
Knives and Brass Knuckles

Street urchin, Nathaniel finds himself in the middle of a power struggle. what he has heard and seen sets him apart. Because of this he is invited to war hero, Henry Rachet's house. Once inside, he finds chaos and trust. As forces emerge against him, his new family rushes to his aid.

C_L_Spearhead · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


The two sets of twins were together, one of the boys was doing pushups with the short-haired girl, Jordyn, doing a handstand on his back. The other boy was planking as he read a story to the girl with the braids.

The planking twin looked up as Ollie pulled Nathaniel by, his eyes widened and he lost his plank, "Ollie?" He looked at Ollie,"No fair! I never get to hold your hand!" He was Connor then, the loud twin. Nathaniel vowed to find other distinguishing features, he had to find their differences. Gene looked at him, his smile strained as he went for another pushup.

"Time." Jordyn said, waiting for Gene to go down before bringing her legs down. She stood, swinging her arms. Gene sat up, rolling his shoulders. He smiled at Ollie and Nathaniel before standing up.

"Time to eat." Gene held out his hand, which Connor took, standing and stretching. His girl looked at her book, sighing as she put a knife in to hold her spot.

Connor grabbed the knife, conjuring a bookmark to put in the book, "You know you're grounded, right?" He asked, the knife disappearing from his hand, Nathaniel watched it disappear, going under the flannel Connor was wearing today. Connor looked at her, "Kiara, you have to give me your knives before you can eat."

The girl scowled, "I will, at the table." She smirked then sprinted into the kitchen, her sister starting after her, squealing as Gene grabbed her, slinging her over his shoulder.

Ollie tugged Nathaniel's hand, Nathaniel looked down, chuckling as Ollie gave him another shake of the head. They walked together into the kitchen where Cole stood with a girl around his age. She straightened as everyone entered. Cole moved to grab some pots and a plate piled to overfilling with pancakes. Connor sat next to Kiara, watching her start to empty her pockets Nathaniel sat across from them, watching in fascination as knife after knife hit the table. There were different types, most were throwing knives, but there were kitchen knives, pocket knives, and hunting knives, each was placed in an ever growing pile.

Ollie sat next to Nathaniel, fiddling with his fork as he watched Cole put on a skillet of eggs. His raspy breaths grew excited as the girl put a pitcher of juice on the table.

"It's orange and grape today." The girl said. Nathaniel looked at her, she was older than Cole, so she was probably Christin. That meant he only had to meet the oldest, Riley and the father of this house, Mr. Rachet. The family all sat at the end of the table closest to the living room. There were many seats, but none at the head of the table. Nathaniel wondered if Mr. Rachet just sat on the side with his kids.

Cole sat down next to Kiara, Christin by him. Gene moved next to Nathaniel and Jordyn next to him. Cole looked at Nathaniel, "Alright! Time for introductions." He pointed to himself, "I'm Cole, I've been here for 13 years." He then gestured to Christin.

Christin rolled her eyes, "I'm Christin, I've been here for 9 years." She eyed Cole, "Cole likes pretending to be the favorite child, he's only in charge when Riley's not around."

"Good riddance for it!" Connor said, earning a playful glare from Cole and a cheer from Kiara. Nathaniel grinned, as Connor saw it he seemed to puff out his chest, Gene shook his head, grinning as well. Jordyn reached for the eggs, starting to heap them on her plate.

"Well, glad to know I'm loved." Cole tapped the bottom of his fork on the table, he nodded at the twin by Gene, Jordyn paused, shoving a fork full of eggs into her mouth. She then shrugged to Cole, gesturing to her chewing mouth.

Gene shared a look with her, he turned to Nathaniel, "This is Jordyn, she's been here for 3 years." He grabbed the eggs from Jordyn, dishing some up for himself, "I'm Gene, I've been here for 2 years." Nathaniel nodded, looking at Jordyn, the girl looked back, her eyes wide. Nathaniel smiled, knowing he would like to try the same strategy for his introduction.

Nathaniel looked away as he realized everyone was expecting him to talk, "I'm Nathani…" he paused, remembering the Wasp saying it, "Nathan." He said, not wanting to keep that hold on him, "You can call me whatever you want." He glanced at Cole, seeing the concern that entered his eyes whenever Nathaniel talked about his past. Nathaniel looked down as Ollie's hand was on his. The boy smiled.

"That's Ollie." Connor started. Ollie shot him a look, shaking his head. Connor fell silent, watching Ollie.

Ollie took a raspy breath, "I'm Ollie." He started, he coughed, his face tensing, Nathaniel squeezed his hand. Ollie smiled, "I've been here for a year." Nathaniel smiled at him. Christin passed the pitcher of juice over and Nathaniel poured it for Ollie. The boy guzzled the juice, finishing it in seconds. Nathaniel filled his cup again, wondering how much talking hurt, it seemed hard for a kid Ollie's age not to be able to talk.

"I'm Connor. I've been here for 6 years."Connor said this, his voice softer, he looked at Nathaniel, his eyes searching him. Nathaniel smiled, wondering what Connor saw. Nathaniel focused on what he had said, he had been here 6 years, Gene had only been here for 2. Nathaniel looked at Gene, who was now pouring some syrup on his pancakes. These twins had a story, Nathaniel looked at everyone around the table, how they were lost in their own memories, everyone here had a story.

Nathaniel looked at Kiara, she was the last to introduce herself. She wore a tank top and a headband holding her braids out of her face. With the morning sun behind her gold highlights hit her shoulders, accenting the rich brown. Nathaniel smiled, that would make a great painting. Kiara narrowed her eyes as she saw Nathaniel staring, she cleared her throat.

"I'm Kiara," She grumbled, "I've been here 3 years." She glanced at Christin who slid her hand under the table. Nathaniel saw Connor glare at Christin as Kiara pocketed a knife, then moved to grab the pancakes. Nathaniel leaned back, excited to see the group's interactions.

There was a tug on his jacket sleeve, Nathaniel looked down at Ollie, Ollie shook his head, putting a pancake on his plate, "Food." The boy commanded, Nathaniel felt his tongue go heavy, if he spoke he'd stammer, but that was better than blushing in front of everyone.

Nathaniel nodded, starting to eat his pancake, he paused as he heard Rocky's meow. Nathaniel saw his kitten sitting by his chair. He leaned over, picking up the cat. When he looked up he caught Gene dumping eggs onto his plate as Connor tossed a sausage onto it from across the table. They started eating their own food as Nathaniel looked at them, pretending nothing had happened.

Nathaniel felt Rocky curl up on his lap and he smiled. He was officially trapped at this breakfast table until he ate, most likely everything they had put on his plate. Nathaniel started to eat his pancake, not bothering with any toppings.

"You don't want syrup?" Nathaniel raised his eyes to see Kiara watching him in horror, her own plate a puddle of syrup.

Nathaniel smiled, "I don't like sugar." It wasn't because he hadn't had sugar on the streets, even before that sugar had disgusted him. He would much prefer a simple salad to a cake, something that would benefit him.

"So that's what it's like to be dead." She stabbed her pancakes, tearing a bite from it while watching Nathaniel for his reaction.

Nathaniel made his smile vanish, he looked at her, making his eyes grave, "I've never been living." He then grabbed his cup and put it to his lips, only to discover he hadn't poured himself any juice.

Gene stuffed a sausage into his mouth, his lips quivering in restrained laughter. Nathaniel started shaking in silent laughter, he covered it by gulping loudly, placing the cup back on the table as he was able to stop. The table fell quiet as people began eating in earnest. Nathaniel finished his pancake and started on the sausage, cutting some pieces and handing them to Rocky.

"How was your school trip, Connor?" Christin asked. Nathaniel looked at Connor, so that's why he hadn't been here yesterday.

Connor shrugged, pouring a glass of juice, "I wasn't able to find anything. Looks like our source went underground. We did a trust fall."

The room quieted, "And?" Cole prompted, sticking another bite of food in his mouth, trying to look casual as he watched Connor.

Connor shrugged, "I caught him. It's what's expected." Cole nodded, relief flooding through his face. Connor saw this, hurt flashing across his face, "The school doesn't know me. They think we're the same." Connor gestured to Gene, "I wouldn't drag down my brother's reputation." Connor became quiet after this, picking at his food.

The table became quiet at this, Gene staring into his cup. Kaila put her hand on Cole's shoulder, giving him a somber nod. Nathaniel picked at his food, feeling full, but not wanting to seem ungrateful by leaving food on his plate. He heard the door open, then rolling on the floor.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! it was soo fun to write! I'll see you guys next chapter!

C_L_Spearheadcreators' thoughts