
Konoha's Blue dragon.

A young man wakes up one day to discover himself thrown into the world of naruto without any warning. Witness his journey as he struggles to Survive and make a name for himself in the world of Shinobi. What to expect: Pragmatic Mc Learning and growing in wisdom Op Mc. Note:The story is set to be 11 years before canon. Disclaimer:This work of fiction is for entertainment only. Naruto and Naruto Shippuden belongs to kishimoto.

RenagadeImmortal04 · Komik
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19 Chs

6.Time skip



(Authors thoughts)

★★★★ ★★★★

A month has gone by since the reopening of the academy. Ken's daily life morphed into a monotone lull while he spends most of his time in training ground three after classes end.

His physique had undergone remarkable progress as his body was more toned. His training weights went from ten kilos to twenty kilos per weight with him walking around with 80kilos in total. Ken has progressed from leaf sticking to tree walking in terms of chakra control and his control is steadily rising.

He trains mostly by himself with Might Gai checking on his progress atleast once a week. His progress on the strong fist however has slowly hit a plateau after achieving rudimentary mastery of the katas, with the next step being fighting while augmenting himself with chakra.

Ken returns home after training for the day has ended .He enters his house and takes a long refreshing bath and enters his living room fully clothed.

"Hmm,Training has been progressing along quite nicely. If my rate of progress remains the same I could ask Gai's help in recommending me to a iryo-nin to learn the mystical palm technique".

"Well, I'll cross that bridge once I get there". Saying so he sits cross legged and starts his daily meditation session.

While deep in meditation ken fails to notice a blue aura slowly starting to envelope his body as a whole starting from the top of his head. He feels a pleasurable sensation like a that of a full body massage and slowly falls into a trance. After an hour or so he slowly snaps out of it and is startled awake.

"What was that!",Ken panics and looks around for the cause of this situation but fails to find anything noteworthy among his surroundings.

"If its not something from the outside maybe its something inside me that changed".

Thinking so Ken starts concentrating on his his body and to his astonishnent finds that his chakra reserves have increased by a factor of three thus placing his chakra reserves firmly in the ranks of chunin.

'Woah,My chakra has increased quite a lot,but why?,There are only a few things that can increase chakra levels abruptly, I neither have a special ability nor a unique body like jugo,the only thing unique about me is my past life'.

'Wait,What if me having memories of another life increased my spiritual energy but shattered the harmony between my body and soul'.

'That must be why I had to face quite the hurdle in unlocking my chakra, My body must have reached the required level to produce and merge energy with the excess energy in my soul thus increasing my chakra.'

Ken thinks about his theory and finds it plausible thus answering his question for now.

He realizes that such an abrupt increase in chakra may cause a decrease in chakra control, so he determines his next step to focus on his chakra control more.

During his time in the academy ken has learned the handseals for jutsu execution and has been able to make satisfactory progress in increasing in its casting speed.

He also learned the academy three with him be able to achieve basic mastery in the kawarami or the substitution jutsu where you replace a log with your body while in combat.

While he has mastered both the henge and clone jutsu and can use both quite expertly.

"Man,I wish i could learn the shunshin, it's such a useful jutsu to have while travelling long distances."

'Should I go pay a visit to Shisui since he's still alive, If he really has the same personality as his canon counterpart,Acting like a patriotic fanatic should do the job in making him teach me the shunshin'

Ken has been a frequent visitor to konohas library and has found no scrolls regarding jutsu except books on how jutsu works so he had approached the librarian to inquire about jutsu scrolls and had been told that scrolls containing jutsu are found in a seperate library estabilished near the genin corps.

Access to that library are only for that of genin and higher levels require higher ranks with the jutsu level limit upto jonin rank.

Kage rank jutsus and kinjutsu are held in the scroll of seals and can only be accessed by those shinobi with the approval of the hokage himself.

"Whatever,I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth".

Saying so ken goes to sleep for the day not knowing how far reaching the impact of his existence has caused to the timeline.

Mount Myōboku:

The great toad sage gamamaru was as usual taking a nap when he abruptly woke up exclaiming...


Fukasaku and shima his everpresent aides inquired curiously.

"How is that possible great sage, the prophecy has been foretold to jaraiya long ago"

"A new prophecy has come into existence along with jiraiya's one".Gamamaru reiterates

"A dragon shall rise from the depths of the leaf to fight against the monster from a time beyond".

Fukasaku and shima stood there contemplating the meaning of the prophecy.

"Dragon from the leaf, so he should be from konoha".Mutters fukasaku.

But what does the monster from a time mean.

Gamamaru trembles for a moment and whispers,"It cannot be,That thing was sealed millennia ago"

"What thing,tell us Great sage"implored the toad couple.


"Impossible!,wasn't that just a myth",exclaimed fukasaku.

"It did exist once upon a time,but was defeated and split into the current nine tailed beasts by the sage of the six paths".Gamamaru explained.

"Why werent we told about this?"The toad couple ask.

"I hadnt felt the need as I had not recieved any warning of its resurgence" explains Gamamaru

"What should we do now Great sage?"questioned shima.

"For now nothing,The time has not yet arrived for us to intervene".

"We shall wait for the person to expose themself and should the need arises we shall offer them aid,so do not notify of what has happened here to anyone".

Saying so Gamamaru drifts back into his slumber, while leaving fukasaku and shima to contemplate on what all transpired right now.

To be continued...

★★★★ ★★★★


He guys renagade here, I have previously stated that i accept all ideas on how to improve my fanfic and would like for your support in making my fic generate a bigger audience.Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

RenagadeImmortal04creators' thoughts