
Konoha: Comprehension Maximal

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20 Chs

11.Ino Yamanaka

Because he was too obsessed with practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique, Kamisato Tsukika forgot about the graduation ceremony.

But as Kamisato Tsukika said, it didn't matter whether he went or not, because Kamisato Tsukika would enter ANBU in two days.

A three day holiday was specially provided for him by the Third Hokage.

He said that he wanted to hang out with his friends and classmates.

Originally, Kamisato Tsukika had also planned to attend the graduation ceremony, going for a walk with everyone, eating ramen or something.

But now, Kamisato Tsukika has canceled that plan.

He wanted to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique.

How come, learning the Flying Thunder God Technique is not difficult for Kamisato Tsukika who has a talent for space and time ninjutsu, especially with his maximum level of understanding, he managed to perform the Flying Thunder God Technique in one try.

However, the Flying Thunder God Technique is different from other ninjutsu. This technique places great emphasis on practice and a kind of feeling.

For other ninjutsu, you only need to form the seal quickly enough and use it at the right time. This kind of freehand skill ninjutsu is very simple for Kamisato Tsukika.

However, the Flying Thunder God Technique required extremely high proficiency and reaction speed of the user.

If the reaction speed is not fast enough, the whole body will be confused after using the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport.

You can't differentiate between east, west and north, let alone attack the other.

If you want to use the Flying Thunder God Technique as powerfully as the Second Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, you must constantly adapt to the feeling of sudden changes in the world, and quickly react from that feeling of change and make judgments and actions accordingly. .

In other words, that's what it feels like.

These feelings and reactions require practice.

Fortunately, Kamisato Tsukika's physique is strong enough, all physical attributes are much better than ordinary people, and his reaction ability is quite good.

This allowed Kamisato Tsukika to master the Flying Thunder God Technique in just one day, and he became proficient and improved through continuous practice.

In the next two days, Kamisato Tsukika planned to spend all his time practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique.

After he completely mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique, he would then deduce and innovate the Flying Thunder God Technique to see if he could go further.

As for concluding the direction of innovation, it is certainly very simple.

This is nothing more than optimizing the Flying Thunder God Technique to make the depiction of the technique more secretive and simple.

He could even directly optimize the Flying Thunder God Technique, changing the fixed point transmission of the Flying Thunder God Technique to move at will.

As for exploring the power of time and space through the Flying Thunder God Technique, so that he can master the power of time and space, this is not something that Kamisato Tsukika should think about at the moment. He couldn't make it this far with his understanding.

After making a plan, Kamisato Tsukika devoted himself wholeheartedly to studying the Flying Thunder God Technique.

However, Kamisato Tsukika did not go to meet his classmates, but his classmates took the initiative to come to his house.

"Is Tsukika-san home?"

Listening to the clear and slightly agitated voice outside, Kamisato Tsukika was not surprised and stood up to open the door.

Because just now he saw someone coming while he was practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique.

This was also the reason why Kamisato Tsukika was inside the house at this time.

"Ino-san? Do you want to meet me for something?"

Looking at the young and beautiful girl in front of him, Kamisato Tsukika asked.

But he already guessed the reason for Ino's arrival.

"Because Tsukika-san didn't come to the graduation and class placement ceremony yesterday, so I thought if Tsukika-san was delayed due to something, then I came to visit."

Seeing Kamisato Tsukija's handsome and cute face, pink bubbles began to bubble in Yamanaka Ino's heart, and her pretty little face couldn't help but blush slightly.

"I originally planned to come visit Tsukika-kun yesterday, but after classes were divided yesterday, I went to eat barbecue with Asuma Sensei and the others until late at night, so I didn't disturb Tsukika-san."

Yamanaka Ino explained again, then asked curiously: "Tsukika-san, were you late because of something yesterday? We were all divided into classes, but strangely I didn't hear you in any class."

"Is that so? I was delayed because of something yesterday. I really regret not being able to attend the graduation ceremony. As for class placement, the village has already arranged it for me, but I can't tell you yet. You'll find out later."

Kamisato Tsukika pretended to be embarrassed and scratched his head.

"I see. No wonder I didn't hear Tsukika-san's name. But Tsukika-san is indeed the main student this year. You can actually let the village arrange it for you. How amazing!"

Yamanaka Ino said, with little stars in her eyes, and she looked very happy and excited, as if she herself was the one involved.

"Sakura-san and Sasuke-san had funny expressions on their faces yesterday when they heard it was announced that Yuehua-kun was the main disciple."

After saying this, Yamanaka Ino covered her mouth and laughed.

That's why he was so happy.

In Kamisato Tsukika's class, the girls in the entire ninja academy could be said to be divided into two factions.

Uchiha Sasuke fans and Kamisato Tsukika fans are divided into several groups.

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino are representatives of these two factions.

The two sides clashed over who was stronger and better looking, Uchiha Sasuke and Kamisato Tsukika, and they were barely compatible.

So even though Yamanaka Ino no longer competes with Haruno Sakura for Uchiha Sasuke because of Kamisato Tsukika's Transmigration, the relationship between the two is still like fire and water, and both parties don't like each other.

Under such circumstances, the Academy finally decided that Kamisato Tsukika would be the best student in this class. For Yamanaka Ino, Kamisato Tsukika's loyal little fan, this was of course a very valuable and happy thing.

Kamisato Tsukika could only smile helplessly at that.

At the same time, he regretted in his heart that the culture of chasing stars was really bad.

"By the way, tomorrow me, Choji and Shikamaru have an appointment with Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. We plan to have dinner together to celebrate our graduation. Tsukika-san, would you like to come with us too?"

Yamanaka Ino said, looking at Kamisato Tsukika with an expectant and anxious expression, looking pitiful, afraid that Kamisato Tsukika would reject her.

Kamisato Tsukika had no choice but to agree.

Although Kamisato Tsukika felt that Ino's purpose was not only for dinner, but also to show off to Haruno Sakura.

But that didn't matter, even though Kamisato Tsukika's future ambition wasn't to become Hokage, or to stay in Konoha forever.

However, Kamisato Tsukika would not refuse to form a friendship and have dinner with these future Konoha 12, even though only 9 were gathered except Sasuke.

"Good, let's make a deal. Let's meet at Ichiraku Ramen tomorrow afternoon at six!"

Afraid that Kamisato Tsukika would regret it, Yamanaka Ino was happy and left after saying this.

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