
Konoha : to be an immortal sage

This a translation work, im just freely sharing the story after doing some retouch and correction, because the mtl will give you brain constipation. a transmigrator from another world finds himself reborn as Kirito, an orphan born outside konoha. With ambitions of becoming a strong ninja but no parents to claim as martyrs for a free pass into the ninja academy, Kirito's stuck in a bit of a bind. Money doesn't grow on trees, even in a world where people can walk up them this is an UA. Author: 晴子晴子晴子. This is a translation work. The original is an mtl that could melt your brain, so i decided to make it a lot more easy to read for the sake of your eyes, and your brain sanity. updates will depend on my free time, your power stones, and support. you can support me on kofi /lightofcertainity/, but that up to you to be honest.

LightOfCertainity · Komik
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86 Chs


Uchiha Nobu, the squad leader of the security team and a Uchiha clan ninja responsible for the food street's security, was seething with anger.

Someone had dared to harm one of his team members, and he was ready to take action.

What angered him even more was that the defeated guard member was a Uchiha, and he had been bested by an outsider, a child no less.

What a disgrace. 

It appeared that some clan members had grown complacent and weak after extended periods away from the battlefield.

Despite their shortcomings, they were still Uchiha clan members and should not be humiliated by outsiders.

Therefore, even though Kirito had wisely surrendered and raised his hands, Uchiha Nobu was determined to teach him a lesson. He made a signal, and the other security team members began to descend from the rooftops, surrounding Kirito with hostile intent in their Sharingan-activated eyes.

A member of the nearby security team swiftly completed a set of seals, using a teleportation technique to appear behind Kirito. He seized Kirito's head and right hand while pressing down on Kirito's waist with his foot, pinning Kirito to the ground and exerting force.

Kirito winced slightly from the pain, but his expression showed a mix of pain and defiance. He didn't cry out or admit defeat, instead letting out a pained groan and glaring at the security team member who was subjecting him to this treatment.

The security team members noticed Kirito's defiant gaze and grinned maliciously before applying more pressure, causing Kirito to wince even more.


A commanding voice suddenly rang out.

Uchiha Nobu and the other guard members immediately turned their attention toward the source of the voice.

Kirito also looked in that direction.

Chizuru had rushed out of the store, her Sharingan activated as she focused her gaze on the security team members restraining Kirito.

"Miss Chizuru," said Shinobu Uchiha, who had been on a nearby rooftop, immediately leaping down and kneeling on one knee to show respect to Chizuru.

"Release Kirito, Shin wanted to attack me, and Kirito was only defending me," Chizuru ordered.

Nobu Uchiha didn't immediately follow the order but stood up and gazed coldly at Chizuru. His loyalty lay with Uchiha Homura, not Chizuru. While he acknowledged Chizuru's potential, he didn't view her as strong enough to give him orders.

In short, he is not very willing to obey the orders of the weak.

Perhaps with her talent, she will far surpass him in the future, but now she is just a 6-year-old kid with Chuunin strength, and is not qualified to order him at all.

Uchiha only obeyed the commands of the strong, and those they deeply respected

This is why they followed Hashirama against Madara

For the sake of their follow clansman, and having realised the depressing power found in Hashirama body.

Chizuru clenched her fists in frustration, her one tomeo Sharingan still blazing as she glared angrily at Nobu Uchiha's three-tomoe Sharingan.

However, Nobu Uchiha paid no heed to Chizuru's anger. He instructed his subordinates, "Take him away and lock him up."

"Why are you doing this? That guy was going to attack Chizuru with a powerful fireball technique in the store, but Kirito stopped him. Kirito isn't a criminal; you have no right to take him," Nawaki protested as he stood up.

"That's right, Kirito is innocent! Release him!" Yamazaki and Noda joined in, defending Kirito.

Several other children from the orphanage also wanted to speak up for Kirito, but Yakushi Nono stopped them. She allowed the students from the ninja school to speak out because Uchiha's authority didn't extend there, but she knew that the children from other orphanages had no such protection.

The other villagers in the area remained silent, not daring to speak out. They had seen the Uchiha Guards' oppressive behavior before and knew better than to provoke them.

In the face of the villagers' fearful eyes, Uchiha Shin felt a surge of anger but saw no fault in his actions. To him, these were just ants protected by their Uchiha

to thing such garbage dared to look at him with such eyes.

He really wish he could eliminate them.

Nobu Uchiha harbored similar thoughts. but held back, knowing that these were the very individuals Uchiha needed to protect for now. As long as they didn't resist, he would let them fume impotently.

Sometimes, it's quite pleasurable to witness their impotence and fury. 

No matter how infuriated they may be, ants remain ants – entirely insignificant.

"Take him away! What are you waiting for?" urged Uchiha Shin.

The security team member who had been restraining Kirito immediately responded to the order and lifted Kirito off the ground.

Kirito was apprehensive about being imprisoned by the security team, as he feared the potential dangers he might face in their custody.

In an attempt to seek help, Kirito discreetly winked at Nawaki, hoping his friend would go to his grandmother for assistance.

However, Nawaki couldn't comprehend the meaning behind Kirito's winking and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

As expected of the the guy who will die by stepping on an explosif tag.

"Seems like I can't rely on this simple-minded guy," Kirito sighed inwardly, realizing that he would need to reveal a bit of his newfound identity to others.

Suddenly, Qianhe loudly called out, "Kari !"

"What is your command, Miss?" Uchiha Kari appeared behind Chizuru in response to her call.

Nobu Uchiha took a few steps back cautiously, while other security team members gathered around him, eyeing Uchiha Kari with nervous expressions.

Kirito was finally liberated from his captor.

"This loser is the one who attacked me. interrogate him to find out why he did it," Chizuru said, pointing at the security team member who had attempted to attack her.

"Understood, Miss," Uchiha Kari acknowledged as he activated his 3 tomoe Sharingan. Shin, the security team member who had attacked Chizuru, initially believed he had the support of Uchiha Nobu and sneered at the situation. However, his arrogance quickly vanished as he saw Uchiha Kari's intense gaze. 

Uchiha Kari, an elite Jounin of the Uchiha clan, was renowned as a genjutsu specialist among the Uchiha.

His most famous feat involved singlehandedly defeating a Chunin team led by three Jounin on the battlefield, leading to the deaths of two Jounin and most of the Chuunin on their side.

He had then made them retreat.

He was almost as good as the future Shisui

There is no doubt that his strength is much stronger than that of Uchiha Shin.

As soon as he met Kari's gaze, darkness enveloped his vision, and his consciousness slipped into a deep slumber. In reality, his eyes appeared vacant, and his expression became numb, signaling that he had fallen under the influence of an illusion.

Shin never expected that Uchiha Kari, who is an elite Jonin, would be the guardian of Chizuru and would obey Chizuru's orders. 

Why the hell would an elite jounin obey someone so weak ?!

Witnessing this, Nobu Uchiha's heart sank. Just as he contemplated intervening, he noticed that Uchiha Kari had already turned his attention towards him. Frozen in fear, he dared not make any hasty moves.

Other guard members were equally hesitant to act, leaving them no choice but to watch as Uchiha Tian became entrapped in Uchiha Kari's illusion.

As Kirito observed Uchiha Shin transformation into a puppet-like state due to the illusion, he contemplated the principles behind illusions and their potential countermeasures.

Illusions in the ninja world operated on the premise that the caster targeted the enemy's five senses, infiltrating their own chakra into the target's brain nerves and manipulating the chakra flow within the target's brain nerves. This manipulation allowed the caster to control the target as desired, creating various deceptive effects.

Kirito contemplated the two methods of breaking the illusion. One involved disrupting his own chakra flow, while the other required someone else to assist in disrupting his chakra flow. He decided to rely on his own strength to break the illusion.

He recalled the sealing technique and wondered if there was an automatic-triggering sealing technique. By sealing this type of technique in his brain, it could automatically trigger when he fell victim to an illusion, disrupting his own chakra flow to counter the enemy's illusion.


Uchiha Shin actions within the store, witnessed by everyone, made it impossible for Uchiha Shin to distort the facts.

Attempting to do so would only further damage the Uchiha clan's reputation. Protecting his subordinates and upholding the clan's reputation were both essential priorities.

Nobu Uchiha understood the situation well, and with a dark expression, he ordered, "Take this disgraceful individual away." Immediately after issuing the command, he vanished using the Body Flicker Technique.

Today's incident was a complete humiliation for him. He had not only offended Chizuru but also left behind a stain of incompetence.

While he cared little for the former offense, as Chizuru was merely a 6-year-old child with much lower strength, he couldn't ignore the latter.

His appearance today would significantly impact his status and prospects within the security department.


"This Shin guy is a real piece of work, and that little brat is no better. They both deserve punishment. But the worst of all is Chizuru, an ungrateful wretch who dares to aid outsiders. Such individuals should be severely disciplined and not allowed to squander the family's valuable resources."

Uchiha Nobu and his subordinates retreated to an empty alley.

Fuming with anger, he punched the wall and glared at Uchiha Jun, who avoided his gaze in fear.

On the other hand, after the garrison team led by Uchiha Nobu had departed, the onlookers dispersed and began chatting about the incident. The news spread quickly, delighting the villagers who took pleasure in hearing about Uchiha's embarrassment.

"Chizuru, thank you for your assistance. Your actions saved me," Kirito expressed his gratitude to Chizuru and Uchiha Kari with a warm smile.

He acknowledged that, even though he had the support of Mito's relationship to eventually extricate himself from the guards, he would undoubtedly endure considerable hardships before that could happen. Hence, he sincerely thanked Chizuru for her brave and righteous intervention.

Chizuru, on the other hand, responded, "You don't need to thank me. I couldn't bear to let a scoundrel tarnish the Uchiha clan's reputation. Let's go, Kari."

Chizuru responded with a cold shake of his head, maintaining her stoic demeanor.

"Hai Miss," Uchiha Kari replied promptly, remaining silent throughout the interaction and standing resolutely behind Chizuru.

As the two of them prepared to depart, a young child approached Chizuru. It was the same boy who had narrowly avoided being attacked by Uchihata earlier.

The boy, Kazuya Konoe, had recently turned five years old. He shared many qualities with Yakushi Nono, being intelligent, sensible, and active, but he sadly lacked ninja talent.

"Step back, what are you doing?" Uchiha Kari swiftly positioned himself in front of Chizuru, his demeanor cold and unwavering, as he addressed Kazuya.

Kazuya had witnessed Uchiha Kari's use of illusions to control Uchiha Shin, and he recognized the ninja's terrifying abilities.

"Stand back. He's not an enemy," Chizuru reprimanded.

Uchiha Kari obediently withdrew behind Chizuru.

Upon seeing this, Kazuya beamed with happiness as he approached her. He reached into a hidden place behind him and presented Chizuru with a small gift, saying with a smile, "Thank you for saving me, Sister Chizuru. This is for you."

Kazuya's thank-you gift was an intricately designed fox mask, showing slight signs of wear but well-cared for. It was clearly a treasured possession.

Kirito had giften him the mask some time ago

Upon receiving the gift, Chizuru looked at the fox mask and was flooded with memories of her parents taking her shopping during festivals. She recalled owning a similar fox mask back then. It was a truly precious item.

Could she accept such a heartfelt gift?

"Accept it. This is Kazuya's way of saying thank you. If you don't accept it, this kid might hide away and cry later," Kirito suggested upon seeing Chizuru's hesitation.

"I won't cry, idiot big brother Kirito! I remember that you wet the bed two months ago, and a week ago you were caught cleaning your pants at the bathhouse in the night , wuwuwu..." Kazuya replied, blushing and scolding.

"Idiot, I already told you! It was when I woke up to get a drink at night, and I accidentally spilled water!" Kirito tried to explain, visibly shocked and annoyed, as he quickly covered Kazuya's mouth to prevent any further embarrassing revelations.

So even kirito had such a side

"In that case, I'll gladly accept it," Chizuru decided, entertained by the playful banter between the two. She accepted the fox mask from Kazuya with a smile.

Uchiha Kari observed Chizuru accepting the mask and felt a subtle sadness flicker in his eyes as he lowered his eyelids slightly.

Once Chizuru had the mask in her possession, she and Uchiha Kari departed promptly.

"Let's head back," Kirito said to the others.

He turned to Nawaki, who was preparing to sneak away, and reminded him, "As the future Hokage, remember to settle the bill before leaving."

Nawaki responded through gritted teeth, "Stop nagging. Of course, I'll pay the bill."


And another one ! Dont forget to comment, and drop your stones ! ^-^ 

Should i open advanced chapters ? what would be the ideal numbers

5-10-15 ? you tell me ! <D< p>