
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · Komik
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144 Chs

Chapter 31 Sad Fate

Land of Rivers.

In the forest,

The sky was covered with black clouds with thunder flashing from time to time in them and even the wind seemed to have picked up speed, rustling the leaves and shaking the strong branches.

In the forest near the lake, a large area which had tall trees and green grass a while ago was completely altered.

Black sand was scattered everywhere along huge cones and spikes made of the very black sand, the air having strong smell of blood.

Seven corpses with huge holes in the stomach like pierced by something big and sharp were lying in this devastated area as well, the konoha headband on them revealing their identities.


There seemed to be still people left in this area affected by a top battle, a woman with blonde hair and fair skin was on one knee panting like she was breathing after years, the grey battle armor on her body mostly destroyed and the wound on her stomach with blood slowly rinsing out particularly conspicuous.



Suddenly a shadow flew out from far and banged into the ground next to Tsunade who seemed badly injured, dust rolling around and a painful scream sounding in the dust.


Hearing the scream Tsunade yelled with an anxious look on her face, rushing into the dust where the shadow just impacted; not caring about her injury at all.

The dust was blown away quickly with the strong wind around, in a man shaped pit lying a figure with blue hair, carved into the surface.

"No!! Get a hold of yourself!!!"

The blue haired man had a pale look on his face and his eyes getting blurry from time to time, Tsunade sitting next to him was practically begging him to stay awake, her hands with green chakra resting above Dan's face.

The impact just now most likely would have affected Dan's head so Tsunade who knew how dangerous him passing out could be was trying her best to save him.




But luck didn't seem on Tsunade's side as small and thin black spikes suddenly piercing her from the back and more blood seeping out, groaning in pain and the green chakra disappearing,


At the same time the figure with dark blue hair and donning a white haori landed next to Tsunade, his face was dusty and had small wounds on his body.

But he hardly seemed exhausted from the battle and seemed like could fight a lot more without any problem, this was the true strength of the kazekage hailed as the strongest ever.

Seven Jonin and Two Elite Jonin couldn't last against him for long, out of the nine from beginning of the fight only two were left the rest all dead.

"Curse you, you monster!!!"

Tsunade who had sweat rolling down her face from the pain and exhaustion raised her head to look at Kazekage, cursing him with all her might.

Kazekage didn't show any anger at her words and just flicked his finger, the sand around him shaping into two long spears, one aimed at Tsunade and the other at Dan fixed in the ground.

Seeing the spear finally some clarity appeared in the eyes of Tsunade, the anger replaced by despair, unwilling face.

There was nothing she could do now and her death was certain, the opponent was far stronger than her and from the beginning they had no hope.

The moment the kazekage had appeared it was already doomed for them.

"I guess…this is it...

Said Tsunade resigning to her fate.



Barely Dan with a sad face squeezed out her name but couldn't say anything further, the spear drilling into his stomach and red hot blood splashing on the face of Tsunade.


"Farewell, Princess Tsunade!"

Tsunade's face went dull as with wide eyes she just kept staring at Dan who coughed out blood, though Kazekage saying his last words to Tsunade and moving his finger a little.


The other spear moved a little but at this moment a beam of water cutting through the air hit the spear accurately.


The spear was blasted instantly as Kazekage immediately turned to look at his right, at some distance in his vision standing a silver haired kid with two passed out figures on his shoulders, his hand still around his mouth from firing that water beam.

Kazekage opened his mouth to say something but halted when his eyes fell on the people Kazuki was carrying, finally a shocked expression on his usual calm face.

"It seems they couldn't even exhaust him much; fighting him would only result in my death!"

Kazuki who felt the chakra of Kazekage not much different from the start knew he didn't have a chance in a fight to death with him.

If he had been exhausted he might have tried but now it will only result in his death, to Kazekage he would be just like how Rasa and Pakura were to him.

He may have a lot of strong jutsu in his arsenal but he would be handled just like he handled the two he fought, just 30% template didn't grant him strength to defeat a kage like Kazekage.


Considering every possibility Kazuki seemed to have been left with only one choice, placing the two on his shoulders on the ground.


Next he pulled out the Kusanagi on his back and placed it on top of the passed out figures on the ground, his gaze meeting that of the Kazekage.

"You are smart enough to understand what I'm Implying right Kazekage? So what's your decision?"

Asked Kazuki calmly with his gaze on Tsunade next to Kazekage and his sword on Rasa and Pakura, in a matter of seconds the fate of everyone would be decided.

At his words Kazekage didn't make an irrational move understanding the gravity of the situation, he could definitely kill Tsunade right now but in turn Suna would lose a lot as well.

Especially Rasa as a lot has been invested in him, in the whole Sunagakure he was the only one who could inherit his magnet style and come up with his unique gold dust, which helped them economically a lot as well.


Just when Kazekage with his eyes closed was thinking and Kazuki was looking at him waiting for his decision, both of them suddenly frowned feeling a lot of chakra signatures approaching them.

Read 20 chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.