
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · Komik
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144 Chs

Chapter 63 Ninjutsu Showdown

Near the tanzaku bridge two armies were battling it out, Konoha and iwa shinobi engaged in a fierce exchange of ninjutsu as the death toll increased every second.

The flames on the battlefield only served as a fuel for more dark clouds on the night sky, the rain getting heavier and even lightning crackling.

At some distance from the point where konoha and iwa shinobi fought, three fights that easily stood out even from afar were occurring as no shinobi even dared to go near the battles of that scale.

Interfering could result in getting caught in a jutsu and can also distract the ally who is busy dealing with an enemy, so in fights between two powerful shinobi, others rarely interfered.

At the spots where the battles that stood out the most were happening, one had the most concentration of dark clouds above it; the heat and humidity at the area immense.

Boil Release: Strong Erupting Foot

Lightning Release: Lightning Blade!!

Leaving a blue and red trail in the air two figures appeared before each other, both having a somewhat exhausted look in their eyes.


Raising the right leg coated with steam, Han smashed it towards the face of enemy before him who brought a blade surrounded by lightning before it as both the attacks met, at the moment of contact massive impact generated and both blown back.

"Do you want to enter tailed beast transformation?"

 Drilling his feet into the ground, Han stopped his backward movement and before he could launch another attack, the five tails suggested something.

"Huff… this guy is too nimble and with a large body it would be even more difficult to deal with him; Bijudama is an option to destroy him but an attack of that scale close to our army could end up hurting us as well."

"So just keep amassing more chakra for me to use boil release; this is the only way to defeat him"

Rejected Han the idea of Kokou after a little thought, with a huge body like that of five tails it would be a lot easier for kazuki to hit him with his attack and a lot more difficult for him to do the same.

Maybe engulfing kazuki in a Bijudama could work but an attack like that which surpasses any S-Rank Jutsu might end up engulfing the iwa army at some distance from the spot he was fighting.

"Huff…even at 100% I would be a few points behind a jinchuriki's chakra let alone at half of it; I can't drag this battle anymore"

Said Kazuki while taking in deep breaths as the exhaustion on his face clearly more than Han, a trace of urgency in his tone.

The battle has been fairly even up till now but with time the chakra amount both possessed was beginning to make a difference.


At this moment Kazuki's focus was brought back to Han at some distance from him as his eyes narrowed, feeling him gathering massive amount of chakra.

Thup!!! Thup!!!

"No way!!"

Standing at the spot Han flashed a couple of hand signs as Kazuki who stood at least thirty to forty meters away from the former feeling the ground shaking strongly, Kazuki nearly tripping.

It was like the earth itself was jumping up and down, the magnitude of the earthquake immense.

Boil Release: Cataclysmic Steam Eruption!!!!

Yelled Han after completing the last hand sign and banging his hand on the ground, the soul-shaking spectacle occurring next moment.

The earth in an area of at least two hundred meters cracked open, big and wide cracks appearing on the surface.


 Kazuki leaped around to avoid falling inside the cracks but the true problem for him arouse then, from the deep cracks a warmth suddenly hitting him and a solemn look appeared on his face instantly.


Immense columns of scalding steam roared out of every crack in the area and the columns expanding rapidly next moment, turning into a cloud engulfing a wide area and causing thermal shocks everywhere.


The splinters of wood in the area immediately were caught in fire and burned to ashes in seconds, the broken shurikens or kunai all melted into liquid in an instant as well.

A grey haze was everywhere, even the air seemed to have been burnt as hardly wind could be felt in the area that was turned into a hell in a matter of seconds.

Even the ground itself appeared scorched from the scalding steam, the jutsu had truly altered the landscape.


"He is not dead"

Unaffected by the steam around him, Han stood at the spot with a victors look in his eyes but at this moment, a gust of wind hit him and kokou's voice fell in his ears.

Futon: Reppu Shosan no Jutsu (Wind Release: Gale Force Dispersion Technique)


Within the area covered in steam, a green light flashed followed by massive gusts of cool wind flying everywhere.

(Two chapters today)