
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

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106 Chs

Tactics, Transport And Guerilla Warfare

"Teacher, where are you heading this afternoon?" Asuma asked in a low voice.

There was no chance for a direct confrontation, but satisfying their curiosity was still possible, right? The others also felt an itching curiosity.

Faced with six pairs of eyes intently focused on him, Kyōichi couldn't help but smile and said, "As the commander, these are secrets I shouldn't reveal. However, this information will soon become outdated, so let me test you." He then shared some details with them.

The six listened attentively, their eyes widening in surprise.

They had actually uncovered the temporary base of the Kirigakure ninjas at sea! This was no small feat.

"With Inoichi-senpai around, uncovering this wasn't difficult," Kyōichi explained a bit.

Kurenai suddenly realized. She had heard of Yamanaka Inoichi, renowned as the top intelligence expert of Konoha, incredibly skilled.

After pondering for a moment, Shisui asked, "Teacher, do you plan to strike their base?"

"Guess. There's a reward if you're right," Kyōichi said with a smile.

The six fell silent. Kyōichi's mischievous streak was showing again.

Yet, they seriously started to contemplate.

Might Guy suddenly clapped his hands in excitement, drawing everyone's attention, including Kyōichi's. The next moment, Guy said, "I get it! Teacher must be planning to annihilate them!"

Expecting more from you was my mistake, Kyōichi thought to himself.

He looked at the other five.

After thinking, Shisui commented, "I observed the numbers earlier. There are at most a dozen teams inside, attacking directly could easily lead to us being surrounded by Kirigakure."

"Hmm, and then?" Kyōichi responded approvingly.

Shisui's mind was working faster now, and his performance was quite satisfying.

Shisui then hesitated before saying, "Are you planning to... find an opportunity to assassinate their leader?"

Shisui carefully chose his words. Harassment or disruption didn't quite fit the teacher's wise style, so he opted for a more refined term, though he knew well that Kirigakure wasn't foolish...

"Ha ha ha, close enough. Actually, it's just to create chaos," Kyōichi said, patting Shisui's shoulder. "Soon, the elites of the Uchiha will join us, and that's when the real assault begins. When we return in the afternoon, I'll teach you a genjutsu."

Shisui's eyes lit up with enthusiasm.

"The Uchiha... That's great!"

"Alright, that's all I'll reveal. Don't spread this around, just keep it to yourselves, and stay out of trouble these next few days," Kyōichi said as he stood up.

He wasn't sharing this for any reward.

Actually, the reward was quite ordinary – a "Suiton: Instant Water" technique.

Not bad, but below his expectations, especially considering he was dealing with Jōnin.

He knew why.

To outsiders, such operations seemed more like harassment, lacking substantial significance.

Lunchtime arrived.

Simple and plain.

One soldier pill per person was enough to get them by – cooking fires could easily reveal their location.

After lunch, the four set off.

Knowing the location, they navigated expertly and soon neared the Kirigakure base. When still a distance away, they submerged themselves in the water.

"Inoichi-senpai, I'll catch some fish. Use your secret technique to control them for reconnaissance."


The Yamanaka Clan's secret techniques were versatile, not limited to controlling humans but also effective in manipulating animals for intelligence gathering.

Kyōichi then quickly moved through the water using the Instant Water technique.

Before long, he caught two large fish.

Inoichi skillfully controlled them with a mind transfer technique, guiding them towards the island while the others followed slowly.

As they neared the island, they stopped.

Kyōichi and Inoichi simultaneously used their sensory abilities.

Soon, they had a target.

"North side, some of them are moving there."

"Go around the perimeter!" Kyōichi didn't hesitate.

It was a boat, dense with personnel. Sinking it would not only cause Kirigakure personnel loss but also pain from the loss of equipment on board.

They circled around and sped up towards the target.

Inoichi's fish reached first.

"A big boat, four squads, likely transporting equipment," Inoichi reported.

Ninja usually relied on soldier pills. Even on the island, food storage wouldn't be excessive, but interrogation and medical equipment were hard to transport, with some unable to be sealed in scrolls.

This was the significance of the base.

What was being transported by boat was valuable!

"I'll sink it; you guys come slowly," Kyōichi said, disguising himself as a fish and swiftly moving towards the boat with the Instant Water technique.


On the boat.

"Takezono-kun, check the surroundings."

"It's unlikely anything will happen. Konoha doesn't have many people here; they wouldn't dare come."

"Better safe than sorry."


Takezono stopped arguing and closed his eyes to sense the surroundings. Suddenly, his face turned pale with fear.

"People! People approaching, and fast, be careful!"


The whole boat was on high alert. Two squads of ninja quickly jumped out to intercept Kyōichi, while others prepared defensive seals for the boat.

But in the next moment, they all had a look of terror in their eyes –

A high-pressure water column shot up from the sea, striking the boat and sweeping it sideways.


The boat instantly shattered.

What technique was this?

Their minds went blank.

But they didn't have time to think, as...



With one strike, two Chunin were dead.

The Kirigakure Jōnin, sensing something wrong, drew his kunai for defense, producing a metallic clang.

A blade.

No, that's not it!

His body hair stood on end, and the next second, electricity passed through the kunai, paralyzing his right arm. Another blade, coated in light blue chakra, approached – a Fūton sword technique.

If he got hit by this blade, he would die.

But with his right hand paralyzed, he couldn't form seals.

He could only use taijutsu to escape, hoping for his teammates' help. Fortunately, they were not idle. Takezono instantly appeared, forming seals to disrupt with a water technique.

But in the next moment, Kyōichi's left-hand blade generated a gust of wind.

Vacuum Sword!

One strike.

The water wave was cut through, blood splattered.

The Kirigakure Jōnin, dead!

At the same time.

Hayama Shirakumo and his team arrived.

"A quick battle, a quick end," Kyōichi said, swinging his sword and flicking his fingers.

Takezono was momentarily dazed.

Genjutsu: Blade Swarm Mirage!

He quickly broke out of the genjutsu, but upon recovering, he saw three incredibly fast blades and his teammates rushing to help...