
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · Komik
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118 Chs

Chapter 105 Peace?


The forest behind hokage mountains,

"Don't you dare break that promise or else you'll get it from all of us, together we are strong enough to give you a thorough beating now"

"Exactly! so be careful sensei"

At the bank of the lake sat a group of five as the red haired girl gave a warning in a chilly tone to the silver haired man who was the center of attention, the brown haired kid seconding her words.


"It seems three years were enough to make you guys forget all the beatings; this time I'll make sure you won't forget it your whole lives" Said Kazuki with a wide smile on his face, cracking his knuckles at the same time.

"Bring it On!"

"Let's do it Now!"

But Kushina and Nawaki still didn't show any weakness and fearlessly challenged him on the spot, Minato not saying anything but his face showing an eager look to fight.

"Stop it you guys! leave the fighting for some other time. He just came back so let him rest a little"

But just when Kazuki was about to get up and give the overconfident trio a reality check, Tsunade with an annoyed face interjected and admonished the trio.

The trio immediately went quiet at her words as seeing that Tsunade showing a pleased face turned her gaze towards Kazuki.

"I know you must be tired so if you are looking for a new place to settle down you can come to the senju district; there are a lot of abandoned houses there, you can choose any you like"

Offered Tsunade Kazuki a place to live as knowing the truth about him she knew Kazuki would probably avoid living in his old house anymore and she also didn't want him to stay there.

"But doesn't Kazuki has his own place, sister?"

"You really want him to live alone in that big house; at least he won't feel alone with us being around him."

Minato and other two were clearly confused at Tsunade offering Kazuki a place to live as Nawaki couldn't help ask but Tsunade quickly answered his query, Kazuki understanding what she did giving her a grateful look.

He wanted as less people as possible to know about the truth as he didn't like being the object of sympathy.

At Tsunade's explanation Nawaki and other two nodded as the picnic continued with kazuki joining, the trio sharing everything interesting in the village during Kazuki's absence, who while eating listened with great interest, a cheerful atmosphere at the bank of the lake.

While they were talking and enjoying the picnic, suddenly Kazuki said something that couldn't help but make Tsunade look at him with a shocked face.

"If it doesn't bother you much then I would like you to support me in the upcoming jonin vote of confidence, your support would assure the vote of most of the jonin from senju descent and medical corps."

"That is if you don't wish to participate yourself."

Kazuki's words fell and the four around him looked at him like they had seen a ghost.

"You… are you planning on becoming Hokage!?" Minato couldn't help but lose his calm and ask in a shocked tone, the other two looking at him with same question in the eyes.

It was not that Kazuki couldn't become hokage but knowing him they always viewed him as a person who didn't care for titles and stuff and not even once in his life he had mentioned of becoming hokage, so a person like him who always liked to avoid limelight and stay alone suddenly running for hokage was shocking.

It took Tsunade a while to recover from the shock as well as hurriedly not making Kazuki wait anymore for her answer spoke up.

"Of course I'll support you! who deserves to be the hokage more than you anyway though I must say I'm surprised at you taking the intiative to be a leader, just what did you experience in these three years that caused such a change?"

Asked Tsunade after assuring him off her vote, looking at him with a new light in her eyes.

Feeling the gazes on him that awaited his answer, Kazuki facing them directly in the eyes spoke up.

"It's true I have never really wanted to be a hokage but sometimes people encounter their fate on the road they take to avoid it; I need complete assurance of something and for that I need to be hokage, there's no alternative"

"Assurance of what?"

Answered Kazuki as his words couldn't help but put some confused looks on the faces of the four, Tsunade gazing directly into his asking.

Kazuki looked back into her eyes fearlessly and despite trying her best Tsunade failed to locate that one emotion hidden deep down, which would have perhaps explained everything.

A momentary hush lingered before a single word escaped from Kazuki's lips, forming a gentle smile.


Read chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.