
Konoha: Comprehension Maximal

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20 Chs

7. All chakra affinities?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's guess was correct, but not completely correct.

Using cloning techniques to confuse the field of vision and lead to sneak attacks is indeed Kamisato Tsukika's tactic, but the most important part of Kamisato Tsukija's tactics is not the cloning technique, but the transformation technique.

This is the most basic ninjutsu and one of the mandatory ninjutsu for every ninja Academy student.

This is also one of the simplest ninjutsu in all ninja circles.

But simplicity does not mean useless. Even in the final stages of the plot and in Boruto, the transformation technique is a useful ninjutsu, causing Kaguya Otsutsuki and Momoshiki Otsutsuki to suffer.

But now, Sarutobi Hiruzen was at a disadvantage, tricked by Kamisato Tsukija using his transformation technique.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

Under the moonlight, an old man and a young man were holding kunai and colliding rapidly. Sparks flew and clinked with each encounter.

This is a kunai clash, but not all of them are kunai clashes.

Still a battle between taijutsu, ninjutsu, and genjutsu.

Ding! ! !

After another collision, Sarutobi Hiruzen took the initiative to stop.

The reason is the same as before. Not because he deliberately hid his experience and didn't want to teach Kamisato Tsukika, but because Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted Kamisato Tsukikw to be smooth instead of stiff and random.

"Very good. Your understanding and mastery of ninjutsu and genjutsu, as well as the timing of the release of ninjutsu and genjutsu, have reached the level of elite chunin or higher. What you lack now is only powerful jutsu. You have too few jutsu."

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very satisfied with Kamisato Tsukika, it can be said that he is very satisfied.

Because of this fight, Kamisato Tsukija proved to him that Kamisato Tsukika was not just a physical genius like Might Gai and Rock Lee, but a comprehensive genius with thorough development in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu.

He was so talented that Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but think of two people.

One of them is his student Orochimaru, and the other is the current village elite, Hatake Kakashi.

"Perhaps, this is the only Ninjutsu taught in ninja academies."

Kamisato Tsukika pretended to be helpless and spoke.

In fact, he had mastered many techniques, and all of them were extremely powerful techniques.

However, Kamisato Tsukika did not choose to reveal the technique.

"Hahaha, there are indeed too few techniques that can be learned at the ninja academy. But don't worry, you have already graduated and you will learn many powerful techniques in the future."

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke with relief.

When Kamisato Tsukija heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Hey hey, Sandaime-sama, can you teach me powerful ninjutsu?"

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, he couldn't help but nod and smile when he saw Kamisato Tsukika's sly eyes.

After all, there are still some children at heart.

He sighed inwardly.

"Okay, I will teach you ninjutsu today. I think about it... okay, I will teach you a powerful fireball technique."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment and decided to teach Kamisato Tsukikw what technique it was.

In fact, the Fireball Technique was the ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan, and he had no right to teach it to Kamisato Tsukika.

Doing so violates village regulations.

However, as the 3rd Hokage of Konoha, so what if you break the rules? Uchiha Sasuke is the only one left in the Uchiha clan. Who would mind teaching fireball techniques to non-Uchiha clan members?

In Konoha Village, he, Sarutobi Hiruzen, made the final decision.

"The Fireball Technique is a powerful fire technique. It is very powerful and can turn enemies into ashes in flames in an instant."

After saying that, Sarutobi Hiruzen began to form seals.

"The Fireball Technique Seal is like this, and the technique is..."

Hiruzen Sarutobi was making seals while explaining the Fireball Jutsu technique to Kamisato Tsukika.

However, before he finished speaking, Kamisato Tsukika moved.

Tiger or Snake → Sheep → Monkey → Pig → Horse → Tiger

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Boom! ! !

The flame was exhaled from Kamisato Tsukika's mouth, and quickly expanded, becoming a huge fireball with a diameter of more than three meters, exuding a scorching hot breath.

A heat wave hit Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, and under the flames, the shock on his face was clearly visible.

After continuing for a few seconds, Kamisato Tsukika stopped channeling his chakra to allow the fireball to disappear.

"It's very powerful, thank you Sandaime-sama for your ninjutsu!"

Shenli Yuehua pretended to be surprised and looked very happy.

In terms of acting skills, he is definitely at the level of an Oscar winner.

"...As expected of the genius student leader, Tsukika-kun, your use of Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu is excellent, surpassing the abilities of many people."

Sarutobi Hiruzen suppressed the shock in his heart and spoke. Seeing the happy Kamisato Yueka, he couldn't help but feel a sense of encouragement in his heart.

"In this way, I will teach you stronger Ninjutsu. This ninjutsu is called Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough."

Saying that, Sarutobi Hiruzen formed his seal again.

This time, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't deliberately slow down the seal.

However, just by looking at it once, Kamisato Tsukika formed a seal.

Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough!

A strong wind blew from Kamisato Tsukija's mouth, causing the surroundings to be full of wind and sand at the training ground, causing the trees beside the training ground to rustle.

"This is very strong, as strong as the Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu earlier!"

Kamisato Tsukika opened his mouth with shining eyes. He was stunned for a moment and then continued with pity: "It would be great if these two techniques could be released at the same time. Fire borrows the power of the wind, the wind assists the power of the fire, and the combination of wind and fire. Definitely more powerful!"

As soon as these words came out, Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked again.

Kamisato Tsukika had actually thought about the attribute response of this technique.

This is a bit beyond Sarutobi Hiruzen's imagination.

After all, although many ninjas know how to combine ninjutsu, few can immediately think of combined ninjutsu at the age of twelve when they are exposed to different operating attributes for the first time.

In Sarutobi Hiruzen's memory, the last outstanding person seemed to be his apprentice Orochimaru.

And thinking about this, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly remembered something.

"Tsukika-kun, try putting chakra into this paper."

While saying so, Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a piece of paper from his ninja bag.

This is chakra paper that can detect the chakra properties of ninjas.

Although Kamisato Tsukika had never seen chakra paper before, he knew clearly after watching the original work that this was definitely chakra paper.

Taking the chakra paper, Kamisato Tsukika immediately put his chakra into it.

Then, in Sarutobi Hiruzen's surprised eyes, the chakra paper changed.

He saw one area of the chakra paper burnt, one area split, one area crumpled, one area wet, and one area broken.

This... fire, wind, thunder, water, earth, five chakra attributes? !

Kamisato Yuehua is actually the owner of a five-attribute chakra? !

No, maybe more than that.

Because chakra paper can only detect five attributes, namely fire, wind, thunder, water and earth, and there are two other attributes, namely yin and yang, which cannot be checked.

So, will Kamisato Tsukika also have yin and yang traits?

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but think of those two people again.

Orochimaru and Hatake Kakashi, both of them are people with all chakra attributes.