
Konoha: Comprehension Maximal

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20 Chs


"Kamisato Tsukikka?"

Mizuki looked at Kamisato Tsukikka next to Uzumaki Naruto below and spoke in surprise. It turned out that Kamisato Tsukikka's sudden appearance was not at all what he expected.

"Tsukikka-kun?! Great, take Naruto away and run!"

Iruka's face was fierce but his tone was urgent. He was now kneeling where Uzumaki Naruto was now, with his hands on the ground and a large shuriken on his back.

It was a shuriken that Mizuki shot at Uzumaki Naruto, but Iruka blocked Uzumaki Naruto with his own body.

Even though it was clear that Naruto would be fine even if he didn't block the giant shuriken, Iruka still did it subconsciously.

In her heart, Uzumaki Naruto is very important.

"Iruka-sensei, are you okay?"

Kamisato Tsukikka spoke to Iruka with concern, but his eyes fell on Mizuki in the tree.

Even though Mizuki was only a chunin, he was the first enemy Kamisato Tsukikka encountered.

When a lion fights a rabbit, he has to go all out.

Facing Mizuki, a chuunin who has murderous intentions towards him, Kamisato warns himself that he must take her seriously.

"I'm fine, you guys go quickly! I'll hold Mizuki, Tsukikka-kun, take Naruto to the village!"

Seeing no movement from Kamisato Tsukikka, Iruka became worried.

"Go? Hehehe. Today, no one can go."

Mizuki was also worried. He knew that he had to quickly face the three people in front of him and leave the village. Otherwise, when the ninjas in the village come looking for them, it will be too late.

After saying that, Mizuki threw another huge shuriken directly at Iruka. At the same time, he jumped down from the tree holding a kunai in his hand and rushed towards Naruto Uzumaki and Kamisato Tsukikka.


Iruka's face turned to the side, and he shouted again at Kamisato Tsukikka and Uzumaki Naruto, enduring the severe pain in his body and rushing towards Mizuki.

Unfortunately, it seems like it's too late.

At the same time, Uzumaki Naruto looked at Mizuki who was attacking fiercely, and the fear in his heart emerged again. He wanted to hide, but for some reason his body seemed unable to obey his orders and remained motionless.

"Damn, start moving!!"

In his fear and unwillingness, Uzumaki Naruto seemed to hear something.

"Gate of Pain, open!"

Bang! ! ! !

A terrifying chakra burst out from Kamisato Tsukikka, accompanied by the sound of physical impact. Under the disbelieving eyes of Uzumaki Naruto and Iruka, Mizuki flew backwards at a faster speed.

Kamisato Tsukikka also made his move. He flies faster than Mizuki. Before Mizuki could stop, he came behind Mizuki and hit Mizuki who flew backwards hard again!

Bam! ! !

Poof! ! !

This blow caused a mouthful of blood to spurt from Mizuki's mouth, and her body bent backwards like a waning moon.

"How could that be..."

His eyes almost popped out of their sockets, his face turned pale, he muttered to himself, and then his body collapsed to the ground.

Mizuki's spine is broken.

His mobility was completely lost.

Seeing this, Kamisato Tsukikka breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he came out of his modified Eight Inner Gates and pretended to be weak and flinched.

"How could that be?"

Not far away, Iruka, who came to Uzumaki Naruto, was stunned to see Kamisato Tsukikka and Mizuki lying on the ground, causing turmoil in his heart.

Kamisato Tsukikka... completely defeated Mizuki, who was also a chuunin with him!

"Jeez, that's fast!"

Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but speak, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But suddenly, Uzumaki Naruto became confused again.

He remembered what Mizuki said earlier.

He is a fox demon.

It was the fox demon who killed Iruka's parents, destroyed the village, and killed many people.

"Mizuki, you said earlier...Naruto is a fox demon?"

When Uzumaki Naruto was confused and overwhelmed, Kamisato Tsukikka's voice caught his and Iruka's attention.

Hearing this, Mizuki, who had broken his spine and still couldn't accept the reality, was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, hahahaha! Yes, Uzumaki Naruto is a fox demon, the fox demon who killed your parents twelve years ago and made you an orphan."

"Kamisato Tsukikka, you chose to save the fox demon who killed your parents. What would your parents think if they found out? That should be interesting."

Mizuki flinched and mocked Kamisato Tsukijka, he looked at Kamisato Tsukikka with a cruel look, which annoyed Kamisato Tsukikka.

"Tsukikka-kun, that's not the problem, Naruto..."

Hearing this, Iruka immediately spoke anxiously, wanting to explain to Kamisato Tsukikka.

But before Iruka could finish his words, he was interrupted by Kamisato Tsukikka.

"No need to say any more, Iruka-sensei. I understand."

Kamisato Tsukikka said while looking at Mizuki who was looking at him with hatred on the ground, then looked at Uzumaki Naruto.

"You said, no one will agree with Naruto-san. Iruka Sensei also hates Naruto-san. Everyone hates Naruto-san. Naruto-san killed our parents, brothers and friends."

Kamisato Tsukikka spoke. He looked at Uzumaki Naruto's nervous, confused and overwhelmed face and sighed silently.

This poor boy was compared to the Kyuubi.

"But, if you don't agree with Naruto, if you really hate Naruto-san, would Iruka-sensei risk his life and use his own body to defend Naruto-san from attack?"

"If he doesn't agree with Naruto-san, why does Uncle Ichiraku always prepare special ramen for Naruto-san, and always keep a bowl of ramen pretending not to be sold, waiting for Naruto-san's visit?"

"If he doesn't agree with Naruto, why would a smart person like Shikamaru-san accompany Naruto-san to skip class? A greedy person like Choji-san wouldn't put the last potato chip in Naruto-san's mouth."

"Even though my parents died because of the Demon Fox incident, I don't think this stupid guy Naruto can become a demon fox."

"I don't see the killing, violence and destruction that the fox demon symbolizes in Naruto-sab."

"All I saw was an Uzumaki Naruto who had few friends and was isolated from most people. He was clearly alone in the dark of night, but he was trying to live like the sun wanted to shine light on others!"

"Mizuki Sensei, remember, Naruto-san is not a fox demon, he is Uzumaki Naruto from the Hidden Leaf Village!"

Kamisato Tsukikka looked at Mizuki again and spoke loudly.


Iruka looked at Kamisato Tsukikka under the moonlight with relief and tears in his eyes.

Naruto, on the other hand, had tears in his eyes and tears were streaming down his face.

Only Mizuki was stunned. He never expected Kamisato Tsukikka to say such words.

Not to mention Mizuki, in the Hokage's office, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had been observing with a telescope technique, did not expect Kamisato Tsukikka to say something like that.

For a while, even though the place became silent, the hearts of several people surged like waves.

"Who is there?!"

However, before Iruka and Uzumaki Naruto could calm down, Kamisato Tsukikka seemed to have discovered something, he looked towards the forest and spoke firmly, while taking a defensive position.

This made both of them alert again.


There was a sound, and several people turned their heads and saw three people appearing in the forest.

The three of them wore ANBU uniforms with masks on their faces so it was difficult to see their appearance.

However, it can still be seen that the three of them are one woman and two men.

The one walking in front was the only woman.

He is tall and has purple hair.