo now appeared flustered, and a sense of panic was evident on his face.

"It seems Danzo is involved in this," Sandai muttered under his breath, noting the signs.

After the formation of the flame barrier, The Sandaime swiftly received reports from ANBU agents that the incident had occurred within the Senju Clan's territory.

It was becoming increasingly evident that Danzo had a hand in the matter.

As he observed Danzo's unease, Sandaime's suspicions were confirmed.

The two Hokage advisors, Mitokado hamura and utatane Koharu, also arrived on the scene. Mitokado immediately directed questions at the Third Hokage.

"Hiruzen, what's the situation here? How did the Nine-Tails chakra leak, and where is Mito-sama? Is she safe?"

Sandaime, overwhelmed by the barrage of questions, refrained from answering immediately. Instead, he gestured to the ANBU agents to continue providing information. He also ordered additional ANBU to secure the area and prevent any potential leaks.

Danzo, on the other hand, glanced at the Root ninjas being observed by Momoka and the Senju clan members.

Anxiety gnawed at him, prompting thoughts of activating the Tongue Eradication seals on these agents to eliminate any evidence.

The Tongue Eradication seal was a curse mark modeled after the Caged Bird seal. Once applied, it prevented the caster from disclosing any information and held the caster's life in the balance. Activating it actively would not only result in the subject's death but also destroy their neural pathways.

However, as Danzo prepared to make his move, he noticed Sandaime's unwavering gaze fixed upon him.

It wasn't just the Third Hokage; even the two clan heads, Homura Uchiha, and Hyuga Nejiro were watching him closely.

"Smelly Hiruzen, Even you suspects me," Danzo seethed inwardly. He despised the fact that his actions had drawn such scrutiny. He desperately wished to activate the Tongue Eradication seals on the Root agents but hesitated, unwilling to expose himself further before so many influential Konoha figures.

Yet, not taking action could lead to the exposure of his covert operations. With Mito absent and the captured agents yet to be interrogated, Danzo faced a crucial decision.

At this moment, Danzo's thoughts turned to his best buddy, the Third Hokage's. He sent a pleading look to the Third Hokage, seeking assistance.

'Hiruzen, bail me out you monkey.'

Sandaime and Danzo are old comrades in arms. Even if they haven't fought together for many years, they still have a good tacit understanding.

Sandaime immediately understood the meaning in Danzo's eyes, but chose to turn a blind eye and blinked as if nothing had happened.

"You hide the pot you made yourself, and you carry it yourself."

What's more, the pot this time is very heavy at first glance, and the third hokage is afraid of being crushed to death by this big black pot.

Mito-sama anger is no joke.

He still wants to be Hokage for a few more years.

The two men made eye contact, everything was silent.

Danzo clenched his teeth and seethed with resentment as he thought, "Hiruzen, you will regret this."

The Third Hokage sensed the underlying words but remained firm. He snorted coldly and muttered to himself, "I am the Hokage. "