
Konoha: Comprehension Maximal

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20 Chs

16. Training

The Kenjutsu duel between Kamisato Tsukika and Yugao Uzuki ended in a short time, with no one winning or losing.

This is not a duel that relies on points to determine the outcome, but rather to better understand each other's strengths and facilitate future cooperation.

However, even though there was no winner in this duel, it still had a great impact on Yugao Uzuki, which touched him deeply.

When the duel ended, he was in a daze.

Yugao Uzuki himself is actually a bit of a genius, the best among his friends.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have become the squad captain of the first ANBU unit sixth team at such a young age.

To this day he still has doubts about life.

If he was a genius, then what was Kamisato Tsukika?


Fortunately, Yugao Uzuki was an excellent ninja, and he quickly adjusted his mentality and regained his composure.

Of course, Yamai knew that neither Yugao Uzuki nor Ishizaka Ida could regain their composure that quickly.

A blow like this made Yamai feel both afraid and grateful.

Fortunately, he was just a living ninja, so he didn't need to do actual combat training with Kamisato Tsukika, so he could avoid the blows.

However, after seeing Kamisato Tsukika's expression of interest in sensory ninjutsu, Yamai trembled in his heart.

The actual combat practice was finally over, and Team Six returned to ANBU to bide their time and be ready at any time.

"Because it was peacetime, we didn't have many missions other than normal guard rotations. But even if there is no mission, we still have to be on standby at the base at any time. If you are bored, you can read a book or something, or you can do simple physical exercise."

After returning to ANBU headquarters, Yugao Uzuki began to introduce some of the daily duties of ANBU members and some of the rules at ANBU to Kamisato Tsukika.

These rules are neither more nor less, but in general they are to keep a low profile as much as possible, low profile when carrying out missions, and low profile on weekdays. Do not reveal your daily identity during missions, and do not reveal your ANBU identity in daily life. day.

After listening carefully to Yugao Uzuki's explanation, Kamisato Tsukika fell into a daze.

Of course, in the eyes of Yugao Uzuki and the others, Kamisato Tsukika was in a daze, but in fact Kamisato Tsukika was carrying out shallow deductions.

As for reading?

Knowledge reserves are very important for Kamisato Tsukikka, but Kamisato Tsukika has read all the useful books he can access in Konoha.

"Shan(Ida), do all geniuses like to be in a daze?"

Yamai glanced at Kamisato Tsukika, who had been in a daze for several hours, and whispered to Ishizaka Ida.

"Maybe it's a genius's hobby..."

Ishizaka Ida asked, how could he know what geniuses do every day? He's not a genius...


Time passed quickly in Kamisato Tsukika's shallow deductions, and it didn't take long for night to fall.

"Let's go, it's time for us to take turns running errands."

Yugao Uzuki looked at the time then stood up and spoke. Her voice brought Kamisato Tsukika out of his state of shallow deduction.

Wearing a mask, Kamisato Tsukika followed Yugao Uzuki and the others and set off towards the Hokage's office.

Their daily rotation mission is a very important mission that involves the best person in power in the village, namely the Hokage.

To be precise, their mission is to protect Naruto.

For this task, Kamisato Tsukika was actually speechless.

Among those who can become Anbu, which one does not have the strength of other Anbu levels? The combat power he possessed was even the best in a village.

Does a person like that still need ANBU to protect him?

Unless there is a war and the enemy village has strong ninja assassins, the ANBU need to fight or contain the assassins.

Otherwise, ANBU protection is pretty much the same.

Not to mention, this is the largest ninja village in the ninja world, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, Konoha Village.

If as Hokage he needed protection from others, the entire village would almost be destroyed, and no one could stop such an enemy.

Just like powerful enemies such as Obito Uciha and Pain, ANBU had no effect in front of them and were instantly killed.

The reason why ANBU have the duty to protect the Hokage is just to sound less powerful.

The Anbu who carry out the task of protecting the Hokage also act more as messengers, used when the Hokage needs to look for someone or get something.

Of course, Kamisato Tsukika only complained inwardly.

He still enjoyed carrying out his duties of protecting the Hokage.

Safe, relaxing and stress free.

Moreover, if Kamisato Tsukika guessed correctly, he would definitely gain a lot during his mission to protect the Hokage.

Moreover, after he showed some of his talents that day, Hiruzen Sarutobi did not allow him to enter ninja class normally but instead took him to ANBU, certainly not without purpose.

Kamisato Tsukika could guess Sarutobi Hiruzen's purpose in wanting to cultivate it.

After arriving at the Hokage's office, the four of them went straight to the designated position and began to observe the surrounding situation secretly to protect the Hokage's safety.

There is no doubt that this is a boring job, although it is relaxing.

Time passed quickly, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

At this time, the sun had completely set on the top of the mountain, lights were on everywhere, and the leaves of Konoha Village were brightly lit.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen finished processing another document, he did not open the next document, but headed to the office window.

He looked somewhere below, where a young man was hiding in the dark, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled.

After that, he left the Hokage's office and headed for training ground No.1.

The four members of Team 6 naturally followed each other in the dark. During their mission time, wherever Hokage went, they would follow him.

And the following things must be kept secret so that no one else knows.

Not long after, they arrived at training ground No. 1.

"Wu (Kamisato Tsukika's code)."

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth and called out the code name Kamisato Tsukika.

This code name was reported to the squad leader by Yugao Uzuki at noon today, and the squad leader reported it to Assistant Hokage, and Assistant Hokage reported it to Hiruzen Sarutobi.


Kamisato Tsukika jumped down from a large tree around the training ground and approached Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Yes, the location you chose earlier was very good. You can clearly see the surrounding movements."

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke, very satisfied with Kamisato Tsukika.

"You haven't learned the high speed movement technique. I will teach you a movement technique tonight."

Kamisato Tsukika guessed correctly.

If this was a game, then the reward for his mission to join ANBU would be various skill books and experience books from the 3rd Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Everything 50 Power Stone= +1 Chapter

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