
Chapter 3

I dumped my bag down onto my bed. It creaked harshly, even under the light weight of my bag. I hate to think what would happen when I actually slept on it. There was another bed in the dreary room. It looks equally as perilous. I hadn't expected much in terms of my quarters but I had hoped for more than a rickety bed and a large safe. Well they were the most interesting things anyway. Everything in the room was wood. The bed, cupboards and a small chair in the corner that looked very suspicious. I sat down on my bed, exhausted after my long journey. My eyes felt heavy and slowly I drifted off into a deep sleep. After about an hour or so I was awoken by the loud creaking of my door. I ignored it just thinking it was the wind. The door creaked open again. My hands clenched to fists and I felt myself grow angrier. My eyes snapped open and I shot up. The door hadn't opened on it's own. A pair of dark grey eyes met my own.

I lurched back startled at what I saw. She was a human but a very interesting looking one. The figure in front of me was about average height with black hair with a tint of blue. Immediately my heart started racing. She had a dagger but not any; it had mysterious runic symbols on it. This had to be something to do with magic. Magic was forbidden in the Antares tribe.

"Who are you?' asked the girl. Without thinking I snapped back, "Who do you think I am? I'm your roommate duh why else would I be here."

" Alright no need to get snappy" i was mad" don't talk to me like that you…...you…..strange person. What are you and which tribe did you come from?... She gave no reply. "

Well, better not be Saros or you'll be sleeping out there!"

I swiftly returned to my bed as the girl set her bag down on the other bed. She walked over to the only window in the room and pulled back the dusty grey curtains.

Our view was disgusting. I was used to trees and a beautiful stream outside my window but now all I had was deep mud and a couple of prickly bushes. "Who knows what could be lurking so you better be nice." I smirked and turned around to start unpacking.

I took out my work clothes and set them aside on my bed, I would get changed later. I sorted my belongings into the various draws of all sizes and all that was left was my sword. I propped it against the wardrobe and looked behind me.

"Are you just going to stand there or what? You're creeping me out" there was no reply she just stood gazing off into the distance. "HELLO! I mean it, buzz off". There was a long silence. I sighed loudly and the girl snapped out of her trance

"I'm sorry my name is Ophelia. I just got here and I'm not sure what to do. It's very different from home and I'm really quite scared".

"Yeah- i get that, i just got here too, my name is Zenith."

About five minutes later we got changed into our work clothes. It was almost sunset and we had to be at the army cabin soon. "Let's go," I said with a nervous tone. Ophelia opened the creaky wooden door and we took a step outside. It was silent outside except for the gentle patting of rain. "Uh Of course it's raining" Ophelia mumbled. I laughed sarcastically " you are going to need to get used to the rain if you want to fight in an army". We walked for about five minutes talking about our tribe, things we liked and of course things we didn't. I gradually realized I had to keep an eye on her. Something was off. Something very suspicious. I needed to know more about her dagger, about those runic symbols, they had to mean something. " So I'm confused you have a dagger but you don't know what the symbols mean that are carved into it"

" Nope, no idea" she replied

" Maybe it has something to do with your tribe mabey magic." I hinted to her that I knew something was going on. Ophelia looked at the floor for the rest of the journey and it was absolute silence.

" We're here" I announced loudly. Ophelia jumped, she must have been in her own world.

We entered the large building and stood amongst the other children. A large woman walked into the room. "Ladies, if you would just listen for a second, that would be great. I welcome you to the place where you will learn to fight and make the right decisions. Is that understood?

She didn't give us a chance to reply and just continued to speak. " Great, now if you would like to make your way into the training room. Here we will sort out what weapons you have and what ones you need. That is for those who are dumb enough to forget it". We will also be learning how to fight here so please go ahead and look at what we will be covering whilst waiting for your turn. Luckily i had had a nap before coming here otherwise i would be dying of exhaustion. The chattering was again silenced by the instructor. " Ophilia, please make your way up to the front of the classroom. I would like to see what you have brought".

Suddenly all the girls started to giggle. I peered out the window to see what they were looking at. Of course the boys had arrived and it was sunrise yet again. I could see Vito and he looked terrified. We made eye contact and he seemed to perk up when he saw me. He smiled and I smiled back. One of the boys nearby gave him a slap on the shoulder and pointed at me, the boy made those ooh la la eyes at him. I however rolled mine and went to see what we were going to learn about.

Hey, this book is quite new and hasn't undergone editing yet so please bear that in mind! Xx

Frodoughnutcreators' thoughts